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The Science of Storytelling: Why Telling a Story is the Most Powerful Way to Activate Our Brains

The Science of Storytelling: Why Telling a Story is the Most Powerful Way to Activate Our Brains

Hoe kan je storytelling succesvol inzetten voor een klein bedrijf? « Creatiekracht Hoe kan je storytelling succesvol inzetten voor een klein bedrijf? Geplaatst door reneboonstra op 27 december 2012 · 18 reacties Ondernemingen, of ze nu groot of klein zijn, moeten opeens sociaal communiceren. Internet is het synoniem geworden voor een gigantisch vergrootglas waar je niet van weg kan lopen. Hoe kan je nu continu een consistent verhaal blijven vertellen waarmee je succes boekt? {*style:<b>Terug in de tijd </b>*}We gaan terug in de tijd. Onder de naam Schorem bestaat er weer een authentieke “echte mannenkapper” in Rotterdam waar je onder het genot van een goed glas whisky terecht kan voor een uitgebreide knip- en scheerbeurt zonder last te hebben van bemoeizuchtig vrouwvolk. Schorem is dan ook zeer duidelijk in zijn propositie zoals hieronder valt te lezen: Ze doen precies wat beloven. Hieronder een opsomming van de belangrijkste punten waarom Schorem zo succesvol is: Schorem richt zich volledig op de behoeften van de klanten Schorem is een beleving Online content Offline content

Why Storytelling Will Be Important To Businesses In 2013 You may have heard it several times over, especially in the past couple years, but I think it will ring true in 2013 more than ever: Stories are going to fuel business, organizations and products in 2013, and social media is going to play a big role in those stores. It's been proven that stories have a different effect on the mind. Stories draw people in and make them feel something. Your success or failure will depend on what you make people feel, and we feel something when we connect with a story. When we connect with a story, we want to share that with our friends, family and the rest of the world. I think Jeff Jones, the CMO of Target said it well when he was recently interviewed about Target's marketing strategy in 2013: "In the past, marketers would make campaigns, they would put them in the world, and they would wait to see what happened. As a business, your goal should be to create content that speaks well for your company and tells a story we can connect with.

De toekomst van gamification in Nederland Gamification staat in de Gartner Hype Cycle van juli 2012 bijna op de top van de cyclus. Maar eind 2012 matigde Gartner haar enthousiasme over gamification: “In 2014 zal 80% van de bestaande gamified applicaties niet voldoen aan de business doelstellingen, vooral door slecht design.” Klik op bovenstaande afbeelding voor een grote weergave. Wat Gartner zegt is interessant, nóg interessanter is te horen hoe het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven tegen de gamification trend aankijkt. Wat is gamification in de ogen van Nederlandse managers? Waar liggen de kansen en wat zijn eventuele struikelblokken om met gamification aan de slag te gaan? Dit artikel omvat de belangrijkste conclusies van een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de kansen en struikelblokken voor de toepassing van gamification in het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven (publiek en privaat). Gamification of serious game? Kansen? Ziet het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven kansen voor gamification? Merkverhaal en engagement. Intrinsieke motivatie Eerste initiatieven

Stories That Stay With You A large group was staying at the hotel on the Club Level. For many of these guests, this was their first visit to China. They were curious about Chinese culture, and seemed particularly intrigued by some of the food offerings in the Club Lounge. One morning, while eating breakfast, they kept commenting on the fried dumplings, asking questions like "How do you make Chinese dumplings" and "What's the filling inside these dumplings?" The Guest Recognition manager answered the questions, but then came up with a unique idea to "wow" the guests. She thought it would be fun to organize a home-style dumpling class. The Guest Recognition manager shared her idea with her team, and they immediately got to work to make it happen. On the day of the big event, the Club team set up a special cocktail reception for the guests with a presentation of wine, champagne, beer and soft drinks. The guests had a fantastic time.

