SiteCheck - Free Website Malware Scanner Emmet — the essential toolkit for web-developers 10 Must Have Online Tools for Web Development There was a time when web development was an extremely tough and time consuming task – a developer had to spend days and nights to create a simple element as they had to create them from scratch all by themselves. Now times and techniques both have changed, new languages and tools have made web development quite easy and quick. These tools help a developer create really awesome stuff just in a few clicks and very quickly. Web development tools are nothing less than blessing for the developers as they make web development easy, fun and quick. So if you are a web developer looking for some really cool and glitch-free tools that will prove to be useful in your work then you are at the right place as today we are going to share a list of 10 Must Have Online Tools for Web Development. Here goes the list… Google Hosted Libraries ProCSSor – Advanced CSS Prettifier This awesome tool allows formatting CSS according to your requirements and taste. Tableizer CSS Typeset Frame Box Simpless
New Online Tools Useful For Designers, Developers And Web Entrepreneurs Competing in an online niche is not an easy task and web entrepreneurs are always looking for tools that could get them an advantage that the competition doesn’t have. If you are a web entrepreneur or your client is one, you need to have the newest and best tools that you can find to increase your chances, or your client’s, of getting results. I know it takes a lot of time to build your website, develop your products and also do the marketing for your company because I’m faced with these problems too, and I know that the only solution to have success is to get the right tools that will free up time and let you focus on other parts of the business. In this article you will see tools and apps that will do exactly that and I hope they are what you’ve been looking for. GistBox: personal code library maildropr Clever Elements Oocharts Flow SocialBro Feedback Mailerloop Swiftly Layer Stripe A set of unified APIs and tools that instantly enable businesses to accept and manage online payments. Instapaper
17 Excellent Feedback Tools For Web Designers Most of the developers avoid getting third-party feedback on their work, as they think it is frustrating and time consuming. However in actuality, feed-back is one of the most important part of a project and is the first step in improving your overall service and knowledge. This article includes some great feedback tools for web designers. When you organize and gather feedback from users and experienced web designers around the web, it helps you develop new ideas, validate design selections and remove issues. There are different ways of getting feedback, from emailing back and forth to crowdsourcing, but they are very time consuming. Please Critique Me / Please Critique Me, a web resource provided by web development firm OnWired, works for both web design projects and print design projects. This website offers a form, which allows you to submit your project URL along with comments you want to share. Five Second Test / UserTesting /
30 Must See Web Generator for Lazy Webmasters Smart webmasters do not work everything out from scratch; instead, we make good use of the free tools available online. There are tons of brilliant web tools available online – it’s a waste not to leverage these tools and save some working time (or, to have more time for beer). In this article, I’m going to share my must-have list of 30 web design tools, I hope you’ll find them useful. 1. QuickRibbon helps generate custom site ribbon. Make some ribbon today at 2. Need some cool tabs in seconds? Generate some cool tabs now! 3. Okay, I admit Bullshit Generator is not that useful; but, I am sure we have time for some web 2.0 humor. Start bullshiting. Gender, face features, wearings, skin colors… UNIQUE is a free web tool that allows users to create highly-customizable, human-like, avatars. Create your unique avatar at 5. Stripe Generator 2.0 is a free design tool supported by Pop Minds Web & New Techs Studio (long name huh?). 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
How to speed up your website Speed Up your Website Speeding up your website, or in other words “reducing the load time”, is very important as you read in the into. User experience is much better when a page loads fast.Search engines like fast loading pages. With my old website the load times a very fast. My new website, Tweaking4All, is significantly more complex: more JavaScript, more CSS, etc. Basics First I will not go too deep in the following basic rules, since most web developers already know these basics. The basic steps involve the reduction of your files and file sizes. Compress JavaScript and CSS files For CSS and JavaScript you will find quite a few tools out there that can minimize or compact your files. Optimzing goes (basically) in two steps: Removing redundant statements, comments or variables.Removing redunant characters (like spaces, tabs, semi colons, empty lines, etc) Some good sites to do the work for you: Keep your image files small JPEG Artifacts and Distortion Use fonts instead of images Tip!
3 Simple .htaccess Rules For Better Website Performace .htaccess is the directory-level configuration file that allows us to adjust some sever configurations. Using .htaccess file effectively can increase website performance. In this article, we’ll see some simple rules for .htaccess file, that will make your website load faster! Disable Etags Entity tags (ETags) are a mechanism that web servers and browsers use to determine whether the component in the browser’s cache matches the one on the origin server. So, to disable ETags with .htaccess file, just put the following line into it: Header unset ETag FileETag None Add Expires Headers The expires headers tells the browser to store website’s components (images, scripts, flashs, etc.) in browser’s cache until they expire (defined by value of the expires header). There’re several ways to define expires headers using .htaccess. Header set Expires "Tue, 16 Jun 2020 20:00:00 GMT" If you want to add expires headers for some file types only, use the following code: <FilesMatch ". SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
Thinking with Type | Home Free script: Export your layers from photoshop to SVG in a single click! | Hacking UI Magazine Finally a solution to one of the biggest and most annoying workflow setbacks in every interaction designer’s day. Here’s a free script that we created that will save you a lot of time slicing and restore your sanity. What this Photoshop script does: This script, once activated, exports all vector layers named with “.svg” at the end of the layer name as SVG files, along with their shape and color attribute. No more slicing SVGs one by one like a caveman. Requirements: Windows or Mac OSXPhotoshop CS5, CS6 or CCAdobe Illustrator How to use this script: Download following instructions below.Drag this to your adobe photoshop scripts folder: “Adobe Photoshop/presets/scripts”(OPTIONAL) Go to photoshop and set a keyboard shortcut to use this script (can be done through “Edit” menu –> Keyboard Shortcuts” and then in File –> Scripts –> PS to SVG). Download the script: Known Issues: The script also creates AI files in addition to the SVG files. Read all about how we use the script in our own workflow Tags