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Mobile Users Eager for Travel Many smartphone users are interested in apps that will help them on the go, and travel-related applications fit the bill. According to data from Compete, more than four in 10 smartphone owners would find trip planning apps useful if they notified them of schedule and rate changes, consolidated itineraries or helped manage loyalty programs. Nearly two-fifths of smartphone owners reported doing at least some of their leisure travel research on their mobile device, and more than one-quarter completed at least some of their bookings on their phone. While the industry had been slow to respond to consumer interest, app development has heated up. Many also plan to get on board with SMS marketing, mobile sites and mobile booking capabilities. Keep your business ahead of the digital curve. Check out today’s other article, “Retail E-Commerce Resumes Double-Digit Growth.”

5 Social Media Trends to Watch Right Now This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. With social media itself an exponentially growing trend that's here to stay, many companies both small and large are keeping tabs on new social technologies as they emerge. With new sites, services, apps and practices that help businesses connect more directly with customers coming online at a rapid pace, it's often helpful to zoom out a bit and keep an eye on upcoming trends on the cusp or just over the horizon. Whether or not particular individual services succeed, the following trends are likely to stick around in the near-term future. Some may not be immediately relevant to your company or industry, but being aware of oncoming movements in the social media landscape can help keep you and your business out ahead of the curve when a new trend holds promise for your organization's growth. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Découvrez Foursquare for Business en 6 points et créez votre propre Foursquare Page Bonjour à toutes et à tous. Après un article sur Quora il y a 3 jours et un article sur Facebook Messages avant-hier, je pensais avoir écoulé assez d’encre pour prendre du recul quelques jours. C’était bien entendu sans compter sur la participation involontaire de l’équipe de Foursquare qui a lancé sa plateforme « Foursquare for Business » aujourd’hui. Je profite donc de l’occasion pour vous présenter cette nouveauté, mes premières impressions, et la marche à suivre pour pouvoir en tirer profit. J’ai toujours aimé les LBS (Location-based Services), depuis qu’on commence à en parler finalement, et j’ai toujours apporté une attention toute particulière à Foursquare. Je ne vous le cache pas, j’espère de tout cœur qu’après la lecture de cet article, les utilisateurs de Foursquare prendront le réflexe d’adapter leur utilisation de l’outil à cette nouveauté et les différentes sociétés (commerces géolocalisables comme marques ne l’étant pas) décideront de s’implanter sur Foursquare. 1. 2. 3.

Digital Products Retailer: Affiliate Program & Sell Online - ClickBank Top 10 Questions Businesses Asked Us About Facebook Marketing Despite the technical difficulties we experienced at our biggest webinar— The Science of Facebook Marketing —many of our attendees' questions didn’t revolve only around sound issues. We received a bunch of thoughtful inquiries about marketing on Facebook and wanted to share those with you! Here are our answers to the top 10 questions companies asked us about Facebook marketing: 1.What is the best way to drive interactions on your Facebook page? Takeaway: Think Content. 2. Takeaway: Stay in Touch Constantly. 3. Takeaway: Graphics Matter. 4.How often should you post your website content on your Facebook page? Takeaway: Don’t Be Sales-ey. 5. Takeaway: Build Your Reputation. 6. Takeaway: Test New Tabs. 7. Takeaway: Become an Industry Resource.

Géolocalisation : l'incroyable business Incontournable la géolocalisation ? Selon le cabinet Jupiter Research, elle devrait représenter un marché de 13 milliards de dollars d'ici à 2014. Un rêve pour certains, un cauchemar pour d'autres. 3 questions à Renaud Edouard-Baraud, directeur de la veille et des médias à l'Atelier BNP Paribas Fini l'époque où il fallait attendre le retour des commerciaux pour établir un rapport de visite. Les technologies évoluent, mais les trois règles du succès dans le commerce ne changent pas. Avec le boom des achats en ligne, la géolocalisation est devenue pour les entreprises un incontournable dans la gestion fine des livraisons, des interventions sur site, des déplacements, de la logistique... Les outils de géolocalisation permettent déjà d'optimiser son budget marketing terrain. La géolocalisation sur mobile représente un nouveau territoire plein de promesses pour les espaces publicitaires des marques. La géolocalisation des véhicules d'entreprise est strictement encadrée par la loi.

Email Marketing and Email List Manager Matrix: Challenges of the Social Technology Industry, July 2010 While the opportunities for social technologies to change the world, business, and our individual lives continue to unveil, it’s also key to focus in on the challenges that impact the industry. For many folks who have decided to invest in social technologies to improve their careers and business, it’s even more important to pay attention to these challenges. First of all, have the right mindset. The savvy person will realize this isn’t a list of gripes, but instead an opportunity list. Leaders at vendors, agencies, or brands will see these list of challenges of problems to fix and monetize. Matrix: Challenges of the Social Technology Industry, July 2010 Edition How to Overcome These Challenges Taking on issues head on is a powerful way to take control over your own destiny.

MINDBODY Consulting | MINDBODY In 2005, Beverley Murphy created MINDBODY University, a business intensive for MINDBODY clients. Since its launch, MINDBODY University has helped MINDBODY clients grow their business on average 40% or more. For the past 7 years Beverley has also provided consulting to MINDBODY clients, from large multi-location businesses to single practitioners, helping them become more profitable and successful. Before working for MINDBODY, Beverley co-owned and directed the New York City four-location Be Yoga studios, including the creation and direction of their highly successful Teacher Training program. With a Master's degree in Health Sciences from Johns Hopkins University and over thirteen years of experience in all aspects of running a business, Beverley offers unparalleled expertise in how to survive and thrive in the wellness industry. Beverley Murphy created the MINDBODY Consulting program and continues to oversee the program.
