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» The Your-Hair-Never-Looked-So-Good Hair Mask

» The Your-Hair-Never-Looked-So-Good Hair Mask
The Your-Hair-Never-Looked-So-Good Hair Mask! Wed, 14 Nov 2012 By Huda Heidi Kattan Everyone wants show-stopping hair, but sooooo many of us don’t actually do the very essential for gorgeous hair! As much as we need nourishment and hydration, sometimes all we really need is a good cleaning (even if you have dry hair)! I have used this mask for years, and I ALWAYS come back to it! Ingredients 1/3 cup raw honey 2 tablespoons almond oil (coconut oil can substitute) 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar Mix together ingredients and work into hair root to tip!

Hair Archives - Kouturekiss - Your One Stop Everything Beauty Spot - kouturekiss.comKouturekiss – Your One Stop Everything Beauty Spot – The Ultimate Faux Hawk March 20, 2014 Disclaimer: This hairstyle is for the bold, brave and ultra glamorous! It also takes a tad bit longer than most tutorials I have posted. If you’re up for the challenge, check out the steps below for the Ultimate Faux Hawk! Step 1: Curl your hair. Step 2: Divide your hair into three sections: The top section needs to be clipped up out of the way, the Middle section needs to be a sleek, tightly secured ponytail, and the bottom section needs to be a low ponytail. Steps 3 & 4: Once the bottom section is secured into an elastic, take your middle section and make sure it is tight and sleek on both sides (this is the part of the hairstyle that gives the necessary ‘faux hawk’ impression!). Step 5: Here is the fun part! Steps 6, 7, and 8: Do a once over and secure any loose pieces in place, then spray with hairspray! Voila! A Sweet & Simple Updo February 13, 2014 Step 1: Begin with your hair in either it’s natural texture, or curled.

DIY Honey Facial Mask For Acne and Scarring Since I've gone natural, lots of people have written in with great tips and ideas about fixes for my skin and hair. Recently, reader Tlsgirl tipped me off to this great recipe of hers from the Do-It-Yourself Beauty group. I tried it last night and it's l-o-v-e. She's totally right about the dripping, though. Here's what she has to say: I just started using this mask a few weeks ago and I'm a believer already. Recipe: 1 tbsp honey — I used regular honey, nothing fancy 1 tsp ground nutmeg — I used whole nutmeg and then grated it myself 1 tsp ground cinnamon Mix the above together until they form a chocolatey-colored paste, adjusting as you go until you get the consistency you like. Got a recipe or look you're loving that we can try?

How To: Hair Bow A few weeks ago I posted a picture of a hair bow I did on a bride. After I posted the picture I got a lot of emails requesting a step-by-step for it. So I made one! 1. Begin by taking one small section of hair from each side of your head. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ta-da! 25 HairStyle TUTORIALS & EXTRAS Looking GOOD! With the holidays also come a bunch of parties! Some of them are just family gatherings, some other ones are work related and some are hosted by great friends. Whatever the occasion is I think we ladies deserve to look good, regardless of our age, size or taste. So I put together for today’s Sunday Best 25 tutorials of hair-styles and some few other EXTRAS for inspiration! The Messy Side Updo. What I like about this hair is that you can wear it casually or dress it up with some cute hair pieces for a more formal look. I love it! tutorial The Gibson Tuck Elegant, simple, chic… perfection! Her beautiful hair makes me want to color mine… I love the red! tutorial EXTRA: Greenlicious! I thought it would be fun to throw in this list some eye makeup tutorials also. This color palette is perfect for the Holidays! It would look great with brown eyes also… How do I know? I have done it! tutorial The Side Chignon You La La! So pretty and romantic! tutorial Side Knot Two minutes and you look fabulous!

Corrie’s Kitchen Spa: Citrus Salt Body Scrub Recipe In a medium dry bowl, combine all ingredients making sure to not let any water touch them as it will dissolve the salt. Pour mixture into an airtight container and store in a cool dry place. To use: Just before showering, swirl ingredients together with your fingertips to mix. Clean body completely and just before exiting shower, apply Citrus Salt Body Scrub to body in a firm circular scrubbing motion with hands or a soft washcloth.

Quick Hair Styles For The Beach When throwing on a bikini and packing your beach bag, you hardly have time to think about styling your hair. With these simple updos, your beach hair style will be a no brainer. A scarf or bandana is a fantastic option for the beach! Throw your hair back into a ballerina bun and tie one around your head. Especially good for girls with bangs (you can just tuck them back into the band). This is a great updo when you're heading to the beach. Before you hit the waves, make sure to wrap the pony into a bun so that when you emerge and your hair dries, you have loose beachy waves. Another braided option that looks hard to do is actually very simple. Part hair in the center and braid each side. When in a hurry with no time to even slip in a bobby pin, a simple braid is a safe bet.

How To Style Maiden Braids Last month I did a makeover story with Kelsie and had many requests for a maiden braid tutorial. Yesterday she came in and we photographed these simple step by steps. Kelsie has extremely long and thick hair, but anyone with shoulder length or longer can do these braids (see my photo below for an example). Steps 1-2: Braid two strands on each side of a center part. Steps 3-5: Wrap braids around the crown of your head and pin in place with one pin each. Step 6: Arrange braids so that they cover the front of your head like a headband. Steps 7-8: Pull the rest of the hair into a ponytail and pin it into a cute messy bun. Step 9: Add final pins and spray.

28 Simple & Natural Ways to Detox your Body Make sure you like Bembu on Facebook to be updated everytime we post new tips on ways to detox & live clean. We hear so much about cleansing and may wonder just how beneficial it can be. A proper cleansing or good habits for naturally detoxifying the body can really help you to achieve amazing health benefits. The notion of a simple detox program should be integrated into a healthy lifestyle to give you the best results. Just as you focus on the foods that you eat and proper exercise, there are many other elements to living your best and healthiest lifestyle. 1. Though you never want to go to extreme measures where your diet is concerned, there are some ideas that can work wonders. It’s important not to jump on the bandwagon for the more extreme measures and to opt for a smoothie that uses natural ingredients at the core. Turning to a smoothie for one of your meals is a great way to jumpstart your metabolism and to kick your digestive system into overdrive. Green Smoothie 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

ah-soo-yeh-tah] - the chosen one - handmade clothes & accessories. Bandanas are not only for Bret Michaels, you can wear them too. And I promise that they will always look amazing! Here are 5 fun and easy hairstyling tutorials that can be done with a bandana or light scarf. And if you are in need of a cute bandana, just come on over and make one with me right here! Have fun! Pinup Style How-to: First put your hair in a messy bun. And wear something like this with it: Rock Chic How-to: First give your hair that wavy look with the beach spray. And wear something like this with it: Rosie the Riveter How-to: First put your hair in a bohemian french twist. And wear something like this with it: Hippie Girl How-to: First put your hair in a messy bun or give it that wavy look with the beach spray. And wear something like this with it: Sweet Romance How-to: First put your hair in a twisty ponytail or give it that wavy look with the beach spray. And wear something like this with it: {all bandana/headscarf images found via weheartit} ♥ Erika PS.

DIY Hair Bow - Handmade Wedding Posted September 28, 2012 | 24 Comments Hi, loves, and Happy Friday! Today we’re showing you a fun hairstyle you can do at home thanks to the lovely Stephanie of Hair and Makeup By Steph. This fantastic blog has everything you need to inspire your wedding day hair and makeup, including fun DIY tutorials that are easy to tackle yourself. With just a little patience and know-how, you can tackle today’s DIY hair bow tutorial, the perfect go-to hairstyle for dress shopping, bridal shower, rehearsal dinner – even the big day itself! Read on to see how this DIY hair bow is done… photo: hair and makeup by steph To get this look, you’ll need to start by taking two sections of hair from either side of your head. Pull into a half ponytail… Split the loop in half… Use your fingers to create a bow shape on one side, securing with bobby pins… Repeat the bow shape on the opposite side… Use the remaining ends to cover the pins and secure the bow… And voila – you have a perfect hair bow! Happy Planning! P.S.

Ten Ways to Dress Up a Ponytail Sometimes I'm just not in the mood to spend a lot of time on my hair. But at the same time, I don't want to look like a homeless hairdresser when I go to work, so I try to make my ponytails as fancy as possible. Here are ten easy ways I like to dress up my ponytail: 1. Wrap it with a strand of hair -Put your hair in a ponytail like you normally would. 2. -Put your hair in a ponytail like you normally would. 3. 5. 6. -Flat iron your hair and apply smoothing serum for a more polished look. -Part your hair to one side. 7. -Part your hair to one side. 8. 9. Recommended Products:
