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50 Extremely Useful And Powerful CSS Tools - Smashing Magazine

50 Extremely Useful And Powerful CSS Tools - Smashing Magazine
Advertisement We love useful stuff. For months, we have been bookmarking interesting, useful and creative CSS tools and related resources. We have been contacting developers, encouraging them to improve their tools and release their handy little apps to the public. Last year we prepared and published some of them in a series of smashing posts about CSS1. Below, we present 50 extremely useful CSS tools, generators, templates and resources. We strongly encourage you to develop these tools further, build on the ideas presented here, release new tools for the public and let us know about them. Please take a look at the following related posts: CSS and Typography Hyphenator8Hyphenator.js brings client-side hyphenation of HTML documents to every browser by inserting soft hyphens using hyphenation patterns and Frank M. CSS Online Tools

10 Useful CSS/JS-Coding Solutions For Web-Developers - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Often creative and truly remarkable design solutions remain unknown because we, designers, simply overlook them. Being busy with our own projects, we sometimes try to grasp the intuition behind (probably) complex and cluttered code of other designers to understand how they manage to implement particular design ideas. Over the last months we’ve been paying closer attention to interesting design techniques and coding solutions and tried to understand how each of these solutions work and how they can benefit other designers and developers. So let’s take a closer look at 10 useful CSS & Javascript techniques and coding solutions that can turn out to be useful for your next project. You may be interested in the following related posts: 1. When viewing a blog post or an online article, we typically tend to find that most images which are “dropped” into the story’s actual content are often presented in a boring or bland manner. UxBooth’s Inline Content Imagery in Action 2. 3. 4. 5.

Learning Cascading Style Sheet in simple and easy steps with examples. A complete reference manual for CSS2 and CSS3 properties, html, CSS, CSS Useful tips 40+ “Must see” CSS Tools WebAir Blog Una lista imperdibile per i webdesigner! CSS Type Set CSS Type generator CSS Sprite Generator Button Maker Online 80×15 or 88×31 button generator CSS Tidy Online Automatic code clean Typechart Type preview CSS Compressor Compress your CSS to increase loading speed CSS Optimizer To compress your CSS files W3C CSS Validation Validate your CSS online Grid Designer 2 Create a grid by specifying the number of columns and the widths of the columns CSS Button & Text Field Generator button and text field in one click CSS-Typoset Matrix and code generator CSS-Typoset Matrix and code generator Replace CSS Colors – Editor CSS Layout Generator

Smashing Freebies Top 15 CSS Generators There are tons of great little generators out there to help you write CSS for your Webpop sites. Everything from making a simple gradient to going through your entire stylesheet at adding the current browser prefixes. You can use them to add advanced CSS styles to your site, or just as interactive toys to learn how stuff works. -prefix-free- This is a little (2kb gzipped) javascript file that you include just after your stylesheets in your project. Mother Effing Text Shadow - Interactive text shadow generator by Paul Irish, also check out the Sassy spoof version. 3D CSS Text - Similar to Mother Effing Text Shadow, but also lets you choose different fonts and has some different controls. CSSMatic - There are two generators of note here, the Noise Texture and Gradient generators. CSS3Maker - Tons of useful CSS3 effects, but in particular the transitions and animations are handy for quick experimentation and getting cross browser code. BorderImage - For when you need that fancy border image.

Photoshop Darkness Logo Tutorial This tutorial will show you how to create a great looking dark logo using Adobe Photoshop. Start by Opening a new document Now using the text tool type the word “Darkness” on the screen using white as the color. The font that I am using is blade 2 and the size is 150px. The Blade 2 font can be downloaded here. Now open the Layer Style window by right clicking the layer and selecting Blending Options. Now apply an Outer Glow with the following settings. Now the Bevel and Emboss settings. Then apply this gradient overlay. Here are the color settings for the gradient. Now apply the settings and your image should look like this. Now we need to add another layer. Use white as your fore color and draw a large section of grass over top of your text. Now set the layer blend mode to Overlay and reduce the Opacity to 63% Now you are finished.

