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The Official Tim Burton Website

Poem of Darkness ~Danny Elfman~ Bienvenue à tous sur "Poem of Darkness ~Danny Elfman~" ! biographie - Le prochain projet d'Elfman est le film The Kingdom, un film d'action dramatique réalisé par Peter Berg, avec Jamie Foxx dans le rôle titre. - Il va aussi collaborer avec Fat Boy Slim pour le prochain long-métrage de Disney. - Pour les besoins de Sweeney Todd, il va adapter la partition écrite par Stephen Sondheim pour la pièce de théâtre. Poem Of Darkness n'est pas mort. Si ces derniers mois ont été vides de mises à jour, c'est simplement parce que l'actualité liée à Elfman et Burton n'était pas des plus florissantes. Seulement quelques news, des rumeurs, et des confirmations. Du côté de chez Tim Burton, le tournage de Sweeney Todd continue tranquillement, les premières photos des coulisses tombent (avec un Johnny Depp qui s'annonce génial, une fois de plus). Voilà pour les news principales. Damien Mais revenons à l'actualité du compositeur. Nos amis les insectes sont à l'honneur, et plus précisément les araignées.

Spanish fresco restoration botched by amateur 23 August 2012Last updated at 06:50 ET Cecilia Gimenez: "Everybody who came into the church could see I was painting" An elderly parishioner has stunned Spanish cultural officials with an alarming and unauthorised attempt to restore a prized Jesus Christ fresco. Ecce Homo (Behold the Man) by Elias Garcia Martinez has held pride of place in the Sanctuary of Mercy Church near Zaragoza for more than 100 years. The woman took her brush to it after years of deterioration due to moisture. Cultural officials said she had the best intentions and hoped it could be properly restored. Donation Cecilia Gimenez, who is in her 80s, was reportedly upset at the way the fresco had deteriorated and took it on herself to "restore" the image. She claimed to have had the permission of the priest to carry out the job. "(The) priest knew it! BBC Europe correspondent Christian Fraser says the delicate brush strokes of Elias Garcia Martinez have been buried under a haphazard splattering of paint. 'Good intentions' I DRAW COMICS Sketchbook & Reference Guide by Matt Marrocco The I DRAW COMICS Sketchbook & Reference Guide is the ultimate tool for practicing the basics of Comic Book illustration, page design and the art of storytelling. We've designed the ultimate Comic Book Artist Field Guide by combining commonly used industry reference materials and 100+ sketching templates into a ubiquitous and iconic molelskine sketchbook form. By providing valuable Comic Book Industry background information and commonly used Comic Book terminology, no one is starting from scratch when learning with the I DRAW COMICS Sketchbook & Reference Guide. The beauty of the I DRAW COMICS Sketchbook & Reference Guide is that it gives you the ability to immediately apply what you've learned in the provided "Non-Photo Blue" templates. I DRAW COMICS Sketchbook & Reference Guide is more than just an Industry-First drawing instruction tool. RYAN STEGMAN ORIGINAL ART (for $250 pledge tier) "COMIC-CON SKETCH" EXAMPLE (for $225 pledge tier) SCARLET SPIDER #7 COVER (for $1700 pledge tier)

Swirling, Psychedelic Self-Portraits by Nikos Gyftakis Greek artist Nikos Gyftakis created this wonderful series of swirling self-portraits between 2004-2005. The works are made with oil pastels on canvas and are actually quite large, with a few of the pieces taller than 5′ (1.5m). You can see many more from this series and more of his recent work in his work gallery. (via empty kingdom) The Library of Congress' Photostream Exhibition-ism Amazing 70-Year-Old Color Photos Sometimes looking at old photographs makes me think of this exchange between comic-strip hero Calvin and his dad: Calvin : Dad, how come old photographs are always black and white? Didn't they have color film back then? Dad : Sure they did. In fact, those old photographs are in color. As absurd as it sounds, there is a kind of psychological truth to it -- having seen mostly black-and-white pictures of the world pre-1960 or so (I'm not counting Technicolor movies), I begin to imagine the past unfolding in monochrome. But this really takes the cake : the Library of Congress has just created a Flickr page , on which they've posted nearly 2,000 color slides -- many of them hauntingly beautiful. But rather than sending you off to pick through thousands of these photos on Flickr -- something of a laborious process -- we've compiled our favorites here. A boilermaker at a Chicago train yard, 1942 Boy near Cincinnati, Ohio, 1942 "Woman aircraft worker, Vega Aircraft Corporation, Burbank, Calif.

Quand l'illustration rencontre la nature ! Découverte du jour, Fashion in Leaf, le projet de l’artiste Malaisien Tang Chiew Ling ! Il habille ici ses illustrations aux traits fins avec des feuillages élégants donnant aux dessins de mode une toute autre dimension… Nuthin' But Mech
