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The American Dream

The American Dream

Internet Memes Timeline Trololololololololololo man Feb 28, 2010 6:00 PM Added to Youtube in November of 2009 the Video "Я очень рад, ведь я, наконец, возвращаюсь домой" had only few views until it was posted into several music blogs in march of 2010. In a week more than 1 million people watched the Trololololololololololo man sing his song. The title translates into 'I am very glad, because I’m finally back home'. The Singer is called Eduard Anatolyevich Khil born in 1934 who performed this song at a TV-Show in 1976. Why won't my parakeet eat my diarrhea? Nov 11, 2009 9:00 AM "Why won't my parakeet eat my diarrhea?" George W Bush shoes attack in Bagdad Dec 14, 2008 An Iraqi journalist hurled his shoes at Mr. Jizz in my pants Dec 7, 2008 Sickie Woo - Busted with the help of Facebook Oct 21, 2008 Chairman cracks under pressure SABC 2 Live with Chairperson of the finance portfolio committee - Nhlanhla Nene LHC is 42 Sep 11, 2008 11:19 PM The Large Hadron Collider is the answer to life, the universe, and everything Aug 5, 2008

Gentle, Public Activism: Magnusson's I-75 Project & Sociological... - StumbleUpon Don Waisanen at Thick Culture highlighted Norm Magnusson’s I-75 project. The project involves installing historical markers with a primarily political instead of historical message. Some examples: About the project, Magnusson writes: …unlike most artworks on social or political themes, these markers don’t merely speak to the small group of viewers that seek out such work in galleries and museums; instead, they gently insert themselves into the public realm. Waisanen concludes: That the project is as much about the use of wide-open public spaces as it is about the carefully crafted messages speaks volumes about how innovation may best work in our age.

American Psychosis The United States, locked in the kind of twilight disconnect that grips dying empires, is a country entranced by illusions. It spends its emotional and intellectual energy on the trivial and the absurd. It is captivated by the hollow stagecraft of celebrity culture as the walls crumble. This celebrity culture giddily licenses a dark voyeurism into other people’s humiliation, pain, weakness and betrayal. Day after day, one lurid saga after another, whether it is Michael Jackson, Britney Spears [or Miley Cyrus], enthralls the country … despite bank collapses, wars, mounting poverty or the criminality of its financial class. The virtues that sustain a nation-state and build community, from honesty to self-sacrifice to transparency to sharing, are ridiculed each night on television as rubes stupid enough to cling to this antiquated behavior are voted off reality shows. It is the cult of self that is killing the United States.

Anthropomorphic + Futuristic = Fantastic Floating Homes Futuristic, yet, but not the far-fetched science-fiction fantasy industrial design you might think – the Oculus by Schoepfer Yachts may not be for sale yet but it is already in pre-production mode with naval architects on board, so to speak. Hardly your typical houseboat, it is a virtual cruise ship for the rich and famous who can afford to buy it when it is fully planned and built. The anthropomorphism of this luxury floating home is of course intentional – the front deck like the gaping mouth of a gigantic sea creature and the sleek curves mimicking streamlined oceanic animals. Complete with a swimming pool on top and a futuristic interior design this is far more like a permanent mobile home than a cruising yacht. The smaller and simpler (both adjectives applied relative to its bigger brother of course) version of this spectacular design is the Infinitas, with a more sleek and streamlined profile and a semi-enclosed on-board swimming pool in the center but underneath the shell.

Ratko Mladic Arrested - The Hunt for War Criminal Ratko Mladic Originally published in the October 2000 issue ONCE THE AMERICAN lieutenant colonel had finished with his notes--scribbled on a manila envelope emblazoned with the words PASS TO SENIOR CONTROLLER--he slid the pen into the shirt pocket of his dress uniform and leaned back in the car seat. "The first thing you guys should know," he began, "is that what you have opened up here is being taken seriously at the highest levels. People are literally rearranging their schedules stateside and coming over here because of this." He paused, gave a solemn gaze around the BMW sedan at each one of us. The lieutenant colonel was weird, but he was about to get a lot weirder. "The second thing you should know is that I am with the Light Side. Following instructions, we had driven out to the NATO base on the outskirts of Sarajevo promptly at 5:00 P.M. and joined the line of military vehicles crawling toward the entrance. "The imperative now," he continued, "is to get this operation back on track.

Tim Leary Vault : The Declaration of Evolution When in the course of organic evolution it becomes obvious that a mutational process is inevitably dissolving the physical and neurological bonds which connect the members of one generation to the past and inevitably directing them to assume among the species of Earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them, a decent concern for the harmony of species requires that the causes of the mutation should be declared. We hold these truths to be self evident: But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, all pursuing invariably the same destructive goals, threaten the very fabric of organic life and the serene harmony of the planet, it is the right, it is the organic duty to drop out of such morbid covenants and to evolve new loving social structures. Such has been the patient sufferance of the freedom-loving peoples of this earth, and such is now the necessity which constrains us to form new systems of government.

S A L T A N A | Revista de literatura y traducción Saltana es una revista electrónica fundada por traductores literarios y profesores de literatura y traducción, independiente y sin ánimo de lucro. Publica poesía, narrativa y ensayo de todas las épocas y tradiciones nacionales en edición bilingüe o multilingüe, de cualquier lengua al castellano, el catalán, el vasco, el gallego y el portugués, o viceversa. Las traducciones incluyen tanto versiones modernas como versiones antiguas. La revista promueve la publicación de primeras traducciones y versiones inéditas, pero dedica asimismo una especial atención a la recuperación y divulgación del patrimonio traductor, en particular de traducciones fundamentales desde el punto de vista de la historia de la recepción literaria, filosófica y humanística. Saltana nace con la voluntad de aproximar al lector a la traducción como labor intelectual de primer orden y como práctica que contribuye a la construcción de las letras universales.

Rebelión Contratapa :: Las víctimas olvidadas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial En el amplio mosaico de las víctimas que tuvo la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y en especial el régimen nazi alemán, Mahjub bin Adam Mohamed fue simplemente una pieza más, uno entre los millones asesinados, perdido en la oscuridad, sin funeral ni tumba. Bin Adam pasó a la historia en Alemania, convirtiéndose en el primer negro a quien se recuerda con una placa de bronce en su país de adopción –frente a la casa donde vivió en Berlín– y quien fuera víctima del genocidio cometido por el Tercer Reich. Nacido en Tanzania, sirvió al gobierno alemán en sus colonias africanas y en su ejército. Emigró a Berlín en 1929, se casó con una mujer alemana y tuvo tres hijos. En 1941 fue arrestado, acusado del crimen de “matrimonio interracial” y murió en el campo de concentración de Sachsenhausen en noviembre de 1944. Asociar el nazismo exclusivamente con la destrucción de los judíos es cometer dramáticas omisiones que nos perjudican a todos, tanto a judíos como a no judíos. * Escritor y pedagogo.