Johnnie Walker: Taking 'The Quest' Narrative Online [TIPS] - Brand Stories Where I come from, Johnnie Walker is the undisputed king of whisky. I practically grew up on it. Black Label was my beverage of choice. It was at every party, all weddings, births, graduations and most funerals. In a nutshell, if you you didn’t serve it, you’d hear about it! It wasn’t until I started working in advertising that I began to appreciate the reasons behind JW’s success. Tapping Into The Quest Narrative – “Keep Walking” We all relate to quests. I’m not entirely sure JW intentionally tapped into “the quest” narrative initially, it might’ve happened by chance. In the logo, the man is walking forward, which Diageo (JW’s parent) says symbolises forward thinking and the pursuit of excellence. Chance or not, today Johnnie Walker fully understand the value of “the quest” narrative in storytelling and capitalise on it brilliantly. The striding man now symbolises “the quest”. The Striding Man stands for resilience, determination and endurance. The “Keep Walking” Campaign In Summary Google+

Coke Wants in on Storytelling Last week, Coca-Cola took an intriguing approach to the growing trend of “brands as publishers.” Calling it Coca-Cola Journey, Coke married the staid, static philosophy of a corporate website with the dynamic, fluidity of a blog. While the Atlanta-based soft drink company has its footprints all over the digital world — it has a robust presence on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn — it also wanted to build its own online home, a welcoming place for its fans. While it may be a great PR move, there’s also value for its 1.2 million monthly unique visitors. Coke is now firmly entrenched in the storytelling business, minus the whole ad selling aspect. “It speaks to a corporate culture that is open to new ideas and diversity of opinion,” said Gregg Colvin, svp of digital at Universal McCann. The flip side of this is that Coke is consciously trying to change people’s expectations, if not behaviors, on a corporate site. Image via Shutterstock

Every Brand Has a Story To Tell One of the first clients I worked with out of college was a toilet company. Granted the company was the largest international manufacturer of bathroom fixtures – products every house and office in the developed world has a need for. But imagine my enthusiasm as a freshly-minted PR professional, being told I would be working to secure publicity for toilets. I’ll admit, I wasn’t excited at first. Maybe it was growing up in the plant business that gave me this perspective. If you find yourself stuck with a client that at first seems like a dud, take a step back and try to look for the real stories behind the brand. At some point in the history of every company, people were scratching their heads trying to figure out how to make it interesting to consumers. Every brand has a story to tell, and it’s our job as communicators – as brand journalists – to find those stories and tell them in a way that generates excitement.

Using Stories to Teach: How Narrative Structure Helps Students Learn June 14, 2012 by Sherrelle Walker, M.A Ever since the letter K was a baby, she loved to make her signature sound: ka, ka, ka. K knew that the only other letters in the alphabet that could make her “ka” sound were the letter C (when he didn’t sound like an S) and the letter Q. K enjoyed making her “ka” sound as often as possible in as many words as she could. Soon, however, K also learned that whenever she stood in front of the letter N at the beginning of a word, it was impossible to make her signature sound. At first, K was very sad about this, but after working with N and other letters to make fun words like knot, knob, kneel, and know—words that the other letters could only make with her help—K learned that staying silent sometimes was an important job for a letter, and that many of her alphabet friends also had to be silent from time to time. Scientists have long known that human beings are storytelling creatures. Further reading: Melanie C. Related Reading:

Theaterregisseur Annette Mees over theater en transmedia Op uitnodiging van de HKU was Annette Mees in Nederland om een project van de studenten van Interactive Performance Design and Games te begeleiden. Vlak voor haar terugreis naar Londen bracht ze een bezoek aan Virtueel Platform om uitleg te geven over haar werk. Het werk van Annette Mees sluit aan op het thema transmedia dat Virtueel Platform op dit moment behandelt. You Have Found Coney Annette Mees tijdens HOT100 (door: Mathijs Voordenberg) Annette Mees heeft altijd op grensgebieden van verschillende disciplines gewerkt. "Het maken van theater is een organisch proces. Ondertussen begon ik de methodes van conventioneel theater te “hacken” en werkte ik aan eigen projecten. Coney ontwerpt verhaalwerelden waarin het publiek actief kan participeren. Samen met Tassos Stevens en Tom Bowtell leidt Annette Mees het collectief Coney. House of Cards (door: Ludovic Des Cognets) “We hebben zojuist een groot project afgerond voor Kensington Palace, House of Cards, dat het komende jaar de zien is.

