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Triple-Zip Pouch

Triple-Zip Pouch
Supplies Needed3 zippers, 9" or longerfabric for pouch body, accent pieces, and linings (fat-quarters are plenty for the pouch body and linings; accents can be made from scraps)fusible fleececoordinating thread (which may be more than one, depending on your choice of accent fabrics) All seams are 1/4” * Note: The piece indicated is one already partially stitched onto the pouch. Now you will be stitching on the other end; will be a lining piece that you are working with, except for the last instance, where it will be the main body fabric. Cutting Instructions1 – main body fabric, 8” x 9 ½”1 – fusible fleece, 8" x 9 ½” (not shown)2 – front accent pieces (can be the same or contrasting), 8" x 1 ¼”2 – pieces fusible fleece, 8" x 1 ¼” (not shown)6 – zipper ends (all matching or matching pairs), 2 ½" x 3”1 – main zip lining fabric, 8" x 12 ½”1 – center zip lining fabric, 8" x 9 ½”1 – bottom zip lining fabric, 7" x 8” Preparing FabricAdhere fusible fleece to matching fabric piece.

Zippered Pouch (with tidy ends) I know there are lots of zippered pouch tutorials out there, and they're great, but I haven't found one that explains how to make the ends of the zipper more finished. Once I figured out how to do this, I thought I'd share. This tutorial is more about the zipper ends than it is about the finished pouch. Though I am going to tell you how big I cut everything, you can easily make these pouches any size you want. I tried to take a lot of pictures, but if anything is unclear, please let me know! Supplies: (2) Exterior pieces, I cut mine 8.5" x 6.5" (2) Lining pieces, mine are 8.5" x 6.25" (1) 2"x4" piece of exterior fabric to cover the zipper ends (2) pieces of medium weight fusible interfacing OR fusible fleece the same size as your exterior pieces. (1) zipper--Mine is 7" The rule of thumb here is to have your exterior pouch length be 1.5" longer than your zipper. Trim the corners of the fusible interfacing to reduce bulk and fuse to the exterior of your pouch. Repeat for the other side. Whew!

Lined, zippered pouch / make up bag tutorial This morning I was in a rush to make a simple lined make-up bag and had a quick look on the internet to see if I could easily find any dimensions for such a thing. I could find instructions on how to make a pouch, but none with dimensions and none with covered ends to the zips, which is how I like my zips to be finished. It now seems quite illogical to me that I decided that I simply must write a tutorial for such a thing when I was meant to be 'rushing'...but it seems that most things can wait. This make-up bag will end up measuring: 7.5" x 5". Here are the ingredients you will need: 1 x zip (it can start off at any size, but should be cut down to measure 8" exactly) 2 x lining - 8" x 5.5" 2 x fancy fabric for outer - 8" x 5.5" 2 x fancy fabric zip end covers- 3" x 1.5" 4 x sew-in interfacing - 8" x 5.5" Yay! Take one of the 3" x 1.5" pieces of material. Place your zip so that it butts up to the half way fold that you made. And then pin the ends down just like this. Nearly there now.

le tuto de la pochette de sac façon mini-cartable - Le blog de marie-bobine's 17 septembre 2011 6 17 /09 /septembre /2011 17:27 pour faire une pochette de sac..... pour commencer, télécharger le patron en cliquant ici et découper chaque pièce dans 2 tissus différents. préparer la poche (la plus petite pièce) en faisant l'ourlet positionner la poche sur la partie avant de la pochette envers sur endroit et piquer aux 2/3 de la longueur pour former 2 poches assembler l'avant et le dos sans coudre les "coins dégarnis" pour former le volume du fond de la pochette, écarter les "coins dégarnis" et pincer en faisant correspondre les coutures du fond avec celles des côtés, piquer . différences d'assemblage de la doublure : la bande de poche se coud sur la partie dos, laisser une ouverture dans le milieu de la couture du fond pour pouvoir ensuite retourner le tout à l'endroit. et le tour est joué !!! n'hésitez pas si vous avez des questions, des critiques, des encouragements... laissez moi un petit com ...

The Spiky Hedgehog Purse I really am in “spiky” fever these few days after making the Triangle Fold Coaster. I transformed those “spikies” into 2 hedgehog purses, which I have named Bluno and Reddy. They measure only about 10cm x 9cm. Bluno is a male hedgehog and Reddy is a female. They met each other in the park on one sunny morning, and this is how their story begins….. click “Next” below the photo to view the full storyboard of their meet-up. Photographing them was not an easy task as compared with my previous crafts. . ? that we watch in National Geography. I downloaded the hedgehog pattern from LollyChops (I am a big fan of Lolly) a few months ago and kept in my craft “library” since I know that it will inspire me to come up with something that is my own…. More to come???? Well…. am I going to continue with the unfinished story of them….. shhhh it is a secret!!!! Special thanks to Sumay who assisted me in narrating the story. Get all updates via email: Highlights from Our Partners

Purse Organizer Insert With Adjustable Dividers This is a last minute sewing project just before my departure to Taiwan, a purse organizer insert with adjustable divider for my camera and belongings during the traveling. Actually, I can just buy a ready-made camera bag from the store, but I find them a little bulky. Well, because they give better protection with all the padded sponge which is good, the drawback of being excessively padded is that it can only offer limited storage space with it size. If I am going to put my camera, lenses & accessories, maps, passport, water tumbler, purse, scarf, cardigan and other necessities for a day-trip out, I will need quite a big camera bag to cater. After thinking thoroughly, I need to design something good for a bag to keep everything in place, organized, yet light-weight and with some degree of protection during the traveling. Due to the photography equipment I need to carry through-out my 6-day trip, a lighter bag is a must so that it won’t add more burden to my shoulder. Pages: 1 2

6-Pocket Mini Pocketbook I’m sure that many of you, like me, are on an eternal quest for organization. I know I’m not alone in finding the Container Store’s promise of a perfect, organized life utterly seductive. But here’s the thing…I don’t really like purging, I love my stuff. Therefore I also love pretty things in which to stash my stuff, so I get to enjoy my fantasy of being organized and contained. This tutorial is about helping you stay organized, in a quick, easy, and super-cute way. the pattern …is only four rectangles. the body is 7.25″ tall.the large pocket is 5.5″ tallthe medium pocket is 4.25″ tallthe small pocket is 3″ tall materials needed I chose a vintage cotton canvas for the body in a bright retro floral, and quilting weight cotton in a matching color for the interior. You’ll also need a button and a bit of elastic for the closure, and a bit of ribbon for the pen. I used two layers of mid-weight interfacing on the body to give it some heft. start with the pockets 1. 2. the closure 3. 4. 6. 7.

2 Pocket, Ultra Slim Fabric Card Case A few weeks ago, I went to Dallas for the wedding of a friend of mine from college, and unsurprisingly, the reception ended up doubling as a mini college reunion. Some of those people I literally hadn’t seen since graduation day. Naturally, the experience got me thinking about the thing I am always thinking about: sewing. (really). I already make a cute little single pocket card case/wallet thing that people love to impulse-buy at craft shows, but occasionally I get asked about one with two pockets, that would fold in half. why 19th street? Remembering our 19th street adventures made me think of that critical accessory (nobody carried purses when we went out), and how a handmade version would be pretty cute, and super useful. I also used lightweight fusible interfacing, but that’s also optional, especially if you use something a bit heavier for the outside. the pattern…is really just two rectangles. time to start sewing! 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. And viola!

Reversible Messenger Bag Tutorial Here's what you will need: Main body -2 pieces of home dec weight fabric or corduroy measuring 14" x 12" (Fabric A) Main body-2 pieces of contrasting home dec weight fabric measuring 14" x 12" (Fabric B) Flap- 1 piece of Fabric A- 12" x 11.5" Flap- 1 piece of Fabric B- 12" x 11.5" Back Pocket- 1 piece of Fabric A- 14" x 8" Back pocket- 1 piece of Fabric B- 14" x 8" Small Pocket- 1 piece of Fabric B- 7" x 12" Strap- 1 piece of Fabric A- 6" x 42" Depending on the weight of your fabric, you may want to interface it. I purchased 1 yard of each fabric and had plenty of fabric left over. Let's get started. Cut out all your pieces. Cut a 1 inch square out of the bottom corners of all 4 pieces. Interface pieces. Take your strap piece and iron each side towards the middle. Then fold in half and iron. Round the corners of the flap pieces. With right sides together sew the flap pieces together leaving the top open. Clip the curves. Turn right side out and iron. Stitch across the bottom of the pocket.

Trousse de toilette pour homme à faire soi-même Les hommes aussi possèdent des produits de beauté et lorsqu’ils partent en voyage, il faut que tout cet attirail puisse rentrer dans leur trousse. En voici une originale et spacieuse, parfaite pour tout emporter. Il n’est pas nécessaire d’acheter du tissu imperméabilisé pour la doublure. Si vous n’en avez pas sous la main, vous pouvez recycler une nappe lavable ou même un grand parapluie pourquoi pas! Pour plus de facilité, utilisez un pied spécial cuir pour votre machine à coudre. Vous pouvez ajouter un élastique piqué sur un côté de la doublure à plusieurs endroits afin de créer des petits espaces qui maintiendront verticalement les produits de beauté. Coupez les différents tissus... Imprimez le patron puis entoilez si nécessaire l’envers des côtés (tissu à carreaux (1)) de la trousse et l’envers du corps du personnage. Cousez la lanière Pliez en 2 la grande longueur de la lanière (4) endroit contre endroit puis piquez à 1cm du bord. Puis la fermeture éclair Cousez les extrémités Faufilez

