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The Scale of the Universe 2 — Other Languages

The Scale of the Universe 2 — Other Languages
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Algebra | Matematomi Quest’anno, per introdurre l’algebra in terza media, ho seguito un percorso diverso dal mio solito. L’idea mi è venuta da una collega americana: Fawn Nguyen, che insegna matematica alla Mesa Union Junior High School nel sud della California. Nel tentativo di condividere ciò che sa e di imparare da altri insegnanti di matematica, la professoressa Fawn Nguyen tiene un blog, chiamato Finding Ways to Nguyen Students Over. Ho seguito, con i miei alunni della terza C della Scuola secondaria di primo grado “Piero Clamandrei” di Venezia Chirignago, un percorso simile a quello descritto dalla professoressa Fawn Nguyen in questo articolo: Patterns poster for Algebra. Ho stampato e plastificato alcuni degli schemi riportati nel sito Visual patterns. Ad ogni studente ho consegnato tre copie dalla scheda allegata da compilare e ciascuno di essi ha scelto tre patterns. A me i ragazzi sono sembrati partecipi, attivi e contenti.

Lego e Aria This lesson is appropriate for children ages 11 and up. Understanding Air emphasizes the molecular composition of air. Using LEGO® bricks as atoms, the students build a model of air and then combust fuel models to produce additional carbon dioxide and air pollutants. Watch the Partners in Public Health webinar presentation by Kathleen Vandiver on the Atoms and Molecules set, with a focus on the Understanding Air lesson. Beginning time: 4:24; end time: 24:05. Lesson Plan Listed below under Supporting Documents is a student worksheet key that is similar to the student worksheet keys found in the Photosynthesis and Chemical Reactions lessons. Materials LEGO Atoms and Molecules Sets (if you don't have these LEGO kits, see below) Standard LEGO bricks can be used and will serve for our Photosynthesis and Chemical Reactions lessons as well. Atoms and Molecules Layout Mat shows the recommended LEGO bricks. Note: "2x4" and "1x2" refer to the number of bumps on top of the LEGO bricks. Read Less 5.

1001 Math Problems Free Math Worksheets lettura a voce alta | Arti e bagagli Adobe Acrobat Markierungswerkzeug (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Forse non tutti sanno che Adobe Reader, il lettore di file in formato pdf gratuito della Adobe, è in grado di leggerci a voce alta i nostri documenti con una voce sintetica, ma comprensibile. Non è solo un giochino, ma un utile strumento per quanti fossero nell’impossibilità, temporanea o permanente, di leggere tali documenti coi propri occhi. Leggi solo questa paginaLeggi documento fino alla fine Durante la lettura si attiveranno, nella stessa voce di menu, anche le opzioni di Pausa/Riprendi e Interrompi. In ogni caso, chi volesse già fiondarsi a testare questo strumento dovrà tenere presente ancora un paio di cose. Il fatto è che Adobe Reader in realtà non ha al suo interno nessun lettore ad alta voce. La pazienza è d’obbligo, ma si arriva comunque al risultato. La voce che ci parlerà in italiano si chiama Silvia e la potete scaricare a questo link: RSSolo4ItalianSilvia Sia chiaro che non sono tutte rose e fiori. Mi piace:

