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Open Source Web Development Tutorials - Dev Shed

Open Source Web Development Tutorials - Dev Shed

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Free Programming Resources - PHP Tutorials Examples phPro - Tutorials Articles Examples Development Perl Regular Expressions Troubleshooters.Com and Code Corner Present Copyright (C) 1998-2001 by Steve Litt Without regular expressions, Perl would be a fast development environment. Probably a little faster than VB for console apps. Regular expressions is a HUGE area of knowledge, bordering on an art. Regular expressions are a syntax, implemented in Perl and certain other environments, making it not only possible but easy to do some of the following: Complex string comparisons $string =~ m/sought_text/; # m before the first slash is the "match" operator. Simple String Comparisons The most basic string comparison is $string =~ m/sought_text/; The above returns true if string $string contains substring "sought_text", false otherwise. $string =~ m/^sought_text/; Similarly, the $ operator indicates "end of string". $string =~ m/sought_text$/; Now, if you want the comparison to be true only if $string contains the sought text and nothing but the sought text, simply do this: $string =~ m/^sought_text$/; . Other Quirks . is

Wazi » Articles » Best Practices for Creating an Open Source Policy Best Practices for Creating an Open Source Policy Most companies using open source software know they need an open source policy. However, when it comes to creating a policy companies often don't know where to start and spend months debating policy details and researching options. Why Do You Need an Open Source Software Policy? At first many companies question the need for an open source software policy—primarily because they think it will be too difficult to create. Some of the main benefits to having an open source software policy include: Ensuring the company is in agreement about how to use open source software. The Process of Writing an Open Source Policy The key to writing an open source software policy is just to get started! Identify key stakeholdersGet stakeholders to buy into the concept of a policyFigure out your company's strategyCreate the first draft of the policyGet widespread review and acceptance, starting with your stakeholdersRepeat last two steps as necessary Strategy

Robert's Perl Tutorial A basic Perl course primarily for use on Win32 platforms. It assumes that the reader knows nothing of programming whatsoever, but needs a solid grounding for further work. After you finish this course you'll be ready to specialise in CGI, sysadmin or whatever you want to do with Perl. What you need to know You need to be able to differentiate between a PC and a toaster. No programming experience is necessary. You do need to exercise the brain cells, and you need time. What you need to have A PC which can run a Win32 operating system. Note: You don't even need a Win32 PC if you are comfortable installing Perl under other operating systems like Linux, but not all the information here will be relevant. You don't need a complier. How to use this tutorial... Just work through from start to finish. Generally, the explanation follows the code sample. When you finish, please send me a critique. Conventions used in this Tutorial The humour is non-conventional. Use of this document Personal Printouts 1.

How to setup FreeNX server and Client in Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid)  If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed and if you have questions related to your ubuntu system post question to our forums. Thanks for visiting! Sponsored Link FreeNX is a system that allows you to access your desktop from another machine over the Internet. You need to add the following source list to your /etc/apt/sources.list file sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list deb intrepid main deb-src intrepid maindeb intrepid main deb-src intrepid main Save and Exit the file To add the public key of FreeNX PPA using the following command sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 2a8e3034d018a4ce Update the source list using the following comamnd sudo apt-get update Install FreeNX server using the following comamnd sudo apt-get install freenx-server Install ssh in ubuntu Find Port 22 Port 877

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