Abandoned Island in the Middle of NYC CheatSheet - Know your short cuts CheatSheet 1.3.1 (1/7/2019) Fixed: Known issuesCheatSheet 1.3 (9/9/2018) Fixed: Known issuesCheatSheet 1.2.9 (1/27/2018) Fixed: Known issuesCheatSheet 1.2.8 (7/5/2017) Fixed: Known issueCheatSheet 1.2.7 (3/12/2017) Fixed: A rare crasher Check out my other free application: Usage - Application Tracker.CheatSheet 1.2.6 (9/22/2016) Added: Replies.io support form Fixed: A possible crash.CheatSheet 1.2.5 (6/26/2016) Fixed: Known issues 20% off HoudahSpot. Use promo code CHEATSHEETCheatSheet 1.2.4 (6/6/2016) Fixed: Minor issuesCheatSheet 1.2.3 (2/12/2016) Fixed: A minor issueCheatSheet 1.2.2 (4/17/2014) Fixed: An issue on MacOS 10.8
MBTI Personality Type - MBTI Basics The purpose of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) personality inventory is to make the theory of psychological types described by C. G. Jung understandable and useful in people's lives. The essence of the theory is that much seemingly random variation in the behavior is actually quite orderly and consistent, being due to basic differences in the ways individuals prefer to use their perception and judgment. "Perception involves all the ways of becoming aware of things, people, happenings, or ideas. In developing the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator [instrument], the aim of Isabel Briggs Myers, and her mother, Katharine Briggs, was to make the insights of type theory accessible to individuals and groups. The identification of basic preferences of each of the four dichotomies specified or implicit in Jung's theory. The identification and description of the 16 distinctive personality types that result from the interactions among the preferences."
f.lux: software to make your life better Lighter Sesame Chicken Lighter Sesame Chicken satisfies my craving for Chinese take-out, without all the calories that usually come along with it. Well hello there, how was your weekend? :) Besides meeting some friends for an impromptu wild Friday night out (oy,) finally watching The Vow on Saturday afternoon (omg what a horribly sad movie, right?!) The past couple of weeks have been kind of stressful, what with deadlines, projects, presentations, and visualizing a happy ending to a large foodie event I’m involved in a few weeks down the road (details to come,) so I welcomed the chance to zone out and recharge the batts, if you will. As Luca Spaghetti said in the film Eat, Pray, Love (which I also watched this weekend): “Americans. Uhhh, touche, Signor Spaghetti. Enough of zee whining though, I got another Take-Out Fake-Out recipe for ya’ today! It’s a fact that Sesame Chicken is my all-time favorite Chinese dish. It was…everything you imagine it to be. Oh, right, you probably need to see the recipe first…
Body Language - Eyes Techniques > Use of body language > Parts-of-the-body language > Eyes body language Up | Down | Sideways | Gazing | Glancing | Eye contact | Staring | Squinting | Blinking | Winking | Closing | Damp | Tears | Pupil size | Rubbing | See also The eyes are often called, with some justification, 'the windows of the soul' as they can send many different non-verbal signals. For reading body language this is quite useful as looking at people's eyes are a normal part of communication (whilst gazing at other parts of the body can be seen as rather rude). When a person wears dark glasses, especially indoors, this prevents others from reading their eye signals. Looking up When a person looks upwards they are often thinking. When they are delivering a speech or presentation, looking up may be their recalling their prepared words. Looking upwards and to the left can indicate recalling a memory. Looking down Looking at a person can be an act of power and domination. Looking sideways Lateral movement Damp
Food Homemade Pizza Recipe Making the Pizza Dough 1 Proof the yeast: Place the warm water in the large bowl of a heavy duty stand mixer. Sprinkle the yeast over the warm water and let it sit for 5 minutes until the yeast is dissolved. After 5 minutes stir if the yeast hasn't dissolved completely. The yeast should begin to foam, which indicates that it is still active and alive. 2 Make and knead the pizza dough: Using the mixing paddle attachment, mix in the flour, salt, sugar, and olive oil on low speed for a minute. Knead the pizza dough on low to medium speed using the dough hook until the dough is smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes. If you don't have a mixer, you can mix the ingredients together and knead them by hand. If the dough seems a little too wet, sprinkle it with a little more flour. 3 Put dough in warm place to rise: Spread a thin layer of olive oil over the inside of a large bowl. You can let it sit for several hours if you want. Preparing the Pizzas 3 Prep toppings: Prepare your desired toppings.
Make Your Own Burger Buns Who doesn’t like a good burger? When it comes to burgers there are endless options to please everyone’s tastebuds….from traditional meat burgers to bean burgers…it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t like a burger. When it comes to making burgers, I (Mary) always try to find good bakery buns. I think that hamburger buns can be the difference between a good burger and an okay burger. Light Brioche Burger Buns (Smitten Kitchen) Makes 8 4 to 5-inch burger buns Ingredients 3 tablespoons warm milk2 teaspoons active dry yeast2 1/2 tablespoons sugar2 large eggs3 cups bread flour1/3 cup all-purpose flour1 1/2 teaspoons salt2 1/2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softenedSesame seeds (optional) Directions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. *Note: If you do not have a dough scraper, it is necessary. water, milk, sugar & yeast Flours & Salt Beaten Egg Form Dough into Ball and begin to Knead. After Kneading place in bowl to rise. Dough doubled in size Rolled dough balls on baking sheet the balls of dough after 2 hours
True American (Drinking Game) Rules MELANIE CHERNOCK Instructor: James Victore Photos: Luke Nilsson Love Hurts is a first aid kit I created my senior year at SVA. The kit contains all of the essentials for going through a breakup such as dark chocolate, vodka, bubble bath soap, a candle with matches, candy hearts, a mix CD, and if all else fails, tissues. All Work © Melanie Chernock 2014
(1) Tumblr Casey Neistat diyremodeling @ I Can Do It Pins <a href=" marketing</a> I don’t have school aged kids any more but this sure could work for us too! Everyone that knows me knows I am the organize Diva. This is my new project to keep up with the kids school stuff. This year was rough I had three children in school and it took a major toll on me trying to keep there stuff separate…LUV this idea I have already bought the items to do this with. Only takes 1 yard of fabric to make! “assemble bookcases on french doors to make a secret room.” easy way to have the coolest house in the neighborhood (: Evolution of Style: How to Paint Your Kitchen Cabinets (like a pro) Toilet Paper Roll Crafts – if I ever decide to save my toilet paper rolls…only pinterest. Free Printable Vintage Bird Art Card A balloon for each year married with a memory tied to it. 20 easy Mod Podge craft projects for beginners. ~ Mod Podge Rocks! Cute baby gifts! dresser recycle – dressup wardrobe…. so cool