Play KenKen Math Puzzles - Free Math Games & Logic Puzzles! KENKEN for your Mobile Fun, addicting, yet educational. The KenKen iOS and Android apps are perfect for the whole family! KENKEN in the Classroom Calling all educators! Rules For Playing KenKen® The numbers you use in a KenKen puzzle depend on the size of the grid you choose. The numbers in each heavily outlined set of squares, called cages, must combine (in any order) to produce the target number in the top corner using the mathematic operation indicated (+, -, ×, ÷). Here's how you play: Use each number only once per row, once per column. ®KenKen قواعد لعبة إختر حجم الشبكة. إملأ الأرقام من 1 حتى رقم حجم الشبكة. لا تكرّر الرقم ذاته في أي صف أو عامود. يجب ملء الأقفاص التي تحتوي على مربع واحد فقط بالرقم الهدف الموجود في الزاوية. يمكن تكرار الرقم ذاته في قفص واحد طالما أنه ليس مذكورا في الصف أو العامود ذاته. انقر مصطلح "التحقق" في أي وقت للتأكد من صحة الحلّ. KENKEN®的游戏规则 1) 选择方格大小。 2) 填入一个数字(最小为 1,最大不超过方格大小)。 3) 任何一行或一列不要有相同的数字。 4) 粗线框(称为笼子)内所有格子中的数字用标明的运算符号计算后(按照任何 顺序),应当得到上角的目标数字。 KENKEN®-Spielregeln

Assessment tasks Pupils use mathematical reasoning to estimate the number of descendants a girl who lived 110 years ago might have today. Suitability National Curriculum levels 5 to 8 Time About 45 minutes Resources Additional paper plus access to a calculator if requested Representing Simplify the information given, choose a model, then make assumptions to complete the model. Analysing Use their model to calculate the potential number of descendants. Communicating and reflecting Present arguments summarising their onclusions and reflect on the validity of their results. You may wish to show the task on a whiteboard and talk about the concept of descendants In this task, there is a photograph of a girl, about your age, who lived 110 years ago. The task requires multiplicative calculations to represent changes over time. The following probing questions may be helpful: What assumptions have you made? There are several assumptions needed for the task: How many children the girl had and when.

10 Maps That Will Change How You View The World Maps are one of those things you can lose yourself in for hours. Since their humble origins as scribbles in the sand thousands of millennia ago, maps have been useful companions during the development of human culture and society. Now, in an age of seemingly endless information, maps are more abundant, advanced and fascinating than ever before. Here are some of the most interesting maps we could find; hopefully, they will leave you looking at our little "pale blue dot" with a fresh perspective. Goode Homolosine Projection Image credit: Strebe/Wikimedia Commons The most common form of map, known as the Mercator map, is actually surprisingly inaccurate. A New Perspective Of Africa Image credit: Kai Krause You’d be forgiven for thinking the continent of Africa is about the same size as North America. This Is Where 5 Percent Of The World Lives Image credit: Max Galka The red blob in South Asia shows where 5 percent of the world live. The World Map Scaled According To Population Size Photo Gallery

Grid Paper PDFs Free Online Graph Paper / Grid Paper PDFs Downloadable and very printable, I find these PDFs extremely useful. Tip number one! Though I do return the correct header for a PDF, sometimes Explorer gets confused when downloading... Tip number two! Some people may need to turn off the option in Adobe's Acrobat reader "shrink to fit" which may resize the grid slightly to fit your printer's printable area. Tip number three! If you want the hexes aligned with the other edge of the paper, just make your paper size "11 x 8.5" and print the result in landscape mode! Translations Belorussian (provided by Ucallweconn weblog) Other

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Learning with Lego – 100 Amazing Ideas (& TGIF) Make learning science, math, social studies, language arts, and more FUN by learning with Lego. Here are the 90 most amazing and creative educational Lego activities you’ve ever seen! This list is perfect for homeschool, after school, summer learning, school classrooms, and more for kids of all ages! Welcome to the TGIF Linky Party! There are lots of ideas out there for learning with Lego, but sometimes it can take a lot of time to sort through everything out there to find the BEST educational Lego activities. LEGO Science Activities Lego Electric Dough from Lemon Line Adventures Lego Zip Line from Frugal Fun for Boys Lego Waterwheel from iGame Mom Make a Lego Drawbot from Planet Smarty Pants How long will your Lego boat float? LEGO Math Activities LEGO Language Arts Activities LEGO Social Studies Other Educational Lego Activities Beth GordenLearning with LEGO See On Thanks for sharing your creativity with all of us!
