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Paul Jackson y su Origami particular | Promover Espirales, parábolas, cajas y un sinfín de técnicas de plegado sobre papel protagonizan el libro de Paul Jackson Técnicas de plegado para diseñadores y arquitectos. Las técnicas se realizan en papel pero se anima a aplicarlas, en más posibilidades creativas, sobre una gama más amplia de materiales. Dirigido con especial dedicación a diseñadores gráficos y arquitectos también puede ser útil para diseñadores de interiores, moda, diseñadores textiles, de producto, incluso joyeros. El plegado es la esencia de los diseños. Una materia multidisciplinar, conceptos prácticos que se conciben en infinitas posibilidades de adaptación a los diseñadores de cualquier disciplina. Muchos diseñadores utilizan las técnicas de plegado para crear formas tridimensionales a partir de materiales como la tela, cartulina, metal u otros. Una obra diseñada a través del mundo exterior. ¿Te gustaría diseñar plegados en V o parábolas sugerentes y versátiles?

DUDLEY | Robotic Fabrication – Folding | Robotic Fabrication of Curved Folds Overview Since 2011, I have been collaborating with RoboFold, a robotic fabrication company based in London, to develop processes to fold sheet metal with 6-axis robots. These techniques have applications in furniture & product design, sculpture and architecture. As a result we have collaborated on curved folding projects with architects, engineers, facade designers and artists. We also periodically run workshops with students, such as Shape to Fabrication 2011, which enable us to share the processes at the same time as refining them. Methodology The design process is a very intuitive one, combining both hands-on experimentation and digital simulation & fabrication. We then isolate a few of the most promising panel designs based on criteria such as the desired aesthetic, ease of folding, numbers of contact points required (never more than the number of robots we own!) Process Videos RoboFold Facade Fabrication Workshop September 2011 Facade panel test pieces

Genuine Origami: 43 Mathematically-based Models, from Simple to Complex - Jun Maekawa Like his counterpart in the U.S., prominent origami artist and scientist Robert J. Lang, Jun Maekawa approaches origami from the perspective of mathematical and geometric principles. In Genuine Origami, Maekawa takes readers, step-by-step, through the fundamentals of his method, beginning with the basics and guiding them through simple figures (a mouse, an elephant, Santa Claus) all the way up to such highly sophisticated models as his signature creations, the devil and the peacock. The 43 different models are grouped into five sections, including one chapter on the ABCs, three which present projects in order of increasing difficulty (Simple, Intermediate and Complex), and one called Varieties of Origami, which reveals how to use different kinds of papers and techniques.
