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psychologists aim to help computers understand you better By Brooke Donald L.A. Cicero Noah Goodman, right, and Michael Frank, both assistant professors of psychology, discuss their research at the white board that covers the wall in Goodman's office. Language is so much more than a string of words. To understand what someone means, you need context. Consider the phrase, "Man on first." Present these widely quoted scenarios to a computer, however, and there would likely be a communication breakdown. But a pair of Stanford psychologists has taken the first steps toward changing that. In a new paper published recently in the journal Science, Assistant Professors Michael Frank and Noah Goodman describe a quantitative theory of pragmatics that promises to help open the door to more human-like computer systems, ones that use language as flexibly as we do. The mathematical model they created helps predict pragmatic reasoning and may eventually lead to the manufacture of machines that can better understand inference, context and social rules. 3 Stumble

The 2010 Ford Fusion Hybrid Offers Excellent Value The 2010 Ford Fusion PRLog (Press Release) - Sep. 2, 2010 - The rising cost of gasoline and environmental issues have prompted many shoppers to consider buying a green or electric car. Ford’s Fusion Hybrid is one of the most well rounded vehicles in this market because of its sharp looks, fuel economy, inviting and cozy interior and Ford’s Sync system. This car was designed with sharp lines, a clean looking grille and it stands out on the road due to its edgy looks. The Fusion hybrid comes installed with a 2.5 Ltr 4 cylinder traditional gasoline engine with 156 hp and 136 lb feet of torque. The seats are crafted out of materials that are environmentally friendly. More options to make the ride pleasant include; a climate control system, keyless power entry, a traction control system, an ABS system, a stereo sound system and seventeen inch wheels. You may choose to add options such as premium leather seats and a navigation system. Photo:

VoiceNavigator Web: навигация по web-сайтам с помощью голоса | Центр Речевых Технологий | ЦРТ Функциональные возможности Возможности, предоставляемые пользователю VoiceNavigator Web позволяет организовать взаимодействие с пользователем Интернет-портала по следующим операциям: Навигация по порталу: По любой активной ссылке, доступной пользователюПо предустановленным командам управленияПрослушивание информации в режимах: Чтение заголовковЧтение ленты новостейЧтение полнотекстовых документовВ смешанном режиме (по указанию пользователя) Возможности, предоставляемые разработчикам и администраторам портала Управление сценариями Поскольку эффективность голосового управления зависит от пользовательского опыта обращения с такого рода системами, VoiceNavigator Web предоставляет возможность инициализировать сценарии, подходящие разным группам пользователей. Новый пользователь потратит больше времени на адаптацию к использованию голосового управления, нежели постоянный посетитель ресурса. Сценарий взаимодействия пользователя с сайтом в общем виде Основные исполняемые функции: Эффекты от внедрения

Theory of mind Definition[edit] Theory of mind is a theory insofar as the mind is not directly observable.[1] The presumption that others have a mind is termed a theory of mind because each human can only intuit the existence of his/her own mind through introspection, and no one has direct access to the mind of another. It is typically assumed that others have minds by analogy with one's own, and this assumption is based on the reciprocal nature of social interaction, as observed in joint attention,[4] the functional use of language,[5] and the understanding of others' emotions and actions.[6] Having a theory of mind allows one to attribute thoughts, desires, and intentions to others, to predict or explain their actions, and to posit their intentions. Theory of mind appears to be an innate potential ability in humans; one requiring social and other experience over many years for its full development. Different people may develop more, or less, effective theories of mind. Development[edit] Autism[edit]

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