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Simple Effects for Drop-Down Lists

Simple Effects for Drop-Down Lists

Responsive Multi-Level Menu A responsive multi-level menu that shows its submenus in their own context, allowing for a space-saving presentation and usage. View demo Download source Today we want to share an experimental drop-down menu with you. The main idea is to save space for menus that have a lot of content and sub-levels. Each sub-level in this menu will be shown in its own context, making the “parent” level disappear. This is done with subtle animations that are defined in separate animation classes. Please note: this only works as intended in browsers that support the respective CSS properties. The structure of the menu contains an unordered list that can have an arbitrary number of sub-lists: Animations are defined in animation classes: And the plugin is called as following: We hope you like this little experiment and find it inspiring!

FlexNav - A jQuery Plugin for Responsive Menus A Device-Agnostic Approach to Complex Site Navigation FlexNav is a mobile-first example of using media queries and javascript to make a decent multi-level menu with support for touch, hover reveal, and keyboard tab input accessibility. Special attention is paid to touch screens using tap targets (the key feature of FlexNav). Note: If you find a bug, please file an issue and note device and browser versions. Download on GitHub → Basic Usage Start with a simple unordered list, adding in the class and data attributes:<ul class="flexnav" data-breakpoint="800"><li>... Add the small screen menu button somewhere outside your navigation markup:<div class="menu-button">Menu</div> Add flexnav.css to the head of your document:<link href="css/flexnav.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> Add jquery.flexnav.min.js before the closing body tag:<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.flexnav.min.js"></script> Initialize FlexNav right before your closing body tag:$(".flexnav").flexNav(); Options

BookBlock: A Content Flip Plugin - Demo 2 January 2013 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 7Mon 8Tue 9Wed 10Thu 11Fri 12Sat 13Sun 14Mon 15Tue 16Wed 17Thu 18Fri 19Sat 20Sun 21Mon 22Tue 23Wed 24Thu 25Fri 26Sat 27Sun February 2013 4Mon 5Tue 6Wed 7Thu 8Fri 9Sat 10Sun 11Mon 12Tue 13Wed 14Thu 15Fri 16Sat 17Sun 18Mon 19Tue 20Wed 21Thu 22Fri 23Sat 24Sun March 2013 25Mon 26Tue 27Wed 28Thu 29Fri 30Sat 31Sun April 2013 1Mon 2Tue 3Wed 4Thu 5Fri 6Sat 7Sun 8Mon 9Tue 10Wed 11Thu 12Fri 13Sat 14Sun 15Mon 16Tue 17Wed 18Thu 19Fri 20Sat 21Sun 22Mon 23Tue 24Wed 25Thu 26Fri 27Sat 28Sun May 2013 6Mon 7Tue 8Wed 9Thu 10Fri 11Sat 12Sun 13Mon 14Tue 15Wed 16Thu 17Fri 18Sat 19Sun 20Mon 21Tue 22Wed 23Thu 24Fri 25Sat 26Sun 27Mon 28Tue 29Wed 30Thu 31Fri June 2013 3Mon 4Tue 5Wed 6Thu 7Fri 8Sat 9Sun 10Mon 11Tue 12Wed 13Thu 14Fri 15Sat 16Sun 17Mon 18Tue 19Wed 20Thu 21Fri 22Sat 23Sun 24Mon 25Tue 26Wed 27Thu 28Fri 29Sat 30Sun July 2013 August 2013 5Mon 6Tue 7Wed 8Thu 9Fri 10Sat 11Sun 12Mon 13Tue 14Wed 15Thu 16Fri 17Sat 18Sun 19Mon 20Tue 21Wed 22Thu 23Fri 24Sat 25Sun 26Mon 27Tue 28Wed 29Thu 30Fri 31Sat September 2013 2Mon 3Tue 4Wed 5Thu 6Fri 7Sat 8Sun 9Mon 10Tue 11Wed 12Thu 13Fri 14Sat 15Sun 16Mon 17Tue 18Wed 19Thu 20Fri 21Sat 22Sun

Responsive Nav — Responsive Navigation Plugin
