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Technicolor Kitchen - English version

Technicolor Kitchen - English version

The Gutsy Gourmet - International Recipe Source The Talking Kitchen Sushi, nigiri, and maki recipes on Sushi Day - Stone Soup On the weekend, Fergal and I had a lovely Saturday morning outing to our local farmers market. It’s been ages since I had the luxury of doing our weekly shop at a real farmers market and I’d forgotten how much fun it is. I love strolling through the stalls, choosing from beautiful displays of produce. For me, a huge part of the fun is allowing what looks best to dictate what I buy and ultimately what I decide to cook. It’s really the easiest way to keep your cooking seasonal. The thing I was reminded of was how market shopping is a bit of a skill. If you’re used to planning your meals, writing a list and buying what’s on the list, I can imagine that shopping at the farmers market would be frustrating. Traipsing from stall to stall trying to find what you need isn’t much fun. I know because that’s how I used to shop. When I was living in the Barossa Valley, the highlight of my week was the Saturday morning Barossa farmers market. Sometimes I’d consult my cookbooks for ideas. 1. 2. 3. ps.

Fig & Cherry | Sydney Food Blog | Recipes, Restaurant Reviews & Food Photography Sweet Tea & Stilettos Matur - Dagbók Ragnars Freys Ingvarssonar - Fimmtudagskvöldið 26. mars var ég með mitt fyrsta matreiðslunámskeið og kynnti sous vide eldamennsku fyrir sextán áhugasömum þátttakaendum. Fyrir þá sem ekki þekkja hugtakið "sous vide" þá þýðir það að elda undir þrýstingi. Sem kannski er rangnefni. Ég held að fyrir áhugafólk um matseld eins og sjálfan mig séu nokkur stig eldamennsku sem þarf að beina sjónum að eigi okkur að heppnast vel í matseldinni. Mörgum finnst þetta einkennilegt! Námskeið í Salt eldhúsi - Sous vide matargerð Aðbúnaður í Salt eldhúsi er til algerrar fyrirmynar að mínu mati. Sextán þátttakendur voru á námskeiðinu. Allir fengu svuntu til afnota, þvoðu hendurnar og skelltu sér á vinnustöðvarnar sínar. Gestum var skipt í fjóra hópa og fékk hver hópur ólík verkefni afhent á bökkum með hráefnum. Árni lenti í andabringuhópnum. Svo var bara að hella sér í eldamennskunna. Hér er Þórdís langt komin með eftirréttinn - Akút ostaköku - skelli uppskriftinni inn síðar! Verið að undirbúa fullkomnar ofnsteiktar kartöflur.

Tide and Thyme Feel Smarter in the Kitchen. The Charleston Farmers Market sets up every Saturday downtown in Marion Square until December 19, just two days before the first day of winter. That’s about a month away, and the harvest from the surrounding sea islands — Johns, Wadmalaw, James, Edisto — goes on. It may even be fair to say (especially if you like greens) that the variety is as good or better now than it’s been all year. Even though I’ve been cooking with greens from my raised beds out here on Sullivan’s for weeks now, I’ll stil be able to get fresh local produce for a while, if not all year round. This time last year I was talking regularly with Jay Maynard at the Thackeray booth for a while, who had a lot of great information about what they’re growing, which I was beginning to gather together for an article in the Charleston City Paper’s Dish Dining Guide. At home out on Sullivan’s Island I’ve had collards, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, red and green kale and cauliflower planted for about a month.

Two Tarts A Man Obsessed with Food, Drink, and Everything Inbetween -
