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Articles Contemporary Photographers Diane Meyer May 6, 2013 – According to the artist, Diane Meyer’s Time Spent That Might Otherwise Be Forgotten “is based on photographs taken at various points in my life and arranged by location. Sections of the images have been obscured through a layer of embroidered pixels sewn directly into the photograph. The embroidery deteriorates sections of the original photograph forming a new pixelated layer of the original scene. Book Reviews, Photobooks Review: Naked by Rimaldas Viksraitis May 3, 2013 – A few years ago, Rimaldas Viksraitis won the Discovery Award at the Arles photography festival for his work in the Lithuanian countryside, depictions of scenes that for many critics and viewers brought to mind photographers like Boris Mikhailov or Richard Billingham. Review: Kiev by The Sochi Project Apr 26, 2013 – The release of smaller, purely photo-centric books, has been a part of The Sochi Project for the past years now. Archives » Conscientious Extended

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