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How to Easily Watch Netflix and Hulu From Anywhere in the World Ever wanted to access an online web service, only to find it’s only available to those people living in the United States? Read on to find out how you can get around this restriction by changing one simple setting in Windows. Changing Your DNS Settings Press the Win + R keyboard combination, then type ncpa.cpl into the run box and hit enter. Then right-click on your current network adapter and choose properties from the context menu. When the properties dialog opens, scroll down and choose Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), then click the properties button. Then change your DNS Settings to the following IP’s: Preferred DNS: DNS: Click OK, and then browse away. When you are done browsing the restricted sites, you should change your DNS settings back to what they were before you changed them. The DNS Server IPs come from the fantastic folk over at Tunlr.

Yahoo! France Une «corne» lui pousse dans le cou Eh oui, les humains peuvent aussi avoir des cornes comme des béliers… Sauf qu'elles sont, disons, moins esthétiques que les leurs! Li Zhibing, un Chinois âgé de 62 ans, doit vivre avec une corne qui lui pousse dans le cou … Continue reading → My cousin Josh was on The Price Is Right while on shrooms... : videos

18 Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped (Part 9) As we've demonstrated many times before in our most popular feature on Cracked, the forces of the universe love the sound of people shouting "Fake!" at their computer screens, and photographers love to capture the proof. In case you missed the previous episodes, here's Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, the gritty reboot that doesn't acknowledge the previous editions, Part 6, Part 7 and Part 8. And now ... #18. Church of the Flying Spaghetti MonsterAnother normal day at Innsmouth Beach. It looks like three surfers are about to be devoured by a Lovecraftian sea monster or a horde of giant octopi. Actually, that's just what a wave looks like when it's full of sunlight and enough seaweed to choke a sperm whale, and it's not all that uncommon. #17. Geekologie What looks like a screen cap from a CGI-heavy Super Bowl commercial is actually a real, not-manipulated photograph. here, reeling in a 300-pound marlin. #16. #15. #14. Bleacher Report #13. #12. #11. #10.

Sh*tizens - China Digital Space 屁民 (pì mín): shitizen “The great Party Secretary Lin teaches us, ‘I did it, so what? You people are worth less than a fart to me! The term comes from a 2008 incident involving Lin Jiaxiang, former Party Secretary of the Shenzhen Maritime Administration, who was caught on surveillance camera harassing an 11-year-old girl. Do you people know who I am? 我是交通部派下的,级别和你们市长一样高。 “You people are worth less than a fart to me” was picked up by netizens and gave rise to the designation “fart people” (shitizen). While the term can be used as an insult, it has also been proudly adopted by netizens as a label for themselves.

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