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Collective Intelligence

Collective Intelligence
It's also possible for groups of people to work together in ways that seem pretty stupid, and I think collective stupidity is just as possible as collective intelligence. Part of what I want to understand and part of what the people I'm working with want to understand is what are the conditions that lead to collective intelligence rather than collective stupidity. But in whatever form, either intelligence or stupidity, this collective behavior has existed for a long time. What's new, though, is a new kind of collective intelligence enabled by the Internet. Or think of Wikipedia, where thousands of people all over the world have collectively created a very large and amazingly high quality intellectual product with almost no centralized control. If we want to predict what's going to happen, especially if we want to be able to take advantage of what's going to happen, we need to understand those possibilities at a much deeper level than we do so far. Why are we doing all this work?

Collective Intelligence: how it can complement your insights | Market Intelligence Hub At Digimind, we’re always interested in speaking to other professionals who share our passion when it comes to unearthing valuable intelligence insights. This week we sat down with Leslie McCrory to talk about the importance of collective intelligence. Leslie has a wealth of experience in the market intelligence field, working with a number of the biggest companies across the technology and telecoms sectors. He is now director of The Foresights Factory based in the UK. 1) You’ve been working in the technology industry for many years, from your experience what is the main challenge of this industry regarding their market intelligence processes? Timing, relevance and convenience. As we all know and have seen over the past few decades, competition in technology markets is cut-throat and fortunes can change radically very quickly – companies, products and services are all in constant flux. 2) Why do you feel collective intelligence is so important? To my mind, however, one thing is missing.

How Successful Virtual Teams Collaborate - Keith Ferrazzi by Keith Ferrazzi | 12:00 PM October 24, 2012 I have worked on many teams in which we dutifully did our jobs, and the group fulfilled its objectives. And then I have worked on other teams in which everyone energetically collaborated with one another, and the results were spectacular. Not only did we surpass our goals, we also thoroughly enjoyed and benefited from that process as individuals. In other words, there’s a world of difference between merely working together and truly collaborating with one another. Achieving true collaboration — in which the whole is definitely more than the mere sum of the individual parts — is difficult in any environment. Adjust for size. Don’t be afraid of social media. The chipmaker Xilinx, for instance, has reported an increase in engineer productivity by around 25% thanks to social media tools that encourage and enable employee collaborative activities. Play games. Train for collaboration. Have role clarity but task uncertainty.

2013-11-13 - Why Interpersonal Skills Are More Important Than You Think Speaker Thomas Malone Director, Center for Collective Intelligence, MIT Sloan School Thomas Malone of the MIT Sloan School discusses the importance of interpersonal skills and his research measuring intelligence of groups. Read the full transcript below. (Transcript by Realtime Transcription.) Kirkpatrick: The next session was not originally scheduled. Tom runs the Center for Collective Intelligence at MIT, and what he’s going to talk about is why interpersonal skills are more important than you think. So, Tom. Malone: Thank you, David. So, David asked me to say some of the things I said yesterday morning. Here is why I think interpersonal skills are even more important than I used to think. Now, if you want to create intelligent organizations, one thing that would certainly be helpful would be a way of measuring the intelligence of a group. So I’m going to tell you today about some research we’ve done at MIT to do exactly that. So we asked that question. Now you all knew that.

PKM in 2013 “The basic unit of social business technology is personal knowledge management, not collaborative workspaces.” - Thierry de Baillon Personal knowledge management (PKM) is a set of processes, individually constructed, to help each of us make sense of our world and work more effectively. But what we loosely call knowledge, using terms like knowledge-sharing or knowledge capture, is often just an approximation. Knowledge When we use our knowledge to describe some data, such as what we remember from an experience or our summary of a book, we convey this knowledge by creating information, even though writing it down is not perfect. Becoming knowledgeable can be thought of as bits of knowledge partially shared and experienced over time. Seek : Sense : Share Capturing knowledge, as crudely as we do, is just a first step. Seeking is finding things out and keeping up to date. Sensing is how we personalize information and use it. Innovation PKM may be an individual activity but it is also social.

Collective Intelligence: Proposed Categorization of Approach | Library of Professional Coaching Introduction The term ‘collective intelligence’ is commonly understood to be a reference to intelligence that is developed, discovered, or derived by a group. Wikipedia describes collective intelligence, not as a product, but as a theory describing intelligence that emerges from the contribution of many people. An example the author of the Wikipedia description provides for collective intelligence is a political party. In the United States, people elected to office are usually affiliated a specific political party. Many people contribute to the ideology, platform, and political treatises developed for governing a population. In this paper, three possible categories of collective intelligence will be proposed: Evolved Intelligence, Autonomous Collective Intelligence, and Collaborative Intelligence. Evolved Intelligence There is a case for claiming that most of our known intelligence falls is Evolved Intelligence. For example, Albert Einstein developed the Theory of Relativity.

Virtual Collaboration: The Skills Needed to Collaborate in a Virtual Environment Keywords: Virtual collaboration, virtual collaboration skills, virtual collaboration barriers. Introduction Virtual Collaboration Teams (VCTs), generally defined, are groups of individuals, geographically dispersed, that work together using collaborative technology (e.g. chat rooms, e-mail, instant messaging, video conferencing, etc.) in order to accomplish organizational goals (Brake, 2006; Cottone, Pieti, Schiavinato, Soru, Martinelli, Varotto, & Mantovani, 2009; Fruchter, Bosch-Sijtsema, & Ruohomaki, 2010; Suduc, Bizoi, & Filip, 2009; and Zhang, Tremaine, Egan, Milewski, O’Sullivan, & Fjermestad, 2009). Many organizations use VCTs because they are inexpensive, independent of time and space, more efficient, more effective, and are better able to share information, than face-to-face teams (Eom, 2009; Muntean, 2009; Suduc, Bizoi, & Filip, 2009; and Zhang et al., 2009). Relationship Building Skills Trust Familiarity Environment and Context Diversity Communication Skills Simple Language Ambiguity

Stigmergy Kind people have stigmergically translated this article into German, French, and Spanish. This article is part of a series now incorporated into : ‘Binding Chaos’. Stigmergy is a mechanism of indirect coordination between agents or actions. A personality based system can never allow for mass collaboration on a global scale without representation such as that seen in organizations like the United Nations. Currently, the typical response to a situation which requires an action is to create a noun, in the form of a committee, commission, organization, corporation, ngo, government body, etc. Most systems are now run by competitive organizations. The alternative to competition has traditionally been cooperation. Cooperation and consensus based systems are usually dominated by extroverted personalities who make decisions to control the work of others and are justly resented by those doing the actual work. Hierarchical System Consensus Hierarchy Stigmergy Nodes The future Like this: Like Loading...

A Great Graphic Featuring The 12 Principles of Collaboration Since the introduction of web 2.0 or what is called the " social web", the users' relationship with the web has completely changed. Before, the web was static ( web 1.0) and users have a limited choice to what they can do with it. In fact, they were only able to read and consume the content but with the uptake of web 2.0 technologies people become producers of content. They can publish, share, tag, comment, interact, and collaborate. Collaboration is a skill central to the 21st century learning; not that it was not important before but with the use of interactive digital technologies, learners need to draw more on their collaborative skills to enhance their learning . Collaboration has several features and principles. source: westxdesign

Collaboration Success Wizard Creating successful geographically distributed collaborations. The Collaboration Success Wizard is an on-line diagnostic survey for geographically distributed collaborations. The survey probes factors that may strengthen or weaken the collaboration. The Wizard provides both personal and project-level reports to help build successful and productive collaborative projects. We are actively seeking participants! Once a project is approved to participate, we send invitation e-mails to all the project members. And yes – it’s free! At the end of the survey each participant can see a personalized individual report that contains feedback based on their answers and our research. If multiple members of the same project complete the Wizard, we are willing to provide a report to the group about the overall character of the project. This is our research. The Wizard is based on over 20 years experience studying scientific collaborations. An application form is available through the link below. Apply Now!

Cognitive Blindness in Emergency Services La colaboración no es una tecnología, es un comportamiento A estas alturas de película, mucho tenemos ya una buena cantidad de ejemplos de nuestras empresas o de otras en los que los intentos por implantar una herramienta tecnológica terminaron en un tremendo derroche de tiempo, esfuerzo y dinero. Por eso precisamente me gustó este artículo en Fast Company, “Getting your employees to share their best ideas on Yammer, Chatter and Enterprise Social“, del que extraje precisamente la frase con la que he dado título a esta entrada: “la colaboración no es una tecnología, es un comportamiento”. ¿Dónde está el quid de una implantación tecnológica? En el caso de las herramientas de colaboración y de generación de contenido en la empresa, la respuesta parece clara: en el desarrollo de una cultura coherente con la herramienta. La colaboración es clave a la hora de generar información, para uso a nivel interno o externo, y puede generar muchísimo valor a todos los efectos. ¿Os suena conocido?

The Age of the Graph Virtually everywhere one looks we are in the midst of a transition for how we organize and manage information, indeed even relationships. Social networks and online communities are changing how we live and interact. NoSQL and graph databases — married to their near cousin Big Data — are changing how we organize and store information and data. Semantic technologies, backed by their ontologies and RDF data model, are showing the way for how we can connect and interoperate disparate information in ways only dreamed about a decade ago. And all of this, of course, is being built upon the infrastructure of the Internet and the Web, a global, distributed network of devices and information that is undoubtedly one of the most important technological developments in human history. There is a shared structure across all of these developments — the graph. Graphs as a Concept The use of “graph” as a mathematical concept is not much more than 100 years old. The Theory of Graphs

Collective intelligence as a field, instead of focusing on a methodology, focuses on a set of questions, a set of phenomenon about those questions. Collective intelligence, as the name implies, is about the phenomenon of intelligence as it arises in groups of individuals—whether those individuals are individual people or whether they are organizations, companies, or markets.
...or families ...from this article. Enjoy. by mojojuju Apr 13
