Related: Soft skills7 Effective Time Management Tips To Maximize Your Productivity We live in a world of massive distraction. No matter where you are today, there is always going to be distractions. Your colleagues talking about their latest date, notification messages popping up on your screens, and not just your mobile phone screens. And even if you try to find a quiet place, there will always be someone with a mobile device that is beeping and chirping. How to Break into a Field That Seems Un-break-into-able Good Life Project is a weekly web show that features in-depth interviews with acclaimed artists, entrepreneurs, creators, and world-shakers. To receive the mp3 version of our shows, please sign up here. How many people dream of traveling the world, photographing everything, from fashion models to passion causes, and being extraordinarily compensated for the work?
TEDTalks Have you ever wondered: Am I a human being? Ze Frank suggests a series of simple questions that will determine this. Please relax and follow the prompts. Let's begin ... TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at
The surprising benefits of “uitwaaien”—the Dutch practice of spending time in the wind Recently I was in San Francisco, a city known for its tech companies, steep hills, and fierce winds. Each day I’d run around the neighborhood and up through the park, ending with a spectacular view of the Golden Gate Bridge. Back in my AirBnB, I’d feel energized and refreshed, fingers tingling from the breeze. It was cold, exhausting, but completely exhilarating. As it turns out, there’s a unique term, from the Dutch, for this sort of pastime. The Educated Entrepreneur's Blog A fellow entrepreneur gave me a slight nudge today that motivated me to post today’s blog. I think you will certainly find value in it as it incorporates some of the best minds of the 21st century. Remember….. The secret to learning as an entrepreneur is to mix equal parts of inspiration and perspiration. Hard work without a vision is futile, while a great idea without execution is similarly worthless.
Why The Art of Speaking Should Be Taught Alongside Math and Literacy Classrooms in the U.S. often focus most attention on literacy and math, largely because those skills are considered foundational and are tested. However most people will also need to communicate their thoughts and ideas to other people through oral language, and yet effective communication strategies are often not taught with the same precision and structure as other parts of the curriculum. School 21, a public school in London has made "oracy" a primary focus of everything they do. From the earliest grades on up teachers support students to find their voice, express differing opinions politely, and challenge one another's thinking. These are skills called for in the Common Core, but can be hard to find in many classrooms because students haven't been taught how to make "turn and talks" truly effective. The Edutopia team visited School 21 and captured some amazing videos of students practicing their communication skills with support from teachers.
Out of Sight, Till Now, and Giving Away Billions Rumpled by habit, limping on old knees, smiling faintly after a night of celebration, Chuck Feeney stepped out of a building on Park Avenue Monday night and vanished, carried away on a river of passing strangers who knew nothing about him. Perfectly disguised as an ordinary man, Mr. Feeney, one of the most generous and secretive philanthropists of modern times, had dropped from sight once again. Why Talented People Don’t Use Their Strengths Executive Summary Experts have long encouraged people to “play to their strengths.” But based on my observations, this is easier said than done, because we often undervalue what we inherently do well.
Curated News and Advice for Entrepreneurs » CLASS OF 2013: Here’s What Billionaires Want You Graduates to Know About Success, Wealth and Happiness Forbes has laid out a list of the best graduation advice ever given — BY BILLIONAIRES! There are of course a few of the normal platitudes – “Live each day as if it’s your last,” says Steve Jobs, which was actually probably the only cliche part in an otherwise stellar Stanford commencement speech in 2005 . But we’ve compiled some of the best — occasionally contrarian — advice below, with links to as many of the actual speeches as we could find. Happy graduation, Class of 2013! And just because we love you — check out Business Insider’s list of graduation advice from leaders like Maria Shriver, Richard Branson, Arianna Huffington and T.
Radical Candor — The Surprising Secret to Being a Good Boss Kim Scott, co-founder of Candor, Inc., has built her career around a simple goal: Creating bullshit-free zones where people love their work and working together. She first tried it at her own software startup. Then, as a long-time director at Google, she studied how the company’s leaders created an environment where the joy that people took in their work felt almost tangible.