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The free dictionary

The free dictionary

Family History | Record and share a living family history Wikiquote Creating .NET Applications That Talk > The Microsoft Speech Application SDK (SASDK) Speech processing is an important technology for enhanced computing because it provides a natural and intuitive interface for the user. This chapter explains the Microsoft Speech Application SDK, shows you how to create, debug, and tune a speech application, and how to set up a telephony server. In 1939, Bell Labs demonstrated a talking machine named "Voder" at the New York World's Fair. The machine was not well received because the voice was robotic and unnatural sounding. Since then, many advances have been made in the area of speech synthesis—specifically in the last five years. The second technology is speech recognition. Speech-based applications have been slowly entering the marketplace. Speech processing is an important technology for enhanced computing because it provides a natural and intuitive interface for the user. Recently Microsoft released Speech Server as part of an effort to make speech more mainstream. Telephony Applications Multimodal Applications

Internet Anagram Server / I, Rearrangement Servant : anagram, anagram, software, anagramme, anagrama, wordplay, word play, anagram creator, anagram solver, anagram finder, anagram generator, anagram maker, anagram unscrambler, anagram machine, crosswor... In News:The New York TimesSydney Morning HeraldThe Globe and MailJerusalem Post Did you know that parliament is an anagram of partial men? Or, Clint Eastwood an anagram of Old West Action? Someone once said, "All the life's wisdom can be found in anagrams. Anagrams never lie." Here is your chance to discover the wisdom of anagrams.

Harris Surname Origin & Family History with Genealogy Resources. The son of Henry. See Henry Source: An Etymological Dictionary of Family and Christian Names With an Essay on their Derivation and Import; Arthur, William, M.A.; New York, NY: Sheldon, Blake, Bleeker & CO., 1857. There is more to Harris family history than your surname origin: You can Start your Harris Family Tree and discover things you never knew about your own family. Start by entering what you know about yourself and your family. will use what you enter to try and find more about your family in the world's largest online collection of historical records and family trees. Next Steps in building the Harris family tree: Use these genealogy databases to fill in the blanks of your Harris heritage. Harris in Records Start your family tree and learn the story of your family in the world's largest online collection of genealogy records and family trees. Communicate with others researching the Harris surname: Look for your Harris family in stories, memories, and histories:

Wikisource How to: Create a Visual SourceSafe Batch File or Script You can use the Visual SourceSafe command line to run a batch file or script that allows you to mechanize routine tasks. You can also include Visual SourceSafe commands in scripts that are run by other programs. Keep the following ideas in mind when preparing a batch file or script: To create a batch file or script: The following example shows a batch file that checks out files for user name Thomas. It demonstrates the use of the -O option to disable output, the -Y option to specify a user name, and the -C option to specify a comment. If you type ss Checkout Help.c Help.H, and one of the two files is already checked out, Visual SourceSafe will check the other file out.

The Hacker's Dictionary Welcome to The Hacker's Dictionary, a comprehensive compendium of hacker slang illuminating many aspects of hackish tradition, folklore, and humor. Introduction: The purpose and scope of this File A Few Terms: Of Slang, Jargon and Techspeak Revision History: How the File came to be With frames or without frames: The Hacker's Dictionary Appendix A: Hacker Folklore Appendix B: A Portrait of J. Random Hacker Appendix C: Helping Hacker Culture Grow Bibliography: For your further enjoyment Jargon Construction: How hackers invent jargon Hacker Writing Style: How they write Email Quotes: And the Inclusion Problem Hacker Speech Style: How hackers talk International Style: Some notes on usage outside the U.S. Lamer-speak: Crackers, Phreaks, and Lamers Pronunciation Guide: How to read the pronunciation keys Other Lexicon Conventions: How to read lexicon entries Format for New Entries: How to submit new entries for the File The Hacker's Dictionary is a common heritage of the hacker culture.

Urban Dictionary, March 11: 1 yard stare
