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Bad ass LEGO Tattoo – Pilot Extra-fine

Bad ass LEGO Tattoo – Pilot Extra-fine
Bad ass LEGO Tattoo – Pilot Extra-fine A awesome ad for ball-pen “Pilot Extra-fine“, with some crazy Bad ass Tattoo on LEGO figurines ! I love it !

Learn The Guitar Fingerboard Thoroughly in 16 Days Photo by John W. Tuggle If I have to name two things that took my guitar playing to the next level I would say music theory and memorizing the fingerboard. It made me understand the big picture. Combining music theory (understanding scales, modes, chord structure, improvising over chord progressions, etc, etc.) and knowing all the notes on the fingerboard will open up a whole new world. Guitar playing becomes more fun when you know what, when en where to play it on the fingerboard. When you want to know where to play any type of chord shape instantly it’s pretty helpful if know the notes. To know the name of the chord you need to know all the notes on the low E-string. A Bb major chord shape (x13331) can also be played on any fret. To know the name of this Esus2 chord shape: (xx2452) on any fret you need to know the notes on the D-string. The same applies to scale shapes, triads, arpeggios, licks, etc. Here’s how you do it: First things first. Example 1: A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G G# A

my nails!!!! :) 949 440 137 723 555 848 1103 1539 955 147 320 171 790 587 852 825 798 421 1009 233 207 642 411 663 404 433 407 1497 280 354 319 894 129 119 728 166 157 463 63 582 286 462 349 139 2078 1629 1:6 Scale V For Vendetta Figure DC Direct DC Direct announced the upcoming release (June 24, 2009) of the 1:6 scale V figure from V for Vendetta. The piece is dressed in the intricate and authentically detailed costume from the film adaptation of the classic comic, V displays his signature black cloak, as well as a removable hat, a non-removable mask, interchangeable hands and several character-specific accessories. Look for it to retail around $125 each.

REFRACTIONS | Experiment with Nature - StumbleUpon Definition: Refraction : re·frac·tion – [ri-frak-shuhn] The change of direction of a ray of light in passing obliquely from one medium into another in which its wave velocity is different Markus Reugels of Deutschland uses the properties of refraction to create beautiful miniature worlds inside drops of water. All images courtesy of Markus Reugels Moon Earth Mars Jupiter Venus Psychedelic Chess Camera Setup photography, refractions, water drops

Space Saving Tiny Apartment, New York This tiny but highly sophisticated studio apartment in the East Village of NYC has made us very proud, thanks to JPDA. Not only was it built as a super efficient multi-functional unit but with the use of detailed mill work, the storage capacity was very cleverly executed and resulted in a super stylish studio with a decent amount of floor space. Shouldn’t all NYC dwellers aim to live like this? You decide… A schematic rendering demonstrates a realistic plan for this tiny apartment. Although we’re not too sure how realistic that cubbyhole at the crown of the loft is in a NYC apartment building, the rest of the space makes perfect sense. This tiny living/work space is beautifully masked with natural light and looks so inviting! This mezzanine bedroom is constructed with beautiful teak wood that houses hidden storage compartments… What great use of typically neglected storage space…. Well lit and highly efficient modern kitchen has beautiful appliances and plenty of counter space.

10 Tips for Designing Presentations That Don’t Suck: Pt.2 Last week we looked at part one of our two part series on designing better presentations. We learned practical tips on using photography, typography, color and more to create stunning results. Today we’ll wrap things up with tips six through ten and teach you how simplifying your designs can lead to drastically improved results. Let’s get started! #6 Simpler is Better This is a major stumbling block for non-designers. After all, if the presentation slides contain all the information begin conveyed, then why would the audience even need a speaker? I’ve seen far too many people give presentations with slides that look like the one below: You might think I’m being facetious with my design but trust me I’ve seen slides that were far worse. Again, remember that your speech is the reason you’re up in front of people. Use your slides to grab and hold the audience’s attention through attractive visuals. Notice how the slide below pulls you in with an incomplete statement. #10 Make ‘em Laugh 1.

