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6 Tips for Creating Content That Spreads Naturally

6 Tips for Creating Content That Spreads Naturally
We’ve all been there -- you hit publish on a blog post and expect the social shares, page views, and agreeable comments to start rolling in. But sometimes you get pure silence -- crickets, even -- in response. Using social media and content to market your business isn't a new concept, so just doing the bare minimum won't cut it. I mean, think about how often content is shared across the web -- there are one billion Facebook users, and according to Twitter itself, there are about one billion tweets sent every two and a half days. So it takes more effort than simply publishing content and doing your typical marketing to reach your audience and generate leads. If you're interested in learning more about these concepts, join the author for a webinar with HubSpot, How to Improve Lead Generation Using the Social Media Advancements from 2012, December 10th at 2PM EST. 1) Don't try something new. Wait. Seriously. 2) Surprise people. … Or make them happy, sad, afraid, angry, even disgusted!

How to Master Content Marketing In a Month Do you want to attract a steady stream of new customers? Are you looking to create better content, but you need fresh ideas? A lot of marketers are still unclear about what content marketing means. This article will explore the benefits of content marketing and preview an exciting new opportunity from Social Media Examiner to help take your content marketing to the next level. Smart Content, Big Rewards: An Example Today, businesses of all sizes are using content marketing to slay the competition, attract large followings of loyal customers and explode their business’ growth. But when tiny Magnolia Hi-Fi started using content, the Internet wasn’t even around. Magnolia used content marketing to grow from a small audio store to an $87 million brand. Back then, they had just transitioned from a neighborhood greeting card and photography store to an audio specialty store. The plan was to give prospective buyers something to focus on other than price – content. Here’s a question for you. inShare230

13 content marketing tips from the experts: how to write a great blog There are many content marketing tools that B2B marketers can use. The most popular is the blog. In Rebecca Lieb’s book, Content Marketing, she says: “No topic or industry is too arcane for a blog”. She cites a US-engineering company, Indium, that has no less than 73 different blogs…on soldiering materials. Having that many blogs increased the firm's inbound leads by 600%. But creating original content and finding time to do it is a business' biggest challenge she says. Hubspot reported that companies who blog 15 or more times per month get 5X more traffic than companies that don't blog at all. But if you can't commit the time and resources to blog that frequently take heart. So you know you must do it, and as frequently as you can. Here the content marketing experts reveal their secrets about how to write a great blog: 1. Says Doug Kessler, a well known UK blogger on content marketing and co-founder and creative director at Velocity Partners. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. Michael Brenner: 2. 3. 5.

HOW TO: Evaluate Your Social Media Plan Meaghan Edelstein has gained national media attention through her blog, I Kicked Cancer's Ass, which she started to document her battle with end stage cancer. She is an attorney, the founder of the non-profit organization Spirit Jump, and the Social Media Director for Many companies, startups and well established businesses are frustrated because their social media presence isn’t larger or yet benefiting their bottom line. Here are a few tips businesses should consider. 1. There are many social media platforms to consider when designing an online campaign. When launching a Facebook presence, consider the various platforms within this medium; Pages, Groups and now Communities. Twitter is a quick and easy way for brands to share updates and ideas with their consumers, and it's also a good place to watch trends and listen to what your demographic is excited about. Blogging can be a powerful tool for any brand. 2. 3. 4. 5. More Business Resources from Mashable:

Business Owners - Stop Being Scared of Social Media We have all read it and we have all heard it coming from all angles especially since Penguins and Pandas caused havoc with so many online businesses: It’s all about social signals. It’s all about Twitter, Facebook and Google+. It’s all about having that presence. Isn’t it? Although, not according to a high number of online businesses who still don’t want to have a social presence. There are also those that are scared of giving their customers a platform to be able to publically criticise their company. Whatever their reason, it’s time all of these businesses faced facts – they need a social presence. Social signals have an impact on your rankings and there is no getting away from it. Today I am going to go through the usual reasons I hear for people not getting involved and providing you with links and tips as to how and why you should get started. Stop hiding under the duvet Stop hiding, get out there and engage with your customers. How? It’s a no brainer surly? I don’t have time It really is.

