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The Hawkeye Initiative

The Hawkeye Initiative

SRS Repair Her Armor ...1 month ago throwdownyourhat submitted: I’m not a big fan of anime, but I do tend to leave Cartoon Network on when I’m using my computer and sometimes I end up watching a bit of it every now and again.As that is, I noticed an absolutely atrociously inappropriate outfit on a young lady (Chi Chi from Dragon Ball) and I immediately felt the call to fix it for her. I took the liberty of embellishing upon the design already present, giving her a jumpsuit instead of a bikini, and flattening her chest as well as rounding out her waist area to emphasize her youth. What I find most disturbing about the unfixed version is the chest.

SebastianStan - #whereismackie via cmbenz’s instagram stories sebastian’s nine best/most liked posts on instagram this year (x) imsebastianstan Hello. cmbenz Christmas Eve kitchen #best #bunhome imsebastianstan Thank you @ohhelloshow for having me as your guest tonight #2much2na To the real Spielberg and Eastwood! dianasytko For those who know . Autostraddle Fat, Ugly or Slutty Acervos de História How to Fail at Being an Ally As I wrote last week, people who do not identify as allies cause undue and often unintentional distress in marginalized groups. Some of them might be indifferent, some might not. Either way, in their case, it’s a simple lack of awareness. Presumably, one would expect more from fellow activists or self-identified allies, right? Wait, do I hear a mass eye-rolling from Internet-land? Indeed, if you know anything about the matter and/or have engaged in enough social justice-related activism or even just dialogue, you know that half-baked “allies” are often worse than the simply ignorant.One problem that allies can have is not checking their own privilege. Unpack your own knapsack, first. Once, at a conference, I met a man who, upon hearing I wrote for this site, remarked that he knows how much we deal with and proceeded to apologize for his penis. “How dare you brand me a racist? The panel was comprised of two women and the man, the latter of whom served as moderator.

Sexisme chez les geeks : Pourquoi notre communauté est malade, et comment y remédier J’aimerais préciser quelque chose. Quand Mar_Lard a publié son article sur Joystick en août dernier sur ce blog, nous avons décidé de publier tous les commentaires afin que tout le monde puisse se rendre compte de la violence des réactions. Je suggère à ceux qui voudraient réitérer ce genre d’exploits (histoire de contribuer à la démonstration de Mar_Lard, merci les mecs) de lire la charte de modération désormais en vigueur sur ce blog au lieu de perdre leur temps. [EDIT] Devant le nombre de confusions, 2ème précision: ce blog appartient à AC Husson mais l’auteure de cette contribution est Mar_Lard. Attention, cet article inclut de nombreux exemples susceptibles de choquer : images d’une grande violence ou sexuellement explicites, insultes et propos à caractère fortement sexiste/homophobe/raciste, menaces de violences sexuelles et autres. Ce paragraphe a suscité des réactions extrêmes. Et d’autre part, la prévisible levée de boucliers. 1. Le problème est dans l’industrie. Ah, les babes.
