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Web PHP Framework

Web PHP Framework

Commencer à développer avec le framework symfony Le web est un environnement est en pleine mutation. De nombreuses technologies et outils font leur apparition et nous proposent tous les jours de plus en plus d'interactivités dans nos pages web (« Atlas »,, Adobe Integrated Runtime…). Toutes ces technologies transforment nos chers navigateurs en véritable plateformes. Cependant, on oublie souvent en voyant toutes ces technologies que l'évolution se situe aussi du côté du serveur. symfony n'est pas développé de zéro. La documentation sur ce framework est très aboutie, cependant, certains concepts peuvent être longs à acquérir. Lorsque l'on est développeur PHP, on a souvent l'habitude d'utiliser des scripts, des bibliothèques déjà existantes dans nos projets (et les includes sont légions en en-tête de nos scripts). symfony est utilisable de deux façons : Traditionnelle: Le framework est installé directement sur le serveur web dans le répertoire de PHP. II-A. Je vous propose également deux vestions prêtes à l'emploi : V-A.

Untangling MVC with CodeIgniter When I first started programming the only type of code I wrote was procedural. You know the type, one thing leads to another with a thrown in function here and there and you have a working application. As I grew as a programmer, I began to find out that way of programming is fine for small projects but when I started to develop bigger applications my code became very disorganized and hard to read. To combat this I started writing my own classes to help me write better, reusable code that I could use in all my applications. Then I realized that although I was learning a lot by doing this, I was reinventing the wheel. Most of what I was writing had already been accomplished many times over in various PHP frameworks. Learning to program using MVC was a complete paradigm shift for me, but it was well worth the struggle. What is MVC? then you completely understand how a page full of mixed up PHP and HTML can become really hard to maintain and read. Installing CodeIgniter Less Talk, More Code

CodeIgniter A Brief History 2006: CodeIgniter was born. CodeIgniter is a powerful open-source PHP framework with a very small footprint, created by Rick Ellis in 2006. CodeIgniter was born from ExpressionEngine, essentially a collection of refactored classes originally written for EllisLab's flagship CMS. 2008: Industry leader. 2009: ExpressionEngine 2.0. Where is CodeIgniter Now? 2014: BCIT Stewardship.

Learn symfony: a Beginner's Tutorial With the release of symfony 1.0, it’s time for those who haven’t tried it yet to see what’s inside this beautiful framework. Stable, fully documented, and released under the open-source MIT license, symfony is used by hundreds of web sites, including some very large ones (Yahoo! Bookmarks, with its 20 million-strong user base, is built with symfony). If you haven’t taken the time to look at the introductory screencasts on the symfony project website, this simple tutorial will lead you through the basics. The best way to learn and understand symfony is to use it, so this article will lead you through the creation of a photo album application with this framework. Symfony is a Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework written in PHP that’s aimed at building web applications. Not only is Symfony an MVC implementation in PHP, it also integrates a lot of objects that facilitate the development of web applications — and integrates them all with a coherent syntax. Initializing an Application <? <?

6 Extra Skills Every PHP Developer Should Have PHP development is hot right now, but there are also lots of people in PHP development. If you want to make it as an independent PHP developer you’ve got to know more than just PHP. Here are six other essential skills you need to succeed as a PHP developer. 1. JavaScript, HTML, and CSS It isn’t enough these days to just know how to write PHP code. 2. As important as it is to make sure you can do as much as possible towards developing websites, it’s also important to know what you don’t know. 3. As a freelance or contract PHP developer, you’ll be the one communicating with all your clients. 4. Again, as a one-man (or woman) business, you’ll be managing your own business’ finances. 5. As an independent contractor, you won’t have anyone over your shoulder begging you to get a project done by a certain deadline. 6. Networking with other freelance PHP designers – and web development freelancers in other niches – can help you find more jobs and get referrals.

Symfony Components - Standalone libraries for PHP Beside being a full-stack framework, Symfony is also a set of decoupled and standalone components. What is a Component? Symfony Components implement common features needed to develop websites. They are the foundation of the Symfony full-stack framework, but they can also be used standalone even if you don't use the framework as they don't have any mandatory dependencies. Installation You can install each component in many different ways: Recommended Install it via Composer (symfony/dashed-component-name on Packagist). For instance, to install the HttpFoundation component: With Composer With Git git clone --branch 2.4 vendor/ With PEAR pear channel-discover pear install symfony2/HttpFoundation The Components

10 Awesome jQuery and HTML5 Audio Players Want to play audio on your website? These jQuery and HTML5 Audio Players plugins will be very useful to you. They’re great for fullscreen websites which use audio to create a certain mood or feel or for band and DJ’s websites. Need more jQuery plugins? Check out these jQuery Pagination Plugins and Tutorials and WordPress Mobile Plugins. jPlayer jPlayer is the completely free and open source (GPL/MIT) media library written in JavaScript. jPlayer allows you to rapidly weave cross platform audio and video into your web pages. jPlayer’s comprehensive API allows you to create innovative media solutions while support and encouragement is provided by jPlayer’s active and growing community. Media Element js Instead of offering an HTML5 player to modern browsers and a totally separate Flash player to older browsers, MediaElement.js upgrades them with custom Flash and Silverlight plugins that mimic the HTML5 MediaElement API. MediaBox HTML5 Music Player with 3 CSS3 Skins Universal HTML5 Player MusicBox

Packagist Améliorer vos applications Symfony2 Ce tutoriel fait suite à l'article intitulé "Créer sa première application web en PHP avec Symfony2" au cours duquel vous avez pu découvrir le framework Symfony2 et ses grands principes de fonctionnement. Si vous ne l'avez pas encore lu, je vous invite à le parcourir dès maintenant car nous allons poursuivre le développement de l'application "Filmothèque" créée précédemment. Au cours de cet article, nous allons voir comment améliorer notre application pour parvenir à un site web complet et prêt à être mis en ligne. Nous travaillerons sur la mise en page grâce à l'héritage des templates Twig, à l'insertion d'images et de styles CSS. Nous perfectionnerons les formulaires avec des labels, des messages d'erreur et une disposition personnalisés. Nous aborderons ensuite les notions d'Ajax pour augmenter l'interactivité utilisateur et de traduction pour une interface multilingue. II-A. En pratique, il va falloir créer un template parent qui contiendra tous les éléments en commun. II-B. II-C.
