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The Power of Outrospection

The Power of Outrospection
Related:  Diet

This video explains how those plastic bits in face washes, scrubs, and toothpastes can hurt ecosystems By now, most of us know that if we want our consciences to be as squeaky clean as our faces, we have to ditch our most beloved scrubbing products. While microbeads — the tiny plastic bits most commonly found in face washes, scrubs, and toothpastes — might do great things for your pores, they could also quietly wreak havoc on the environment by steadily streaming into the Great Lakes and oceans. Couldn’t care less about fish? Get this: Through the magic of the food chain, these little plastic beads actually carry the potential to come back around and screw with human health. We turned to Andrew Maynard, mastermind behind the Risk Bites YouTube channel and director of Arizona State University’s Risk Innovation Lab, to figure out just how hazardous an exfoliator could be. Check out his findings in the video above!

Emotional Empathy and Cognitive Empathy Chris Allen Thomas Empathy is the ability of people to recognize and respond to the emotions of others. It’s the foundation of both sympathy and compassion. Withoutempathy, sympathy and compassion are more likely to be inaccurate and may lead to increased friction and resentment. In leadership literature, empathy is an ability to recognize a broad spectrum of emotional signals, allowing leaders to feel the unspoken emotions of other individuals or groups. Empathy provides a foundation for guiding our behaviors toward others. Emotional empathy, also called affective empathy or primitive empathy, is the subjective state resulting from emotional contagion. When we look at emotional and cognitive empathy through the lens of emotional and social intelligence competencies, we see that developing cognitive empathy skills is linked to self- and social awareness, while developing self-management and relationship management competencies is linked to emotional empathy. [4] Staub, E.

Matthieu Ricard - Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme - version longue Boredom Proness Scale Thanks For Visiting! Thank you for taking the BPS. Remember, the quiz is for entertainment purposes only. Scoring high on the scale could be a good thing, depending on your point of view. "Boredom Proness Scale" was created by Rufus Quail of Conquer Boredom! You Just Took a Quiz on! is a site that allows visitors to create online quizzes. § See Our Best Quizzes hand-selected by a GoToQuiz editor. Don't miss the other great quizzes we have here. Go to a Random Quiz | Create a Poll | Top 40 Quizzes

More evidence of Roundup's link to kidney, liver damage ShareThis Scientists report worrisome changes to liver and kidney genes in rats, adding to evidence that a popular herbicide may be toxic August 28, 2015 By Brian Bienkowski Environmental Health News Long-term exposure to tiny amounts of Roundup—thousands of times lower than what is permitted in U.S. drinking water—may lead to serious problems in the liver and kidneys, according to a new study. The study looked at the function of genes in these organs and bolsters a controversial 2012 study that found rats exposed to small amounts of the herbicide Roundup in their drinking water had liver and kidney damage. It is the first to examine the impacts of chronic, low exposure of Roundup on genes in livers and kidneys and suggests another potential health impact for people and animals from the widely used weed killer. “The severity we don’t know, but our data say there will be harm given enough time,” he said. It’s the latest health concern for the most widely used herbicide in the United States.

The Power of Empathy (and One Surefire to Know if You're Missing It) If someone shares something with you that is incredibly painful and you try to lighten the moment, that may be a lack of empathy. Empathy is about understanding where someone is coming from and caring about them, it says nothing about trying to make someone feel better. The following is a good descriptive cartoon that illuminates the difference between sympathy and empathy from a talk with Brene Brown, author of Daring Greatly Are there places in your life where someone’s discomfort leaves you feeling uncertain of what to say? Or maybe their pain is simply making you uncomfortable? Our brain’s are wired to get away from pain and one way we do that in a relationship is try to lighten the moment. One person says, “My son is failing in school.” This completely misses the mark as you might have seen in the video. The person is in pain, they just need someone to acknowledge that and care about them. How we deal with our own pain and how we deal with relational pain are very similar.

VIDEO : L’altruisme, une réponse aux défis de notre temps L’altruisme, une réponse aux défis de notre temps Revoir la rencontre organisée par Jean-Paul Delevoye, Matthieu Ricard et Christophe André Publié le 06/10/2013 Revoyez les échanges entre Jean-Paul Delevoye, président du CESE, Matthieu Ricard, moine bouddhiste et Christophe André, médecin psychiatre autour du thème de l'altruisme. Notre époque est confrontée à de nombreux défis. Comment concilier les impératifs de l’économie, de la recherche dubonheur et du respect de l’environnement ? L'altruisme, une réponse aux défis de notre temps par le_cese D’autres vidéos de Mathieu Ricard sur l’altruisme à la conférence de l’INREES : LIEN VIDÉOS

The Simple Way to Give Difficult Feedback (Without Hurting Feelings) Whether you're a leader or a peer, part of your responsibility is to give people feedback. Having been raised in a culture that often dances around the truth and tiptoes near insecurities, you may lack the skills required to balance brutal honesty with a sense of compassion. Think about the feedback you've been given. In the best type of feedback, however, you felt respected, safe, and pushed slightly outside of your comfort zone. Finding that perfect mix is easier than you think. Here is the simple, five-step way to provide difficult feedback: 1. For feedback to be effective, it must be received. Challenge yourself to find something meaningful about the person's work or intention rather than making up something superficial. 2. Check yourself. While it's OK to want the person to continue improving, asking someone to meet the demands of your inner critic is counterproductive. 3. Try taking a more objective approach and seeing the situation for what it is. 4. 5. End on a positive note.

The 3 Types Of Empathy You Need To Strengthen Your Relationships Ecoutez le plaidoyer pour l'altruisme de Matthieu Ricard Il y a un défi tout nouveau : le sort des générations à venir dépend de nos actes. Il est possible qu’il y ait des points de non-retour mais nous ne savons pas où ils sont. Par rapport à l’environnement : Voici la situation en 1900. La situation en 1950 : L’image en 2010 : Quand on observe cette dégradation constante de notre environnement, on peut se demander si « L’homme est définitivement un loup pour l’homme ? Cette conclusion serait un peu trop hâtive. Cet homme a perdu ses deux jambes mais s’est occupé des autres toute sa vie. La joie de coopérer autour de la construction L’esprit de coopération existe aussi chez les animaux Darwin a parlé de la coopération pour la lutte pour la vie. Passons à un degré supérieur de coopération. Nous sommes des super-coopérateurs. L’altruisme n’est plus un luxe mais une nécessité. Les gens diront qu’il y a des motivations cachées et égoïstes derrière chaque acte altruiste. L’altruisme véritable existe. Essayons de redécouvrir cette bonté humaine en nous-même.
