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Recursive outlining and writing

Recursive outlining and writing
I am in the middle of writing my dissertation, and I’m constantly experimenting with my writing process flow and set-up. I have two monitors, a 19 and a 22-inch one. The overall writing process appears to be a recursive process of alternating between outlining and writing (though the two are not always clearly separable). My actual writing started once I got to a point that I had so many outlines in different outliners that the only way out of that morass was to start writing them up. To my surprise I have selected Word 2010 as my main writing tool. For times when I wouldn’t be using Dragon, I would want to use WordExpander to speed up the typing, and it turned out that it would display the pop-up menu of word choices by the cursor in Word but not in Scrivener. So, Word is open in my 19-in monitor that is facing me and where I do the final writing up (dictating with Dragon or typing with WordExpander). This describes the set-up of my outline-to-writing process. Like this: Like Loading... Related:  Writing Tools

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Grammar Bytes! Grammar Instruction with Attitude Grammar Instruction with Attitude Home • Terms • Exercises • MOOC • Handouts • Presentations • Videos • Rules • About • Shop • Feedback ©1997 - 2019 by Robin L. valid html MLA / APA / Chicago Bibliography Composer, Notecards, Outlining Natara Bonsai | Dr Andus's toolbox The problem with developing a final outline for a PhD dissertation chapter is that it is difficult to know when the outline is really final. It will be final of course when you are confident enough that it is of the requisite quality. The difficulty is how to identify the boundary between the conceptual development stage and the stage of writing-up for presentational purposes. For academic writing it is the former that is the main headache, i.e. coming up with the content, rather than putting it into its final shape. For now I can’t seem to find a better answer than to push on with aiming to reach a final outline, even if it turns out to be an interim stage of conceptual development. This reflexive and recursive process of dealing with multiple outlines in multiple software tools eventually reveals an arrangement of outlines in an arrangement of software tools, and a shape-shifting process flow that adjusts itself continuously. Could I be wrong about that?

The Keystone Habit of Journaling Day One Journaling Series: Article 1 • Article 2 • Article 3 • Article 4 Once you have a solid reason to journaling and quality content to write on it about, the only thing you need is to actually start journaling. However, as I illustrated in part two of this series, starting a journal might not actually be as easy as it seems. It is hard to go from writing absolutely nothing per day, to recording mutiple things on the next. Why exactly does that happen? To better understand why so many people gave up on journaling during the first days I decided to study a bit about how habits work. How Habits Work I went to my university’s library in search of a good book about habits and eventually came across Charles Duhigg’s The Power of Habit book. According to Duhigg, the development of a habit is comprised of three parts: First, there is a cue, a trigger that tells your brain to go into automatic mode and which habit to use. The Journaling Habit Ok, that is very interesting. A Keystone Habit

My Journaling System - Resilient Joy Today I journal in one of the three devices I will usually always have at arm's length: my iPhone, iPad or MacBook. I used to have physical journals, but found that the benefits of using a digital journal far outweight having to carry an actual paper book. I would get frustrated having something great to write down but no journal anywhere in sight to capture the idea or the moment! Have you experience that? Or I'd use some random piece of paper only to lose it afterwards. Don't let your journal be like the bottom drawer of your desk lost with valuable items that you have collected over the years but none of which can ever be found when you look for them again because of how they were poorly stored. Once I began journaling digitally I have never looked back. Why this? You obviously don't need to use the same tags. My app of choice to bring all this together is Day One. The app cover all the basis. Advanced features such as having a passcode to lock your journal.

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