LEGO Firearms Actually Shoot LEGO Bricks (16 pics) | | Entertaining the world EVERYDAY. Jack Streat’s LEGO firearms are cool enough to look at, but the fact they actually work makes them uber-cool. Witha passion for LEGO and guns, there was just one thing Jack Streat could do, and that’s create an extensive collection of LEGO firearms that actually shoot LEGO bricks. From the common AK-47 to the Uzzi and even a working minigun, Jack Streat has created a large part of today’s military arsenal and even made videos of each weapon in action. Sandcastles (9 pics) How to Paint Seven Samurai Still on the Wall (10 pics) Literal Movie Posters (15 pics) Great Art by Gilbert Legrand (21 pics) Vinyl Record Bowls (8 pics) DIY Coin Ring (14 pics) Superhero Girls (28 pics) Oktoberfest Body Art (11 pics)

RELIC - StumbleUpon Earth Hour 2011 - Alan Taylor - In Focus Last Saturday, March 26, people and businesses around the world participated in Earth Hour 2011, turning off their lights at 8:30 p.m. local time. Earth Hour was organized by the World Wildlife Fund in 2007, as a way to bring attention to energy-consumption, sustainability, and climate change issues. This year, participants in 134 countries darkened homes, skyscrapers, and landmarks around the world. Use j/k keys or ←/→ to navigate Choose: This combo of photos shows the Seoul N Tower before (left) and after (right) the lights were turned off for Earth Hour in Seoul, South Korea, on March 26, 2011. Lights are put out on the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House, at bottom left, in participation of Earth Hour in Sydney, Australia, on March 26, 2011. - javascript required Sheik Zayed Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, on March 26, 2011. The lights go out on the iconic face at Luna Park Sydney, Australia, on Saturday, March 26, 2011.

Le blog Super Marmite « Dalton Ghetti Creates Amazing Art On The Tips Of Used Pencils - Green Diary Most of us will agree with the age-old saying that “patience is a virtue.” How many of you, however, would actually hang on for two years and a half to bring a piece of art into existence? Dalton Ghetti, 49, a Bridgeport artist, has spent 25 good years working with a razor blade, a sewing needle and a sculpting knife for carving his unique art on the graphite of pencil. The artist says: I don’t make money from it but I would love a gallery owner in England to fly me over and put on a show. The inclination to fashion something new did not surface all of a sudden.

Lackadaisy Expressions Boy, I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I started this. I've had requests for some sort of expressions tutorial dating back a while now, so I figured, "Sure! I can explain expression drawing...and it'll be way better than all those tutorials out there that are nothing but charts of generic expressions. Um. Anyway, I found all I could really do was try to explain ways to teach yourself...and then add some pictures. La physico-chimie d'une pâte feuilletée Pourquoi la pâte feuilletée, lors de la cuisson, devient-elle un mille-feuilles de pâte ? Comment et pourquoi ce feuilletage se forme-t-il lors de la cuisson de votre pâte ? Le beurre, ingrédient clé de la pâte feuilletée ! Si vous êtes au régime, ne faites pas de pâte feuilletée ! La quantité en beurre doit être égale à la moitié du poids de la détrempe (farine + eau). Après le tourage, qui permet à votre pâte d'alterner différentes couches de détrempe et de beurre, chaque étage de beurre est encadré par deux détrempes, et inversement. Lors de la cuisson au four, l'eau contenue dans les étages de détrempe va devenir vapeur. La température de tourage Il est très important que la détrempe et le beurre soient à la même température lors des diverses étapes de tourage de la pâte. Attention à ne pas faire fondre votre beurre, soit en travaillant un peu trop le pâton, soit parce qu'il fait chaud dans votre pièce. La cuisson au four
