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Motivating posters for your business - Startup Vitamins

Motivating posters for your business - Startup Vitamins

WEARUI.CO - Wearable Technology User Interface Inspiration TOKEO Natalia Nguyen Architekt, aktorka, miłośniczka designu, jedzenia i gotowania. Moja miłość do architektury i designu trwa od ponad 10 lat. Dziedzinom tym poświęciłam całe życie zawodowe, które powiązałam z pracą w biurach architektonicznych i studiami aranżacji wnętrz. Ukończyłam Politechnikę Warszawską oraz Santa Monica College, West LA College i Los Angeles Institute of Architecture and Design. Architektura jest wyzwaniem, które chcę rozwijać i zgłębiać do końca życia. Szerszej publiczności znana jestem jako współprowadząca program „Pan i Pani House”, emitowany na antenie TVN w 2012 roku. Pasjonacko interesuję się też modą, zwłaszcza dodatkami– biżuterią, którą tworzę pod marką Missingellement.

Project Dent - Today GirlsInTech Pick Their Top 100 Women In Tech In Europe While in the US the visibility of women in technology startups is pretty well established, in Europe it’s suffered a little from the more general problem of the fragmented nature of the European tech scene. Things have improved slightly in recent years (at least that’s my impression, although who knows about the stats on the ground?), but it remains the case that there are far more men than women. So lifting the visibility of women in technology is no bad thing, especially if it encourages other women to pursue careers in tech startups, which are typically more about meritocratic, flat management that the traditional “IT” roles. So it’s a welcome moment that the newly established Girls in Tech London group (@girlsintech_uk) has announced their pick of the Top 100 women in tech in Europe. The final list is unranked, so we’ve put it in alphabetical order (we’ll try to update with Twitter handles etc in due course):

Kitted | Brand Guidelines, Simplified : Mode femme, Beauté femmes, Maman, Mariage, Psycho... Gridlover Courses | Highbrow Choose one course Receive new knowledge every morning Learn, grow, repeat... Learn More Personal finance conceptsIt can be difficult knowing where to begin with personal finance. What if you just… Learn More How to sleep better and the secret power of napsGetting a good night’s sleep may improve your health, help manage your stress, and make… Learn More Patent basics: for inventors and decision-makersIf you are an entrepreneur, engineer, or inventor, you will likely have questions about patents… Learn More Confidence: The secret to your success!Learn the tools, strategies, and information needed to increase your confidence and achieve success. Many… Learn More Relational database designDatabases used by software and websites are designed to take advantage of the benefits of… Learn More Persuasion science masterclass: Part IIInfluencing other people can be next to impossible if you don’t know how.

Ask Me Anything New 2.0 software for Nest Protect A lot of things get better over time. Leather jackets, your kids piano playing, pretty much all technology. Sadly, that hasn’t applied to smoke alarms. The alarm that’s been on your ceiling for 10 years hasn’t gotten better. But Nest Protect can. Over the next two weeks, all Wi-Fi connected Nest Protect smoke and CO alarms will get new 2.0 software that cuts down on false alarms from steam, gives you insights into your home and helps you stay safe. Steam Check: Steam sets off most smoke alarms, regardless of what kind of sensor they use. It will use its built-in humidity sensor and new algorithms to understands the difference between steam and smoke. Want to know more about how Steam Check algorithm works? Safety History: Check the Nest app to see what caused Heads-Up or Emergency Alarms over the last 10 days. What To Do 2.0: Having an escape plan in an emergency can make all the difference. Hidden Networks: Some of our customers like to keep their Wi-Fi hidden from others.

Scrum for Trello - the free Trello Scrum extension for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari
