Job Access-Disability Welcome to JobAccess. JobAccess is a free information and advice service about the employment of people with disability. JobAccess helps people with disability, employers, service providers and the community to access information about services, financial assistance and workplace solutions.
Medieval & Renaissance History Monash has one of the strongest programs in Medieval and Renaissance history in Australia. We teach first-year units in medieval European history and the history of the Renaissance, and upper-level units in the Crusades, Renaissance Italy, medieval and early modern witch-hunts, the early Middle Ages from the fall of Rome, and the Renaissance in Florence, and other religious, social and cultural history units. Our Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies hosts seminars, language and paleography training for postgraduates, symposia and visiting scholars. A highlight of studying Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Monash is the opportunity to take an undergraduate unit at the Monash University Centre in Prato Italy. For information on all units available at Monash Prato please visit the Arts in Prato website. Staff Research Areas
Job Access Résumé template Résumé template Résumé template April 2016 ... updated: Access Group: People With Disability Creating a good résumé A résumé is a key tool to help you look for work. Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) For some people, the chance to show their potential to succeed at university may be limited by financial, geographical, cultural or personal circumstances. The Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) allows us to give you special consideration for these circumstances when applying for undergraduate courses. Eligibility To be eligible, you must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident, applying for an undergraduate course, and meet at least one of the SEAS category requirements. You must also meet the course prerequisites and the University's minimum entry requirements.
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History Short Courses, Degrees & Courses, La Trobe University Why do a short course in History? Studying a single subject lets you: Find other ways into a degree courseUpdate your professional knowledgeFollow a personal interest. Résumés 1: Introduction to Résumés What is a résumé? A résumé is a brief document that summarizes your education, employment history, and experiences that are relevant to your qualifications for a particular job for which you are applying. The purpose of a résumé (along with your cover letter) is to get an interview. Research has shown that it takes an average of ten (10) interviews to receive one (1) job offer, so your résumé needs to be persuasive and perfect. Colleges and Universities Offering Free History Courses Online See our list of the top free online history courses. Learn about what courses are available, what topics they cover and whether you can use them to get college credit. Online History Courses for Credit
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