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Ligature Symbols by Kazuyuki Motoyama Logos Please copy & paste this code to your HTML file or Stylesheet. <! Download How to make this font ? Ligature Symbols is to display the symbol with a ligature features. About me Copyright © 2012 kazuyuki motoyama (kudakurage) Testing tools Beautiful Buttons for Twitter Bootstrappers This is an extension to the Twitter Bootstrap framework. It makes creating pretty buttons easy. (Send improvements to @charliepark.) First, monkey with the sliders on the left. Use your arrow keys for extra precision. (Button Puffiness might not affect all browsers.) Second, copy the CSS in the box below. You should be able to just pop it into your CSS file.

Headless Functional Testing with Selenium and PhantomJS Let's build a system for performing functional tests on web applications, using Selenium and PhantomJS. The resulting system will allow us to write easy test scenarios in JavaScript, and test those scenarios both in real browsers and a headless simulator. The obvious downside to Selenium is that it requires a full graphical desktop for any and all tests. To begin, we have to choose a browser control or emulation engine to simulate an end-user. For a long time, the primary player in this field was Selenium, and it still is. The obvious downside to Selenium is that it requires a full graphical desktop for any and all tests. On the opposite end of the spectrum is PhantomJS: A small, but excellent project, running a WebKit engine with full JavaScript access, but without the graphical portion. Selenium can now control PhantomJS in the same way that it does any other browser. PhantomJS, being a full WebKit, covers 90% of your functional testing needs. The choice is absolutely free here.

PhantomJS: Headless WebKit with JavaScript API Camme/webdriverjs Color Oracle Comparison of layout engines (Document Object Model) The following tables compare DOM compatibility and support for a number of layout engines. Please see the individual products' articles for further information. Unless otherwise specified in footnotes, comparisons are based on the stable versions without any add-ons, extensions or external programs. For features that are fully supported (based on DOM Level 2 or DOM Level 3 modules that are under W3C Recommendation), an exact version number is given if it is certain that the feature was added in such version. DOM Level 0 and DOM Level 3 modules that are still under development are not included. Explanation of the tables[edit] Engine nomenclature[edit] Rather than the names of web browsers, the names of the underlying engines are used. Values[edit] Values indicate the level of support in the most recent version of the layout engine, or (if a version number is given) in the specified version. AttributeNode.specified — Does not set specified to true if ownerElement is null.

Tests Quizz Fonts Contracts: The Practical Side of Semantics We all recognize that we should be writing semantic code. Maybe, you're even using <section> or <em> correctly, and feel pretty good about yourself. But, are you also considering the implied contract that exists when you code? Let's imagine that a customer requests a text link, “See More,” which should reveal additional text on the page. No, it will not always work correctly, as it violates the contract between you and the browser. There are practical problems which can arise when violating contracts, and those are much better reasons to write semantic code than things you usually think of when you hear the term, “semantic”. Popular Arguments for Semantic Code There are, however, much more practical reasons to care about semantics: contracts. If you ask an average developer what the value of semantic code, you'll likely hear something along the lines of: It assists the disabled Properly describing code makes it easier for machines to interpret Both are, unfortunately, very easy to neglect.

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