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SeedInvest - Equity Crowdfunding Platform

SeedInvest - Equity Crowdfunding Platform

EarlyShares | Crowdfunding Platform The Pocket Drone - Your personal flying robot by AirDroids The Pocket Drone is the personal flying robot that enables anyone to capture amazing video and photos from the sky. The year 2014 is going to be the “Year of the Drone.” Personal and professional photography is literally beginning to take off. Everybody can already take great looking photos and videos with their camera phones and share them online, but they have been limited to what could be seen from the ground. We aim to change the status quo through our little project with a BIG impact. Until now, most people could not participate in this awesome new technology revolution - the cost was too great, the drones too bulky, and the software too difficult to operate. 1. We are also proud that our project has been selected from numerous other hardware innovations as a finalist at the TechCrunch Hardware Battlefield 2014 at Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas That's how we came up with The Pocket Drone, the world's smallest heavy lift micro-copter. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The Future of Crowdfunding on Tap in Berlin This Week Editor's Note: Lately we've been telling you about the debut week-long global crowdsourcing event, Crowdsourcing Week, taking place in Singapore in June. Leading up to the main event June 3 - 7, a series of one-day summits are also being held. The third and final event in the series looks at "The Future of Crowdfunding," set for April 17 in Berlin. Karsten Wenzlaff, Founder and Partner at ikosom and the main organizer of the "Future of Crowdfunding" summit answered a few questions for in advance of the event. Tell us about crowdfunding in Europe in general, and its adoption in Germany. Europe has more platforms and a greater variety of crowdfunding platforms than any other continent in the world. In Germany, we see a variety of legal models being applied to crowdinvesting, from success-based loans to non-voting equity to funds to collective societies. What are the important issues that arise while crowdfunding in the public sector?

Rock, Paper, Shotgun: dangerous & wrong | The Australian Small Scale Offerings Board (ASSOB) 7 crowdsourcing websites that you should keep an eye 2011 Das Jahr 2010 war für Online-Crowdsourcing-Plattformen durchaus ein erfolgreiches und auch 2011 könnte noch die ein oder andere Überraschung in diesem Segment bereit halten. Gründerszene hat sich daher den Jahreswechsel einmal zum Anlass genommen, um einen Überblick über sieben sehenswerte europäische Crowdsourcing-Plattformen zusammen zu stellen. Crowdsourcing meint die Auslagerung von Arbeitsinhalten auf die Intelligenz und die Arbeitskraft einer Masse von Freizeitarbeitern im Web, was von der Erstellung von Logos über Modedesigns bis hin zur Finanzierung von Geschäftsideen reichen kann. Das Konzept Crowdsourcing hat zuletzt weiter deutlich an Größe gewonnen. Garmz zur Vermarktung von Fashion Garmz ist ein innovatives Portal, welches jungen und unabhängigen Modedesignern eine Plattform zur Vermarktung ihrer Produkte bietet. Wooshii richtet sich an Video-Artists Wooshii ist eine neue Website, die Kunden mit Video-Artists verbindet. Red Bubble für Creative-Production

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