18 Social Media Mgmt Tools for Smart Social Media Users Are you interested in methods that can boost your social media marketing? Do you want to know about tools that can make your job lot easier? If your answer is yes, you have come to the right place. Unlock to Share Plugin For majority of social media users, this is one of the most popular social media management tools. The advantage of this plugin lies in the fact that at this point of time, every website has a Like button. SlideShare This does not come under the category of a new tool but it is very surprising to know that lots of marketers still do not use SlideShare. When it comes to social media distribution, SlideShare can be quite an effective tool. What makes such a good option as social media management tools is that it plays a pivotal role in building relationships with potential clients and supporters on Twitter. The best part is that basic service is not going to cost you anything. YouTube’s Audience Retention Report Cyfe Cloze AgoraPulse GaggleAMP SproutSocial Reachli

Stratégie sur les médias sociaux Lorsque l’on évoque le terme de stratégie sur les médias sociaux, on ne peut s’empêcher de penser à la multitude de choses qui nous reste à faire. Il n’est pas possible de déterminer une méthodologie universelle car il faut bien évidemment s’adapter à chaque entreprise et à chaque objectif. En revanche, il est nécessaire de se fixer certaines règles. Nous allons tenter d’établir une chronologie qui, bien que générale, représentera votre base de départ. Pour agir sur les médias sociaux, on se doit de respecter une certaine logique et ligne de conduite. Pour cela, je vous ai préparé une méthode nommée le « Social Media Snake » soit, pour les anglophobes, le « serpent des médias sociaux » ! 1-Faire un état des lieux (publié) Faire le point et noter la date de départ de votre activité sont deux étapes indispensables. 2-Fixer ses objectifs (publié) 3-Choisir ses indicateurs de performance (publié) 4-Ouvrir ses comptes sur les différentes plateformes et annoncer sa présence (publié)

10 Content Marketing Tips to Take into 2013 This year has very much been the year of content marketing. Social media, second screen and mobile can all claim to have had huge marketing years, but they’re all just strands of content marketing anyway. In 2012, content is king once more. You Don’t Know it All If you only ever take in one piece of advice about content, it should be that you don’t know everything about it. Quality Content Wins You want your content to be found and shared. But Don’t Overthink It The danger with all content marketing tips is that they make you overthink. Don’t Limit Your Content Either One of the content marketing tips you’ll hear over and over is to define and target the right prospects. Share Over and Over and Over With that in mind, share your content everywhere. Don’t Fear Variety A lot of marketers have particular niches they like to stick to. Don’t Stop Posting Content marketers can’t afford to take breaks. Create and Curate Some of the best content marketers out there never write a word of their own.

65 Metrics To Track Blog Success To measure your blog’s success, start by setting your blog’s goals and determining which metrics are most effective to track your progress against these objectives. This holds whether your blog is B2C, B2B, not-for-profit (NFP), or solorpreneur. Blog metrics are all about attracting the right audience and getting them to take appropriate action as a result of reading your posts. Further, before you jump in and start tracking blog results, assess the difficulty and cost of your related analytics. While there’s a wide range of options available, Google Analytics, which I use, provides basic tracking of blog visitors. 65 Blog metrics to track blog effectiveness Most blog goals fall into one of nine major categories outlined below. Blog Goal 1 – Attract new prospects. How many visitors do you have? Blog Goal 2 – Increase branding. Do visitors recognize your brand when they see your blog? Blog Goal 3 – Expand reach. Does the blog drive earned media impressions in terms of social media shares?

« Ce qui compte ne peut pas toujours être Do Improved Social Signals Cause Improved Rankings? The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz. Everyone in search is by now aware that certain social signals are well-correlated with rankings. In each major study published on the subject, the authors point to how correlation does not imply causation (see, for example SEOmoz and Searchmetrics). Dr. Pete even wrote a whole post on the subject. I wanted to see if it was actually plausible for these correlations to arise without social signals being a direct ranking factor. I have a suspicion that this could be the most misinterpreted post I have ever written, so I thought I'd start with a prominent "Cliff notes" to be explicitly clear about what I am saying and more importantly what I am not saying. I am saying You can tweet any of the following without misrepresenting me: I am not saying Likes don't matter [where did I say that?] What is this based on? Why focus on Likes? Starting at the beginning 1. 2. 3.

The Ultimate Guide to Guest Blogging Here at Kissmetrics, we’ve discussed how you can build authority in your industry through blogging. If you’re a fan of Social Media Examiner, you might have read about major brands that have benefited from guest blogging. So today, we are going to look at exactly how you can get guest blogging opportunities and make the most out of them. Determine Your Guest Blogging Goals Before we begin, your first task is to decide what your goal for guest blogging is. Positioning yourself as an authority and well-known name in the industry.Getting exposure (traffic) back to your website.Building backlinks to your website. With the right kind of content on the top blogs, you can do all three of these things. How to Find Guest Blogging Opportunities The first thing you will want to do is find guest post opportunities. The content is focused on your niche / industry.The audience of the blog will be interested in your industry. Google Searches Prolific Guest Bloggers Competitor Backlinks Social Searches
