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The Single Most Important Factor for iPad Success in Schools

The Single Most Important Factor for iPad Success in Schools
When you think of iPads in schools, you probably think of a cart that's wheeled into a classroom. Youngsters cheer at the arrival of the cart. Devices are passed out, used for a lesson, and then returned to the cart. The cart is then whisked away to another classroom where the same thing happens. Having a cart of devices puts the adults in charge of the technology. If possible, I would like to see students in control. The Technology Enhanced Learning Research Group, lead by Kevin Burden from the University of Hull, investigated the use of iPads at eight different schools in Scotland. The researchers found that "personal 'ownership' of the device is seen as the single most important factor for successful use of this technology." The study also found that teachers using iPads changed their approach to teaching. Not surprisingly, teachers and students want to continue to have access to iPads and are convinced that their use has changed learning for the better.

iPad et autres astuces numériques pour enseigner à l'école primaire de Francois Lamoureux 10 steps technology directors can take to stay relevant SmartBlogs The role of the typical school district technology director has become obsolete. Speak with your average teacher in many school districts in the U.S., and you’ll find the technology department is better known for getting in the way than for serving the educational needs of both staff and students. Many technology departments, led by obsolete tech directors, are inadvertently inhibiting learning. The mantra of “lock it and block it” no longer works in a 21st century digital learning environment. Do how can technology directors avoid becoming obsolete? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Students and staff need technology directors that have not made themselves obsolete. Tom Murray serves as the director of technology and cybereducation for the Quakertown Community School District in Bucks County, Pa.

7 Key Findings for Successful Education Technology Integrations Continuing with the theme of measurable successes in education technology implementations that we’ve explored in a number of articles over the last few months, today we take a look at Project Red. Project RED conducted a national study of education technology focused on student achievement and financial implications. The coalition of three research organizations surveyed and studied nearly 1,000 schools and uncovered a replicable design for successfully introducing technology into the classroom, improving student performance, and yielding cost benefits. This exciting research endeavor developed 11 “success measures” and 22 independent measures and incorporated these into a survey tool that was central to the project’s effort to identify and prioritize the factors that make some U.S. 1. 2. Respondents reported that technology contributes to cost reductions and productivity improvements … “the richer the technology implementation, the more positive the impact.” 4. 5. 6. 7. Print This Post

Utilisation de tablettes tactiles en primaire Alain Jourdan, professeur des écoles, participe à une expérimentation de tablettes tactiles conduite par la mission TICE et le CRDP de l’académie de Grenoble en liaison avec la DGESCO, avec ses élèves de CM2 de l’école des Dauphins de Bernin (38). Le contexte L’outil informatique fait partie intégrante de la vie de ma classe depuis longtemps. J’ai très rapidement constaté l’impact pédagogique de l’ordinateur, quel que soit le niveau de classe, notamment pour les élèves les plus fragiles scolairement. Le déroulement de l'activité Les élèves peuvent travailler avec les tablettes numériques en fonction des activités proposées à tout moment de la journée et dans toutes les matières. Les aspects techniques Chaque élève et l’enseignant possèdent une tablette tactile. Les apports des TICE Ils sont nombreux, très forts et de tous ordres : Les compétences mises en œuvre Quelques limites, contraintes ou points faibles posant question La solidité de ces tablettes tactiles. Alain Jourdan

iPad or Chromebook: 4 Questions To Ask Before Choosing Crude mashup for your enjoyment. For the past few days, I’ve been playing with a Chromebook. Though I have been an advocate of Google’s myriad web products since the beta-test Gmail account that I was invited to open over 10 years ago, I had not previously put my hands on one of these devices. This may come as a shock since I have spent the past two years completely immersed in iPads. With schools and districts across the country, there seems to be this preconception that a single relationship exists with regard to technology, and in particular, with regard to making a decision about mobile devices. However, my colleagues at EdTechTeacher and I think that rather than asking which device should my school use, the more poignant question may be ‘what do I want my students to do?’ Why? More often than not, the answer is access. For right now, let’s focus on iPads and Chrome Books as they seem to be the leading contenders in the device debate. What will best support my students learning?

The iPad as a Tool For Education - a case study In the first two terms of implementing an iPad programme, Longfield Academy in Kent have noticed a great impact on teaching and learning. Research carried out on behalf of Naace and supported by 9ine consulting is published here. It’s really exciting to be able to announce our research into the use of iPads. Please note: the tablet implementation surveys here include the questions used in this research. Any further queries can be directed via The iPad as a Tool For Education - a case study Expériences scientifiques pour les enfants au préscolaire et primaire. - La science pour les tout-petits

5 Critical Mistakes Schools Make With iPads (And How To Correct Them) Over the last few years K-12 schools and districts across the country have been investing heavily in iPads for classroom use . EdTechTeacher has been leading iPad professional development at many of these schools and we’ve seen firsthand how they approach iPad integration. While we’ve witnessed many effective approaches to incorporating iPads successfully in the classroom, we’re struck by the common mistakes many schools are making with iPads, mistakes that are in some cases crippling the success of these initiatives. 1) Focusing on content apps The most common mistake teachers make with iPads is focusing on subject-specific apps. It simply didn’t occur to him use the VoiceThread app to record his students speaking Latin, or perhaps create a collaborative discussion of Cicero. At our iPads in the Classroom summer workshop at Harvard University we spend three full days with teachers actively exploring effective iPad integration tools and strategies. It doesn’t. Focusing on iPad-versus.

A Small Collection of Studies of iPad Use in Education This week I got the itch to go beyond anecdotal stories about iPads in the classroom and look for some more substantial research and writing on the topic. Below are some of the reports that I’ve been reading through this week. The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development for Victoria, Australia iPads for Learning – In Their Hands field trial studied the use of iPads in nine schools. One of the observations to note here is that greater success was reported at primary and special schools than in secondary schools. The iPad as a Tool for Education is a study based on iPad use at Longfield Academy, Kent, England . Reading With iPads – The Difference Makes a Difference studied the impact on the reading comprehension, knowledge of content, and analysis skills of boys aged 11 to 13 who read using iPads. The Impact of the iPad and iPhone on Education was published in 2010 and is speculative in nature as the students surveyed had not yet been given iPads.

Tips for the One iPad Classroom, and a Free iPad Rules Download! Do you have an iPad in your classroom? Are you wondering how you can make use of it when there is only one device for all of your students to share? Well, never fear, I have tons of ideas for you right here, and a “Rules for the iPad” free download, too! And for those of you that may be new to my blog, this post focuses on using the iPad in the young children’s classroom, such as Pre-K, Kindergarten, First Grade, etc. Before you get started using the iPad in any manner, make your expectations on how to use the device clear. Rules for the iPad: Carry the iPad with two hands. Sit down while using the iPad. Hold the iPad from the base, not the cover. No banging, slamming, or hitting the iPad. Share nicely and stop when your turn is over. I made a poster for the rules with picture cues to help the children, and I am sharing it with you here today! Be sure that you physically demonstrate how to share the tablet. Sand timers make it easy for little ones to share. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
