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How To Make Your Own Cinemagraphs: A New Take on GIFs

How To Make Your Own Cinemagraphs: A New Take on GIFs
We hate to break it to you, but it doesn't look as if GIFs are disappearing anytime soon. Those ancient animated images — once limited to gaudy "under construction" signs and chain-mail fodder — are receiving a new lease on life as of late, thanks to a little something called cinemagraphs. This is actually just a fancy name for an animated GIF, but specially designed with a purposeful artistic goal. One photographer, Fernando J Baez, describes the technique as "more than a photo, but not quite a video." The intent is to augment, or draw attention to, certain aspects of an image through localized animation — for example, a breeze blowing through a subject's hair — and masking the remainder of the animation to appear static. It's by no means a new phenomena, but the technique is a little more involved than creating your average meme-worthy GIF, and can produce some incredibly cool results. One of Jamie Beck's animated photographs, otherwise called a cinemagraph. Photoshop.

untitled Posted by: Lakshal Posted date: March 6, 2012 | 9 comments Tags: actions, mulletgod, photoshop A few years ago, I decided to make some Photoshop actions to make editing a little easier for people. There are so many simple things that people do in Photoshop that are tedious because of the click, click, click, drag, click nature of things in the software. Actions help with automating the process, doing much of the hard work for you. I had a website dedicated to these actions but that site was hacked and subsequently infected my main wedding photography website which obviously was not a good thing. These actions are completely free of charge but I would love it if you could make a donation to Médecins Sans Frontières if you enjoy using the actions. Download the actions here Please note, The readme document contained in the ZIP file should have everything you need to know and I can’t offer any support for these actions anymore so please do not contact me asking questions!

50+ Most Amazing Adobe After Effects Tutorials You Need to Learn Adobe After Effects is commonly used for creating visual effects and motion graphics. It allows users to animate, alter, and composite media in 2d and 3d space with various built-in tools and third party plug-ins. This software is really amazing and powerful. Here is 50+ Most Amazing Adobe After Effects Tutorials You Need to Learn. 3D Light Casting In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an energy-ball that re-lights the road surface. Particle Explosion An after effect tutorial where you will build a complex particle system using CC Particle World. Scene Re-Lighting In this tutorial, you will use normal-map to relight 3d scenes in After Effects. throughout this tutorial you will apply more advanced lighting, reflection & Refraction. Energetic Titles Learn advanced tips and create “3d-looking” titles. Fracture Design This this tutorial you will use expressions, scripts and create a distressed title. Animate Your Logo Into Characters Advanced Camera Tips Graffiti Writing Growing 3D Vines Ads

20 PSD Tuts That Will Turn You Into A Photoshop Guru Many people can use Photoshop, but only a select few can call themselves gurus. Learn all the methods in the 20 tutorials below and you’ll be well on your way to joining this elite. Rather than focus on tuts for beginners, intermediates or advanced users, we’ve simply chosen ones which produce jaw-dropping effects. All of them are easy to follow, although most do require at least some prior knowledge and experience. 1. Follow this tutorial to create dazzling, multi-layered, semi-transparent lettering, with a Perspex-like quality. 2. 3D Pixel Stretch Effect File this tutorial under “simple but effective”. 3. Turn a simple cityscape into a torrentially flooded wasteland. 4. Become the master of light and glow on Photoshop with this brief, easy-to-follow guide. 5. Use masking tools, layers, gradients and lines to turn your favorite piece of 3D text into something more colorful and commercial. 6. Mental waves do not exist, but if they did they’d look rather like this. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

XCLN: How To Merge Two .PST Files Cet article explique comment combiner deux magasins personnels d'information (PST). Ces étapes peuvent être nécessaires pour reprise après sinistre en fusionnant une copie de sauvegarde d'un fichier PST ou pour faciliter la tâche lors du déplacement vers un nouvel ordinateur. Un fichier PST est un fichier qui contient des messages, les fichiers et les autres éléments stockés dans des dossiers. L'exemple suivant montre comment fusionner un fichier PST appelé Mailbox.pst avec une version à partir d'une sauvegarde également nommée Mailbox.pst. Pour fusionner les fichiers, procédez comme suit : Fusion de la boîte de réception dupliqués, envoyés mail et supprimés des dossiers d'éléments Impossible de déplacer les dossiers boîte de réception, envoyés et supprimés à partir d'un fichier PST vers un autre. Étapes suivantes : Fusion de dossiers uniques Si un dossier n'existe pas dans les deux fichiers PST, vous pouvez simplement glisser -déplacer un dossier à déplacer son contenu.

f36jwo.jpg (JPEG Image, 700x1000 pixels) Eliberarea primului act de identitate dupa implinirea varstei de 18 ani DOCUMENTE NECESARE: - cererea pentru eliberarea actului de identitate; - certificatul de nastere, original si copie; - documentul cu care se face dovada adresei de domiciliu, original si copie; - declaratia unuia dintre parinti ori a unei terte persoane, din care sa rezulte faptul ca identitatea declarata în cererea de eliberare a actului de identitate, coroborata cu imaginea preluata ori cu fotografia atasata cererii, apartine solicitantului; - fisa cu impresiunile decadactilare ale solicitantului realizata de unitatea de politie de la locul de domiciliu sau resedinta al solicitantului; - chitanta reprezentând contravaloarea cartii de identitate - de 7 lei; - timbru fiscal sau chitanta reprezentând contravaloarea taxei extrajudiciare de timbru - 5 lei. Cetatenii români aflati în strainatate pot depune cererea pentru eliberarea primului act de identitate împreuna cu documentele prevazute de lege la misiunile diplomatice sau oficiile consulare ale României din statul respective.

Directia pentru Evidenta Persoanelor si Administrarea Bazelor de Date Documente necesare 1. Eliberarea cărții de identitate provizorie cetățenilor români cu domiciliul in străinătate, care locuiesc temporar in România - click aici 2. Eliberarea cărții de identitate la dobândirea cetățeniei române - click aici 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Sesizati faptele de coruptie ale personalului Ministerului Administratiei si Internelor la telefon: 0800806806 - linie telefonica gratuita a Directiei Generale Anticoruptie. Se recomanda utilizarea browser-ului Microsoft Internet Explorer, minim versiunea 4.0.
