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30 Great Websites with Parallax Scrolling

30 Great Websites with Parallax Scrolling
This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Learn More.GOT IT! Magazine for designers and web developers Add to Collections! 30 Great Websites with Parallax Scrolling Article by Awwwards Team in The Best Articles - July 30 The parallax effect has been around for years in classic video games, but it became a trend in the web design world. Nearby objects have a larger parallax than more distant objects when observed from different positions, so parallax scrolling can be used to determine distances. Melanie F. Go to website Related Articles

CSS et Mobile First : procéder par amélioration progressive Le Web mobile est un environnement de développement en plein essors et nécessite une attention particulière de par les contraintes qu’il impose. Penser responsive est un bon début pour rendre l’expérience utilisateur accessible sur tout support, mais peu encore se soucient du temps de chargement qui fait voler en éclats le rapport coûts/bénéfices d’une intégration adaptative. Voir la démo Télécharger la source La dégradation progressive en première réponse au responsive La première vague de designers qui ont répondu à la portabilité de leurs œuvres s’est ruée vers une solution facile qui était la dégradation progressive. Cette solution royale pour des designs déjà accessibles sur bureaux ne demande que de rétablir les largeurs en pourcentage, et de modifier quelques valeurs ou propriétés CSS pour laisser le tout s’adapter au support de l’utilisateur, comme ci-contre : Quelques exemples :,, Cliquez sur l'image pour agrandir Conclusion

Mobile Design Pattern Gallery Adenum, votre assistant de trésorerie personnel 50 great parallax scrolling websites Today's advanced web technologies make it possible to create remarkable effects in the browser. While these effects can be gimmicky, when employed in the right way they can result in a distinctive and memorable website. One fairly recent web design trend is parallax scrolling, which involves the background moving at a slower rate to the foreground, creating a 3D effect as you scroll down the page. It can sometimes be overwhelming, but when used sparingly it can provide a nice, subtle element of depth. You'll find more advice in our pro tips for building parallax websites post. But to show how it should be done, we've collected together sites that employ the technique to good effect. The 41 greatest free web fonts 01. A-dam designs original boxer briefs and shorts for men with character, using GOTS-certified organic cotton and hand-made by people with fair wages and normal working hours. 02. 03. Choose a website builder: 16 top tools 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Practical CSS Parallax by Keith Clark Last year, I wrote an article that demonstrated how to acheive the popular parallax scrolling effect using nothing but CSS transforms. Since then, I've had plenty of feedback from developers about the technique and the issues they have run into. This post tackles many of these issues and outlines practical methods for implementing CSS parallax. CSS Parallax feature detection Many of the reported issues from this technique are focused on older browsers not completely supporting 3D transforms and therefore rendering layers incorrectly. @supports ((perspective: 1px) and (not (-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch))) { } This will only apply the parallax effect if the browser implements CSS feature detection, the perspective property and, to address iOS momentum scroll issues, doesn't support -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch. Feature detection demo Smooth scrolling to content using CSS A common feature with parallax sites is the ability to scroll smoothly between sections of content. Safari Firefox

Adaptive Images in HTML Koken le CMS des créatifs - presentation-cms Découvrez une présentation du service Koken, un CMS pour les photographes et tous les créatifs ! Vous avez besoin de votre propre site pour dans le cadre de votre activité de photographe ?Vous êtes créatif et voulez propulser sur le web vos dernières réalisations ?Vous avez besoin d'une solution rapide et gratuite sans avoir la contrainte d'un gros développement ? Koken est alors fait pour vous ! Un design à votre goût et vos clichés en HD Tous les webdesigners ou dév' connaissent les solutions comme joomla, drupal ou encore le roi des CMS Wordpress ! Mais si CSS n'est pas un souci pour vous, alors vous aurez le plaisir de bidouiller votre template ! Hébergement "at home" KOKEN est développé sur une base PHP & MySql, ce qui signifie que vous pourrez héberger votre site en local et le propulser ensuite sur votre serveur. Une interface d'administration complète et très simple est prévue afin que vous ne soyez pas perdu (même pour les néophytes). Les photographes seront aux anges !

30 Beautiful Three-Colors Websites For Your Inspiration Color affects a design greatly. However, a design with too many colors can easily overwhelm a viewer. Sometimes a minimalist approach can help draw the eye of the visitor to specific content – the right content. In this collection of websites, we focused on designs that used three colors for their primary design elements. However, a few of these sites do include one or two highlight colors beyond the 3 main colors. Notice how the colors help you focus your attention to where it is needed. Recommended Reading: Beautiful & Creative Single-Page Portfolio Websites Image Mechanics A nice minimalist design, that uses just enough color to draw the eye to important content on the site. nclud The large, blue photographic background is a nice contrast to the white main text and green brand name, which draws a reader’s attention first. The Loft Different shades of grey on a white background give this web page a sophisticated minimalist appearance. Fat-Man-Collective Creative Spark Pepperminted Digimurai

10 CSS & JavaScript Parallax Scrolling Code Snippets There’s a lot of confusion about parallax design and how it works on the web. Generally speaking, parallax design is the use of motion to create the illusion of depth on a page. This can relate to background changes or semi-fixed position items that move alongside the user’s scrolling. We’ve covered many examples from websites but haven’t gone into detail about the techniques involved. For this collection I’ve picked my favorite parallax designs that offer free source code you can play around with and even bring into your own projects. 1. The Great Fall designed by CJ Gammon is one of the most unique interfaces I’ve ever found. It uses a custom script to create a waterfall sprite that seems to flow endlessly down the page. Not to mention the page also has small tooltip windows that feature content boxes of relevant info. But for the most part this is really a testament to what’s possible in modern web development. 2. When you scroll, each page section appears “above” the background. 3. 4.