Allez, on en fait un ensemble ? - Sur un fil Vous connaissez mon amour pour les beaux cahiers ? Euh... Mais si, voyons !... *** Etape n°1 *** On rassemble d'abord toutes les fournitures. - un cahier quelconque, même un moche fera notre affaire (ici, il s'agit d'un grand cahier seyes format 21 x 29,7 cm de 192 pages, mais on prend ce que l'on veut et, dans ce cas, on adapte les mesures données ci-dessous). - un rectangle de tissu de 33 x 49 cm pour la couverture extérieure (ici, c'est le tissu bleu et vert à fleurettes). - un rectangle de tissu de 33 x 49 cm pour la doublure (ici, c'est la toile de coton écru un peu épaisse). - deux rectangles de 15 x 33 cm pour les rabats à l'intérieur (ici, ils sont de la même couleur que la doublure). - un ruban de soie (couleur vanille sur la photo) d'une longueur de 70 cm environ. - deux morceaux de biais de 33 cm de longueur chacun (assortis ici au tissu à fleurettes de la couverture). - facultatif : une étiquette tissée "Albine de Flore" pour la frime pour signer son oeuvre. *** Etape n°2 ***

Coco-bandeau réversible (tuto) Vous voulez coudre quelque chose de facile, rapide et utile à la fois? Le bandeau réversible est fait pour vous! Vous pourrez en faire de toutes les couleurs, pour vous et vos petites cocottes et les assortir à toutes vos tenues! Allez hop, je vous explique! Il vous faut deux tissus assortis et environ 20 cm de bande élastique. 3- Couper les 4 morceaux de tissus puis assembler : Les 2 dessus, endroit contre endroit (en laissant 1 cm de chaque côté non cousu). 4- Retourner les tissus, insérer l'élastique dans le dessous du bandeau et le coudre à chaque extrémité. 5- Assembler la bande élastiquée avec le bandeau en veillant à replier les bords du bandeau vers l'intérieur et à cacher les coutures de la bande élastiquée. 5 - Finir votre bandeau en surpiquant le bord du bandeau. Si vous n'avez pas encore voté pour mon blog aujourd'hui, il est encore temps! Alors si vous voulez soutenir ma participation, c'est ici :

Wallet-to-Tote On the Go ~ Tutorial Lorraine from ikat bag is a favorite around here… She has tons of fun tutorials on her blog and she’s joined us before with this wonderful Back to School Pencil Case tutorial. Today Lorraine shares a tutorial for a new summer essential, the On the Go Wallet-to-Tote! Construction includes three main parts: Assembling the Wallet, Assembling the Outer Bag and Making the Lining. The tote zips into a convenient wallet in this unique and handy design. From Lorraine: Hello, Everyone. I am very excited today to share this tutorial for a wallet that morphs into a tote! These little bags have been around for as long as I can remember, and I thought they’d be a useful addition to the arsenal of summer gear I stash in my car and/or purse. I have three little girls, aged 3,4 and 6, and we’ve found that summer always takes us on adventures we hadn’t planned for– detours to farmer’s markets, dancing in the rain or treasure hunting en route to the park. Part One: Assemble the Wallet:You will need: Bags

Pochette ecouteurs I use a little zippered pouch to carry around my earbuds since they are the fancy microphone ones and I don’t want them to break or get tangled. Some of you have commented that you are looking for some small, simple gift ideas. This is definitely simple to make, and a little more fun than the typical rectangular zippered pouch! I can see these as the perfect gift for teenage cousins or nieces or girlfriends or even teacher gifts. UPDATE: I have completely re-written this tutorial with twice as many bright, clear photos and more detailed instructions and it is available as a pattern in my pattern shop. First, download the pattern template HERE. Cut from main fabric: 1 circle 2 half circles 1 tab Cut from lining fabric: 1 circle 2 half circles Cut from batting (or medium weight interfacing, if you prefer): 1 circle 2 half circles You will also need a 1″ wide nylon 5″ or longer zipper. Place one lining half circle right side up and place the zipper right side up on top. Time to sew!

Sewing Tutorial | Triangle Coin Purse With Zipper After being inspired by the wrapped glutinous rice dumpling (粽子, Zòngzi) of a Chinese traditional festival, DuanWu Festival (端午節), I sewed some triangle coin purses recently. In fact, today is the actual date of DuanWu Festival which falls on every 5th day of 5th month of the Lunar calendar. If you are new to this rice dumpling, scroll down to see the one my mom made… yummy delicious….. may be I should start a food blog for my mom with all her delicious cookings & recipes that I am lucky to eat & grew-up with. For the detail of how to sew a triangle coin purse with zipper closure, read more after this jump: This 3-D triangle purse is actually in the form of tetrahedron shape with 3 triangles on the sides and 1 triangle on the base, other name of tetrahedron is “triangular pyramid”. If you look closer to the main photo, I sewed 2 different positions for the zipper, one on the triangle slope (left) and one at the center of the triangle (right). Materials: 1. Get all updates via email:
