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Connected Learning: The Power Of Social Learning Models

Connected Learning: The Power Of Social Learning Models
DML (a “Digital Media and Learning” project), believes in the “the power of participation.” And they’ve created a learning model overview to prove it. We recently published our Inside-Out Learning model, an attempt to return the learning to the families, organizations, and communities authentic to the learner. DML’s model is similar in philosophy, underscoring the role of interdependence. Called Connected Learning, the model is a response to changing face of culture as it relates to social and digital media. As technology evolves at breakneck speed, models that account for this kind of change are few and far between. Connected Learning “is an answer to three key shifts as society evolves from the industrial age of the 20th century and its one-size-fits-all factory approach to educating youth to a 21st century networked society.” 1) A shift from education to learning. 2) A shift from consumption of information to participatory learning. 3) A shift from institutions to networks.

Paras tapa oppia yksilöllisesti: PLE | Sometek - oppiminen ja työ 2.0 Verkko-opiskelun keskeinen lupaus on yksilöllisyyden lisääntyminen. Siihen kuuluvat mm. henkilökohtaiset oppimispolut, opiskelu omaan tahtiin ja itse valituilla välineillä. Kaikkein aidoimmillaan yksilöllisyys toteutuu henkilökohtaisissa oppimisympäristöissä (PLE = Personal Learning Environment) ja -oppimisverkostoissa (PLN = Personal Learning Network). Tässä artikkelissa pureudun ensin mainittuun. Standardoidun opetuksen loppu Personalized Learning Foundation on yksi yksilöllisen oppimisen äänitorvi. Tuotantolinja vai räätälöity oppimiskokemus? Sellainen standardisoitu ja tehdasmaiseksikin luonnehdittu opetus, jossa kaikki oppijat saavat samat materiaalit, vastaavat samoihin kysymyksiin, ja suljetaan samaan tilaan asiantuntijaopettajan hallinnoimaa tietoa pänttäämään, on tullut tiensä päähän. 1900 -luvulla tällainen ”tuotantolinja” saattoi vielä toimia, mutta nykyisen työelämän haasteisiin se ei enää valmista. Knowmad luo oman polkunsa Mikä ihmeen PLE? PLE vs LMS Tekemisen meininkiä!

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Connected Learning Explained Are we really taking advantage of this digital information age to enhance the quality of today's education? Are we keeping pace with the fast-changing learning styles of our students? Do we know when, how, and what technology to use in our classrooms ? Do schools and curricula facilitate the integration of such technology ? We are preparing students for jobs that do not exist yet but unfortunately some of us are still using old fashioned techniques. Connected Learning: 'ESSENCE' from DML Research Hub on Vimeo.

6 Ways For Teachers To Effectively Use Social Media Almost all college professors are on social media these days. Many use it simply to connect with other professionals in their field or to post information on themselves and their research. But using social media inside the classroom can be extremely effective. Increase productivity, communication, and understanding by using these six tips. Hold Virtual Office Hours As a college professor, you probably know that many students are hesitant to come to your office hours. Have Your Students Live Tweet Certain Lectures Traditionally, seeing a lecture hall full of students on their smart phones meant that they probably weren’t paying much attention to the lecture. Make A Facebook Group For Each One Of Your Classes Creating a Facebook page that your students can “Like” makes a one-stop information hub that allows for clear communication on a number of fronts. Encourage Your Students to Network Have Your Students Create a Blog Create a YouTube Playlist for Your Class

From E-Learning to We-Learning The corporate training industry is undergoing some major changes. Over last few months we have been involved in many discussions with organizations about the tremendous needs to build, manage, and formalize their social and collaborative learning programs. This is being driven by many factors: the slowing economy, the "always-connected" nature of the workforce, and the explosion of social software tools and platforms now available. In many ways, this transition is very similar to the last "big thing" to hit corporate training - the "e-learning" era. I think today's transformation is very similar and we have much we can learn from that history. The History of E-Learning and What We Learned E-learning radically changed the training industry. Today of course as e-learning has matured, there are many forms of online training and education. In addition, the original "concepts" of e-learning have changed. Enter "We-Learning" Now here we are again, in the middle of a whole new era. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Educators as Social Networked Learners This fall, I am getting the opportunity to design and teach a graduate course for Boise State University’s Education Technology Program entitled, Social Networked Learning. The majority of students in the program are K-12 in-service teachers who are seeking ways to enhance their teaching with integrated and emerging technologies. I am so excited about what students are producing for this course and in terms of meeting this goal that I wanted to share information about the course, a sampling of course activities, and example student work. Course Description This course explores collaborative and emergent pedagogies, tools, and theory related to the use of social networks in learning environments. The ideas, content, and exercises presented in this course are driven by two basic tenets: Today’s personal, social, political, economic worlds are all affected by digital media and networked publics. Learning Goals

MOOCs: A view from the digital trenches By Kevin Werbach On April 15, 2013 The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where I’m a professor, is among the world’s oldest, largest, and best business schools, with 11 academic departments, 20 research centers, 230 standing faculty, and an endowment nearing $1 billion. With all those resource, it has produced 92,000 living alumni. Now consider this: Over the past eight months, in two sessions of a course, I myself taught more than 140,000 people from 150 countries. In other words, I reached more students than all of my colleagues, combined, ever. To be fair, it was one non-credit course, whereas those alumni spent two to four years with us and earned a degree. If you’re interested in higher education, you’ve probably heard spectacular reports and wild predictions about MOOCs. What’s more, I’m still getting emails, tweets, letters and other responses from participants telling me how much they loved the course. So, what’s the secret to an effective MOOC?

6 Things To Teach Students About Social Media 10 Ways To Become A Better Online Learner 9.10K Views 0 Likes There are some quick and easy ways to become a better online learner. Whether you're taking a class or just researching, here are the DOs and DON'Ts. Faciliter le travail étudiant avec Pearltrees Recherche documentaire, travail à distance, Internet est vite indispensable et regorge d’outils, parfois peu connus, qui peuvent faciliter le travail étudiant. Il vous est déjà arrivé de perdre un lien, de vous lancer dans une recherche documentaire et de vous perdre dans les onglets ? En 2009 Patrice Lamothe lance Pearltrees et réactualise le vieux système des favoris. «Je l'utilise assez régulièrement, surtout pour être certain de ne pas perdre telle ou telle page internet, pour m'assurer que mes pages favorites restent en sécurité.» confie Romain, étudiant. Un outil collaboratif L'outil facilite également le travail en groupe, une fois un «arbre» créé, il est possible d'inviter n'importe quelle personne à le compléter. L'inscription est simple et peut se faire via les réseaux sociaux. Connectez vous en utilisant Facebook, Twitter ou encore votre compte Google. Créer et organiser simplement ses perles. Créez plusieurs catégories pour classer efficacement les liens qui vous intéressent.

Using Social Media In The Classroom For Real-World Learning Engaging Students Through Social Media by Rob James first appeared on; Using Social Media In The Classroom For Real-World Learning Social media has become an essential part of most people’s everyday lives, from checking Facebook and Twitter to posting blogs, Pinterest listings, and uploading YouTube videos. However, and with smartphones making it easier than ever to spend time on social media networks, in what ways can these networks be leveraged to engage and build a foundation for future student learning? While the potential of distraction is there, the right social media teaching strategies can lead to creative learning, and a productive approach to making social media part of ongoing professional development. For students, social networks arguably provide a mix of creative expression and group work through tasks like contributing to a blog, designing websites, uploading video presentations, and creating Facebook pages for class projects. References and Further Reading

How Teachers Are Using Social Media Right Now How Teachers Can Best Use Education Technology 4.66K Views 0 Likes Edtech isn't the final solution for education's problems. The Current State Of Technology In K-12 7.30K Views 0 Likes What is the next device most students will soon purchase? Educational Networking: The Important Role Web 2.0 Will Play in Education Cómo hacer in vídeo interactivo en Youtube Youtube nos permite hacer un vídeo interactivo que nos permite enlazarlo conOtro vídeoUn canal de youtubeUna página o perfil de youtubeSuscribirse a nuestro canalRecaudar fondos para una causaAl elegirenlazar a un vídeo simplementeconstruir una historia interactiva en la que el espectador va eligiendo posibles desenlacesque los alumnos construyan una historia con desenlaces alternativos o cualquier otra cuestión que nuestra imaginación nos sugieraEs sencillo. Veamos los pasos. 0. Vamos a uno de nuestros vídeos y picamos en editar. 0. 1. 2. 3. Bocadillo. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Otro vídeoUn canal de youtubeUna página o perfil de youtubeSuscribirse a nuestro canalRecaudar fondos para una causa10. A partir del segundo 21 puedes picar el enlace A continuación, podemos ver otro ejemplo de aplicación realizado por @juanmemol
