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300 Pictographs for Web & User Interface Design

300 Pictographs for Web & User Interface Design

The Shumway Open SWF Runtime Project | Mozilla Research Shumway is an experimental web-native runtime implementation of the SWF file format. It is developed as a free and open source project sponsored by Mozilla Research. The project has two main goals: 1. You can view live demo examples using Shumway. Mozilla’s mission is to advance the Open Web. The Open Web can be further advanced by making rich media capabilities, previously only available in Flash, also available in the native web browser stack. 1. More information can be found on the github links: * * * The Shumway team is active on the #shumway IRC channel for real-time discussion. Glyphish – Great icons for great iPhone & iPad apps What is @font-face and How to Use It in CSS @font-face is a CSS rule that allows you to input your own font to appear on a website even when the particular font is not installed on the visitor’s computer. The most important thing about this rule is that it opened a whole new world for designers. You are welcome to use just about any font you like and as many as you like. However, in the nature of design principles I do urge you to use a max of three fonts per design. Why it is awesome Like I said, @font-face opened a whole new world for designers. Additionally, @font-face got rid of the use of images as a solution to showcasing custom fonts instead of actual text; using text over images helps SEO and – more importantly – accessibility. How to use @font-face The following syntax is how you use @font-face. And then you reference it. That’s it. The previous example was using an outside source. In addition, there are three other font properties which you should be aware of. A word of advice Browser compatibility @font-face Resources TypeKit

Jquery Slider 200 Foodie Pack: A Free Set Of Food Icons altJS compile-to-JavaScript language list Open Iconic, a free and open icon set Displaying Open Iconic's SVGs are a snap. Just treat them like your typical image and away you go! Pro tip: Don't forget the alt attribute. SVG Sprite Open Iconic also comes in a SVG sprite which allows you to display all the icons in the set with a single request. Tip: To make your icons easily style able, we suggest adding a general class to the <svg> tag and a unique class name for each different icon in the <use> tag. <head> ... Sizing icons only needs basic CSS. Coloring icons is even easier. Font Icon fonts are a great fallback for SVG—and our font is pretty great. Head Body Bootstrap Font Use Bootstrap? Foundation Font Iconic also works for Foundation and functions just like Foundation's icon font.

winston/cactus Les évènements Web à ne pas manquer en Octobre, Novembre, Décembre prochain Alors que la fin de l’année arrive à grand pas, les événements Web ne manquent pas à l’appel et continuent de se bousculer. Aujourd’hui, je vous propose de découvrir de nouveaux rassemblements Web pour cette fin d’année 2012. En effet, la France regorge d’événements sur lesquels, nous amateurs de conception Web, dont la soif d’apprendre n’est plus à présenter, aimons participer. Ainsi, que l’on soit expert en développement ou conception, mais également simple passionné du Web qui cherche à apprendre et à échanger, ou encore étudiant, ces événements sont quasiment indispensables pour nous ! Dans la suite de ce billet je vais présenter les principales conférences Web des prochaines semaines qui me semblent intéressantes, ainsi que celles relayées par les lecteurs, et celles pour lesquelles je devrais être présent. L’heure est donc venue de faire un point sur celles-ci, qui vont je l’espère satisfaire votre soif de connaissances dans le monde de la conception web :