Learn CSS Positioning in Ten Steps: position static relative absolute float 1. position:static The default positioning for all elements is position:static, which means the element is not positioned and occurs where it normally would in the document. Normally you wouldn't specify this unless you needed to override a positioning that had been previously set. 2. position:relative If you specify position:relative, then you can use top or bottom, and left or right to move the element relative to where it would normally occur in the document. Let's move div-1 down 20 pixels, and to the left 40 pixels: Notice the space where div-1 normally would have been if we had not moved it: now it is an empty space. It appears that position:relative is not very useful, but it will perform an important task later in this tutorial. 3. position:absolute When you specify position:absolute, the element is removed from the document and placed exactly where you tell it to go. Let's move div-1a to the top right of the page: What I really want is to position div-1a relative to div-1. Footnotes 10.

12 útiles herramientas para trabajar con CSS El tiempo pasa y las herramientas web buscan su espacio en el mercado, especializándose en tareas extremadamente específicas, como las que os presento aquí. La lista, publicada en , muestra 12 aplicaciones que pueden ser usadas para aquéllos que trabajan o tengan pensado trabajar con CSS. Genera sprites CSS desde la web. Programada en Adobe Air, combina y reduce el tamaño de archivos CSS. Permite tener más control sobre el tipo de texto publicado en una web usando técnicas CSS. Verifica si el navegador soporta las nuevas características de CSS. Para crear menús de forma sencilla. Para crear sitios web con muchas columnas. Para dar formato a textos. Extensión de Firefox que avisa cuando algún elemento de la hoja CSS no está siendo usada.

14 Most Impressive Photoshop Typography Effects | Web Design Ledger In web design, there are often times that you will have text to which you want to draw extra attention. We all know the power of Photoshop. So why not use it to add an impressive effect to that text that will be sure to get peoples attention. There are many Photoshop typography effect tutorials out there, but I believe that these are some of the best. Create a Dream Design with 3D Typography This one does require Adobe Illustrator to create the 3D text. How to Make Patch on Clothes Dynamic Recessed Watercolor Typography in Photoshop Create Destructive Black and White Lettering with a Dramatic Splash Effect How to Create High Quality Metal 3D Text in Photoshop Create a 3D Flowery Text Effect Create a Spectacular Grass Text Effect in Photoshop Colorful Glowing Text Effect in Photoshop Transparent Glass Lettering in Photoshop Smoke Type in Photoshop in 10 Steps Super Cool Frilly Bits Typography Smooth Glass Type How to Create a Copper Photoshop Text Effect Create a Layered Glowing Text Effect 498 shares

50+ Online CSS Tools for Web Developers and Designers | tripwire magazine For web developers and designers CSS is like a second native language. If your not mastering it you’re not able to do what is expected by customers and it will be a to time consuming and frustrating process to place all the page elements in the right spot. In the process of improving CSS skills or simply looking for ways to be more effective tools is always welcome. In this post tripwire magazine provides a wide range of different tools for speeding up and making your work with CSS easier. Advertisement CSS Tools Telerik Visual Style Builder An online CSS customization tool that allows you to easily, point-and-click customization of skins for the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX. This tool is ideal for ASP.NET developers. MoreCSS An easy to use, lightweight and fast JavaScript toolkit / library with CSS syntax for common things. This builder is designed for quick and effective development of CSS layouts, that are based on YAML. Drawter CSS Type Set css-generator Grid Designer Deploy JS Bin CSSFly

Free CSS Layouts And Templates - Smashing Magazine Advertisement As a web-developer you don’t have to re-invent the wheel all the time. If it just has to work, and has to be valid, and has to have a nice, visually appealing design hierarchy, you just can use css-techniques developed in the web-dev-community over the last few years. If you take a look around, you’ll find many templates, which include basic (X)HTML/CSS-markup. You can start from there, learning and exploring the possibilities of CSS and modifying templates for your exquisite taste. Usually developers require a link to the site where the template was downloaded from. (X)HTML- and CSS-Templates Open Source Templates1 15 impressive templatesOSWD2 Hundreds of templates and layouts of all possible kinds.OSWT3 A huge collections with search- and sort-functions. Footnotes Fixing technical issues on mobile is annoying.