Five Places to Look For Your Brand's Story This guest article is written by Jim Signorelli, CEO of StoryLab Marketing in Chicago and author of StoryBranding: Creating Standout Brands Through The Power Of Story. Finding your authentic brand's story is not a luxury for the touchy-feely. Given our overloaded channels of communication and the general lack of trust (and boredom) with advertising messages, finding your brand's true emotional core and expressing it through your brand's story is a must. But first, you must know what you're looking for. If you ask any storywriter, "what are you trying to say through your story?" Most elevator speeches speak about a brand's function or what it does i.e. we help advertisers make the most of social media, or I empower people to find their inner artist etc. To find, clarify and promote your brand story, don't look to what you do. 1. Start with the most important functional outcome that your brand delivers i.e time and/or money savings, ease of use, greater security etc. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Storytelling Historical perspective[edit] A very fine par dated 1938 A.D. The epic of Pabuji is an oral epic in the Rajasthani language that tells of the deeds of the folk hero-deity Pabuji, who lived in the 14th century. Storytelling predates writing, with the earliest forms of storytelling usually oral combined with gestures and expressions. Contemporary storytelling[edit] Modern storytelling has a broad purview. Oral traditions[edit] Albert Bates Lord examined oral narratives from field transcripts of Yugoslav oral bards collected by Milman Parry in the 1930s, and the texts of epics such as the Odyssey and Beowulf.[4] Lord found that a large part of the stories consisted of text which was improvised during the telling process. Lord identified two types of story vocabulary. The story was described by Reynolds Price, when he wrote: A need to tell and hear stories is essential to the species Homo sapiens – second in necessity apparently after nourishment and before love and shelter. Values[edit]

Storytelling-effect: waarom is ons brein verliefd op goede verhalen? 114. Dat is het aantal artikelen op Frankwatching over storytelling. Het 115e artikel wordt compleet anders. Ik ga namelijk geen tips of succesverhalen delen. Ik neem jullie mee op een ontdekkingstocht door het brein. Want waarom is storytelling zo effectief? Het succesverhaal achter het storytelling Het maakt niet uit of je onlinemarketeer, communicatiespecialist of copywriter bent, iedereen zou gebruik moeten maken van storytelling. Toch wil ik niet voorbij gaan aan alle artikelen met handige tips en prachtige voorbeelden die de afgelopen tijd zijn geschreven door andere bloggers, zoals: ‘Het fundament van digital storytelling’, ‘De toekomst van digital storytelling’, ‘Storytelling: video draagt je organisatieverhalen’ en ‘Transmedia storytelling: de ontvanger als onderdeel van het verhaal’. Hoe reageert ons brein op storytelling? De manier waarop ons brein werkt ligt ten grondslag aan de krachtige werking van storytelling. Joey’s big brother punched him again and again. Denkfouten

Jennifer Aaker: The Seven Deadly Sins of Storytelling Daniel H. Pink, author of Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, writes, “Right-brain dominance is the new source of competitive advantage.” Tapping the right side of the brain allows for deeper engagement by uniting an idea with an emotion. Before you craft your story, ask yourself: “Who is my audience and what is my goal in engaging them?” While the reason you are telling a business story may be quite different from the reason you tell a story at a party, the same techniques apply. 1. Unless you’re telling the story about the proper assembly of an IKEA bookshelf, your story probably shouldn’t begin at the beginning. In practice: Does your marketing campaign build on ideas, feelings, and passion, or does it feel disjointed and disparate? 2. Show, don’t tell, is the most fundamental maxim of storytelling, and for a good reason. In practice: Go to the page on your company’s website where you describe what you do. 3. 4. In practice: Who is the face of your company? 5. 6.

The Play’s the Thing Michael Bérubé ON THE ORIGIN OF STORIES: Evolution, Cognition, and Fiction. Brian Boyd. xiv + 540 pp. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2009. $35. Let me explain a thing or two about humanists like me. Brian Boyd is here to change all that. If this sounds reductive, don’t worry: Boyd patiently explains that this isn’t your father’s sociobiology or your great-grandfather’s eugenics. the notion that genes shape us is less deterministic than the notion that we are the product of our environment, since the complexity and randomness of genetic recombination in sexual reproduction means that we are each the result of an unpredictably generated variation unique to each of us rather than of anything imposed from without. Thus, writes Boyd, “we should see genes less as constraints than as enablers,” just as “we should see genes not as deniers of the role of the environment but as devices for extracting information from the environment.” This is rousing stuff. » Post Comment
