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- 20+ Apps to Support the Digital Storytelling Process

- 20+ Apps to Support the Digital Storytelling Process

E-readers prove easy on the eye for some dyslexics Using an e-reader may help some dyslexic students understand what they read, researchers at Harvard University argue. In a paper published in the journal PLOS One, the authors found that a group of dyslexic teenagers showed greater reading comprehension when using an iPod Touch e-reader than when asked to read from paper. The e-reader was formatted to display around nine lines of text on the screen at a time, with only two or three words in each line, leaving fewer visual distractions. The authors therefore concluded that this improvement is due to the reduced demands on visual attention when reading from the iPod. The dominant theoretical explanation for dyslexia involves phonological processing, or understanding the sound structure of speech. In normal reading, there is a sensitive and highly efficient link between eye movement and understanding. In skilled reading, this process is so automatic we hardly notice it. However, the study shows this is not the full explanation.

Tellagami – Create Narrated Animations on Your iPad Tellagami is a free iPad that elementary school students will enjoy using to create narrated animations. If you have ever used Voki or GoAnimate, Tellagami will feel familiar to you. Tellagami allows your students to create customized animated scenes in a matter of minutes. To create a narrated, animated scene students simply open Tellagami and tap “create.” After opening the create menu students will see a default character and background scene. Consider having your students use Tellagami to create narrated animations of their favorite scenes from books that they’ve read. Tags: Creative Writing, digital story telling, digital storytelling, free ipad app, free ipad apps, language arts Appar för berättande Jag har några appar på iPaden som jag använder till många olika saker när vi jobbar med berättande på olika sätt med eleverna i åk 1-3. Det har varit till presentationer av olika slag i alla ämnen. Bara fantasin som sätter stopp. I matten har vi använt dem till att berätta räknesagor, presentera hur man löser olika problem, berättat om olika räknesätt m.m. Det är följande appar: Book Creator Book Creator 38:- Book Creator är en mycket kreativ app där man kan skapa egna digitala böcker. När man är klar med den kan man bland annat välja att spara den som pdf och då kan man använda sig av Flipsnack för att bädda in den på t.ex. bloggen. Läs med i denna guide eller hos Skolappar. Sock Puppets Gratis/Complete 28:- Finns både som gratisapp och som betalapp. Du väljer vilka strumpdockor, bakgrund samt rekvisita som du vill ha med i din ”pjäs”. Här har vi gjort räknesagor. Läs mer på Skolappar om Sock Puppets. Puppet Pals HD och Puppet Pals 2 Puppet Pals finns egentligen i fyra olika varianter. iMovie

Digital Storytelling Project Examples - iPad Multimedia Tools App Smashing! Using multiple apps to create stories! Book Trailers by using middle schoolers using Puppet Pals, Toontastic, iMovie, and more! Talking Book Characters by middle schoolers using FaceJack, Tellagami, PhotoSpeak and more! ChatterPix Kids: The Angels Speak! Talking Snowmen - combination of snowmen created in the Drawing Pad app with animation added with ChatterPix, by 2nd graders Write About This: 30 Hands: Explain Everything: All about Bats - kindergarten drawings using the Hello Crayon app, narration added with Explain Everything. At the Pumpkin Patch - kindergarten drawings using the Hello Crayon app, narration added with Explain Everything. Adobe Voice: Public Service Announcements on Technology and Self Control - by 6th graders
