Business Intelligence
An enterprise Business Intelligence solution must satisfy the reporting and analysis needs of everyone in the organization, from front line workers to executives to analysts. Business Intelligence (BI) is a broad category of computer software solutions that enables a company or organization to gain insight into its critical operations through reporting applications and analysis tools. BI applications may include a variety of components such as tabular reports, spreadsheets, charts, and dashboards. Well-designed BI applications can give anyone in your company the ability to make better decisions by quickly understanding the various “information assets” in your organization and how these interact with each other. Check out these live Business Intelligence demos for examples of reports, charts, scorecards and dashboards that satisfy diverse end user requirements on both mobile devices and desktop computers. WebFOCUS BI software will empower your organization to:
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A Complete Guide to Competitive Intelligence
In the business world, risks and opportunities are everywhere. For example, an industry trend may be sweeping the market for a limited time and favor early adopters, while a competitor that went bust can be a good source for acquiring new customers. These types of news are not readily available, and by the time you purchase expensive analyst reports, they’re already outdated. So how do you make sure you understand your competition and stay ahead of market trends in a way that’s proactive and doesn’t break the bank? Competitive intelligence is the answer to ensuring your business doesn’t get caught off guard. In this guide, you’ll learn the following: Competitive intelligence (CI) is the process of gathering, analyzing, and sharing information about competitors, customers, and other market indicators to increase a company’s competitive edge. It involves a coordinated competitive intelligence program and a centralized collection of data from various sources. Your competitor’s website Content
Sistema de planificación de recursos empresariales
La planificación de recursos empresariales es un término derivado de la planificación de recursos de manufactura (MRPII) y seguido de la planificación de requerimientos de material (MRP); sin embargo los ERP han evolucionado hacia modelos de suscripción por el uso del servicio (SaaS, cloud computing). Los sistemas ERP típicamente manejan la producción, logística, distribución, inventario, envíos, facturas y contabilidad de la compañía de forma modular. Sin embargo, la planificación de recursos empresariales o el software ERP puede intervenir en el control de muchas actividades de negocios como ventas, entregas, pagos, producción, administración de inventarios, calidad de administración y la administración de recursos humanos. Los ERP funcionaban ampliamente en las empresas. Definición[editar] Las aplicaciones ERP son sistemas de gestión global para la empresa. Los objetivos principales de los sistemas ERP son: Modulares. Otras características destacadas de los sistemas ERP son:
Competitive Intelligence: Definition, Types, and Uses
What Is Competitive Intelligence? Competitive intelligence, sometimes referred to as corporate intelligence, refers to the ability to gather, analyze, and use information collected on competitors, customers, and other market factors that contribute to a business's competitive advantage. Competitive intelligence is important because it helps businesses understand their competitive environment and the opportunities and challenges it presents. Key Takeaways Competitive intelligence refers to the ability to gather and use information on factors that affect a company's competitive advantage.Organizations analyze collected data and information to develop effective and efficient business practices.Competitive intelligence can be classified as myopic-oriented, tactical intelligence, or long-term focused strategic intelligence.Gathering data and information is more complex than conducting a simple Internet search. How Competitive Intelligence Works Types of Competitive Intelligence
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Competitive intelligence
CI means understanding and learning what is happening in the world outside the business to increase one's competitiveness. It means learning as much as possible, as soon as possible, about one's external environment including one's industry in general and relevant competitors.[3] Key points[edit] Competitive intelligence is a legal business practice, as opposed to industrial espionage, which is illegal.[4]The focus is on the external business environment.[5]There is a process involved in gathering information, converting it into intelligence, and then using it in decision-making. Another definition of CI regards it as the organizational function responsible for the early identification of risks and opportunities in the market before they become obvious ("early signal analysis"). Historic development[edit] Accepting the importance of competitive intelligence, major multinational corporations, such as ExxonMobil, Procter & Gamble, and Johnson and Johnson, have created formal CI units.
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Economic Intelligence (France)
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Intelligence - Types of intelligence
In most situations, intelligence production involves the assessment of conflicting pieces of incomplete information, the attempt to determine the correct items, and then the processing and assembly of these accurate items into a complete, understandable document that responds to the needs of the operational leader. More often than not the resulting product, which is usually called an intelligence appraisal or intelligence assessment, contains some incorrect information. In order to structure this production, analysts divide intelligence into types. While all types of intelligence are valuable, in any given situation some may be of greater worth than others, may be more accurate, and may provide a more complete view of the situation. By dividing intelligence into types, analysts and commanders arrive at a better understanding of the value and accuracy of a given piece of information. Following are some important types of intelligence. Armed forces Biographical Cartographic Economic Energy
Consumo colaborativo en Chile
Chile se está convirtiendo en un referente emprendedor a nivel mundial con programas como StartupChile y una gran concentración de talento. Muchos de estos emprendimientos se mueven en el entorno del consumo colaborativo, ¿los quieres conocer?Dalma Berkovics, OuiShare Connector en Santiago de Chile, ha preparado esta presentación que resume de manera breve y completa el auge del consumo colaborativo en Chile. ¿Sorprendidos? También os puede interesar este artículo de TheEconomist: The lure of Chilecon Valley Imagen de portada de Alobos Life en Flickr con licencia CC-BY-NC-ND Ingeniero multimedia fascinado por aplicar los modelos disruptivos de internet fuera de internet fundó en 2011 y ha formado parte de la vanguardia del movimiento desde entonces, siendo referencia en lengua española, ejerciendo de Conector de OuiShare para España y América Latina y formando parte del equipo de Global Curators de
Servicio Nacional de Aduanas - Inicio
Estimados usuarios, El Departamento de Infraestructura debe realizar trabajos en su plataforma de servidores. Para tal efecto, se ha programado el corte de todos los servicios informáticos en la siguiente fecha y hora: Inicio: 22:00 horas del jueves 24-04-2014Fin: 06:00 horas del viernes 25-04-2014 Servicios afectados: indisponibilidad total de servicios internos y externos. Esperando su acostumbrada comprensión, se despide atentamente, Departamento de Soporte InformáticoSubdirección de InformáticaServicio Nacional de Aduanas
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