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Tripnest A brief Introduction Tripnest ( is a global networking platform for people to make their travel experiences memorable by giving them an opportunity to discuss and plan a successful trip and share their travel memories/adventures in an organized way, while updating them with hand-picked travel deals and packages from agents and organizations all over the world, and that too all under one roof. Be a travel blogger, travel photographer, globe-trotter, adventurer, hobbyist or just a person who enjoys his/her time with friends & family while exploring new places, Tripnest brings them together and provides them with easily accessible information and cheap travel packages helping plan their next big adventure. Features we provide 1. Get tailor-made travel packages from thousands of agents and organizations across the globe at cheapest price. 2. Visiting every other travel forum or blogs and asking questions takes up a lot of time while planning for a perfect vacation. 3.

Online Community for Small Business - PartnerUp Community I 100 (e più) contatti indispensabili per fare startup in Italia Uno dei post più letti dello scorso anno è stato quello sulla mappa della Rainforest Italiana, l’ecosistema dell’innovazione. Ho pensato che aggiornare quell’elenco fosse un buon modo per iniziare l’anno ad uso e consumo delle migliaia di startup che sono in giro oggi. Oggi c’è anche una legge che apre nuove prospettive. Buon 2013. Hangouts online ed eventi - Italian Startup Scene. - Codemotion. - Frontiers of Interaction. - Indigeni Digitali. - Startup Business, di Emil Abirascid. - Startup Weekend, sono diversi gli eventi organizzati in modo più o meno regolare in Italia a Catania, Bari, Napoli, Milano, Torino, Brescia, Verona, Trento. - Topix. - TedX (Lecce, Firenze, Como, Reggio Emilia, Venezia), in giro per l’Italia si sviluppano gli affiliati di che tengono regolarmente degli eventi. - HackItaly, hackatons organizzati da Max Ciociola. <NEW> European Maker Faire. <NEW> Spaghetti Open Data. <NEW> StartuppaMI. Co-working, Fablabs, Makerspace, social incubators Community leaders

Effectively Planning UX Design Projects Advertisement Planning user experience (UX) projects is a balancing act of getting the right amount of user input within the constraints of your project. The trick is to work out the best use of your time. How can you get the most UX goodness for your client’s budget? Getting Started With UX Planning The planning phase is all about understanding what you have been asked to do and working out the best combination of activities that will give you the outcome you need, within the time, budgetary and resource constraints of the project. The planning of projects may take place when you are writing a proposal to do work that is yet to start as well as at the beginning of a “live” project. In many ways the planning of UX projects can become a design challenge in its own right. The budget for the piece of work is always the key piece of information that can be really useful to help with planning, but often this is not always available. Selling User-Centered Design To Your Clients (cp) (il)

(2) 10 Reasons Why You Have to Quit Your Job This Year This was going to end badly. I would play chess all day in my office with the door locked. My boss would knock on the door and I would put my headphones on and ignore him. You can’t make money without selling something real. And now it’s too late. 1) The middle class is dead. He said, “look out the windows”. “Not all the news is bad,” he said. And it was. 2) You’ve been replaced. I’m on the board of directors of a temp staffing company with $600 million in revenues. Flush. 3) Corporations don’t like you. “What’s the problem?” When I say a “major news publication” I am talking MAJOR. He said, “no, we want to be about the news. In other words, his main job was to destroy the career aspirations of his most talented people, the people who swore their loyalty to him, the people who worked 90 hours a week for him. 4) Money is not happiness. Leaving aside the question of “should I take a job at all”, let’s talk about money for a second. 6) Is your job satisfying your needs? This is not true.

Startup-Gründung ohne Risiko - vier Tipps für risikoaverse Gründer Risiko? Warum, wenn es auch ohne geht? Glaubt man den einschlägigen Lehrbüchern, bringt die Gründung eines Unternehmens zwingend Zwölf-Stunden Arbeitstage, Streit mit Kunden, enorme finanzielle Risiken und das Leben am Existenzminimum mit sich. Dass es auch anders geht, zeigen verschiedene Strategien, die auch dem risikoaversen Gründer das Rüstzeug für eine Unternehmensgründung mit auf den Weg geben und endlich mit den unsinnigen Vorurteilen aufräumen. Viele Praxisbeispiele haben bereits bewiesen, dass es auch Gründer gibt, die ohne großen zeitlichen Aufwand und ohne signifikantes finanzielles Risiko erfolgreiche Startups auf die Beine gestellt haben. Es gibt zahlreiche Ansätze für eine solche Unternehmensgründung, von denen hier nun vier besonders aussichtsreiche vorgestellt werden: 1. MVP: Das MVP (Minimum Viable Product) bezeichnet die minimalistische Version eines Produktes, die vom Kunden als Produkt wahrgenommen wird. 2. 3. 4. Bild: Fotopedia/Jam Adams Rating: 3.5/5 (38 votes cast)

EU-Startups Axel Springer Plug and Play announces new batch of startups This month, 10 new startups will be moving into the offices of the Axel Springer Plug and Play accelerator in Berlin, the third round of startups to move in since the accelerator’s founding. They’ll be using the offices as their … Continue reading → Wayra provides €30m boost for startups around the world Wayra, Telefónica’s international startup accelerator, has revealed that it has helped entrepreneurs secure investment of almost €30m since it was set up in 2011. Europe’s startup accelerators – a complete overview It allmost feels like in every week there is a another new startup accelerator getting started. Startup accelerator Wayra opens a new call for applications Wayra, the startup accelerator of Telefónica, today announced the opening of a new call for applications. Spanish accelerator: secures €1.2 million, a Palma de Mallorca based startup accelerator, has just completed a €1.2 million round of financing.

Why the Lean Start-Up Changes Everything Photography: Courtesy of the artist and the Wallace Trust Artwork: Sara Hughes, Download, 2005, acrylic on linen, 1.5 m x 1.5 m, Wallace Trust Collection Launching a new enterprise—whether it’s a tech start-up, a small business, or an initiative within a large corporation—has always been a hit-or-miss proposition. According to the decades-old formula, you write a business plan, pitch it to investors, assemble a team, introduce a product, and start selling as hard as you can. But recently an important countervailing force has emerged, one that can make the process of starting a company less risky. The lean start-up movement hasn’t gone totally mainstream, however, and we have yet to feel its full impact. In this article I’ll offer a brief overview of lean start-up techniques and how they’ve evolved. The Fallacy of the Perfect Business Plan After decades of watching thousands of start-ups follow this standard regimen, we’ve now learned at least three things: 1.
