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Web Design & CSS Inspiration for the iPhone — CSS iPhone

Web Design & CSS Inspiration for the iPhone — CSS iPhone

Top 100 CSS Designs of 2007 From big budget to small budget, intense to simplistic, this is one monster of a top 100 compilation! Take a moment to enjoy this year's best designs the world has to offer. Each site is rated in order of uniqueness, visual quality, and overall presentation. The arduous process of identifying the top 100 designs of 2007 was simple: find the best, new designs (including redesigns) of 2007 and rate them in order from 100 to one. Some designs are just stunning. Enjoy the Top 100 CSS Designs of 2007 below: And so this ends the top 100. So long 2007 it was a great year in design.

45 Mobile Web Designs To Show You One Of Future Trends Even if now not many visitors come to the website through his mobile phone, but be sure it’s the future, where people will use their smart phones everywhere to access their favorite websites when they are on the road and want to fill their free time with useful reading. We are designers and we need to think how to create more usable sites for such needs and today we showcased 45 great mobile webdesigns to get you inspired! If you do not know you can check other website designs here – this is iPhone simulator, but there are plenty of other ones to check on Android,Windows Mobile etc. – just input there website you want to check and hit enter. Also thing to remember, if site has mobile design version and you don’t get it automatically, you can access it by putting “m” before website address – “” – from smartphones and iPhones you need to use this mobile address as well to access it. 1. Victoria’s Secret Pink 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. iWeathr 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

A Beautiful Apple-style Slideshow Gallery With CSS & jQuery – Tutorialzine Martin Angelov Introduction When speaking about design, there is one company that is impossible to go without. This week, we are making an Apple-like slideshow gallery, similar to the one they use on their website to showcase their products. So go ahead and download the example source code and continue with the first step. Step 1 – XHTML There is no need for a database nor a PHP back-end for this gallery. Lets take a closer look at the XHTML markup: demo.html The idea is simple – there are two main container DIVs – the one with id=”menu” holds the thumbnails, and the other – “slides” holds the slides themselves. To add a new slide, you’ll just have to add new elements to both containers. You can even put any kind of HTML in as well. That said, it is important to have the width and height attributes set up of the slide images – it is used by jQuery to determine the width of the sliding area, as you’ll see in a moment. Also notice that the thumbnail LI elements. An Apple-like Slideshow Gallery

Mobile Design CSS GALLERY for inspiration | CSSMAYO Sites web mobiles, exemples et inspiration existe depuis maintenant un peu plus de deux mois et nous n’avons pas encore parlé des sites web sur les téléphones mobiles. Nous ne possèdons pas encore de version mobile pour notre site mais cela fait partie de nos priorités. Par ailleurs, plusieurs des sites web populaires proposent désormais à leurs usagers, une version mobile de leur site Internet. Dans ce billet, vous trouverez une liste de 38 sites web mobiles parfaitement designés et optimisés spécialement pour les téléphones intelligents. J’espère que cette liste pourra vous aider à vous inspirer lorsqu’un client vous demandera une version mobile de leur site web ! « Billet original paru sur le site web et a été écrit par Nick La. Nclud Mail Chimp iA Viget Labs Tabo Bell Element Fusion Snook Coosh Smashing Magazine A List Apart Procab Studio McDonald Victoria’s Secret Ars American Eagle Veerle’s Blog Please Fix The iPhone Walmart Mixx DeviantArt Sony Bravia MapQuest Cnet iWeathr Erskine Nike Lab Upstruct Key Point Mashable

Easy front-end framework Handheld Stylesheets - css-discuss From CSS Discuss Stylesheets for handheld devices This document describes some of the issues concerning the use of CSS for handheld devices (using the media type "handheld"). See also Media Stylesheets for practical media stylesheet strategies. List member Karen Stevenson has extensive experience of the subject and her comments are given below. Support for handhelds is going to be a far worse mess than the mess of browser support for computers. The future for handhelds will be XHTML and CSS, using a stylesheet designated with the media type "handheld". People who get Internet access on a handheld are more likely to be the ones who would be upgrading to newer, better devices, so my plan is to code to the standards and assume the devices will get there reasonably soon. Further advice Device widths: Jonny reports a huge range: 100-320px for mobile phones and 320-640px for PDAs. The W3C Mobile Web Initiative Workshop was held in November 2004. Selected links Introductory and practical

CSS design gallery - CSS Gallery - Latest CSS based sites Le responsive design au service de l’image de marque Toujours plus connectés ! Aujourd’hui, des portables aux tablettes en passant par les ordinateurs et les smartphones, les supports se multiplient, les usages digitaux évoluent. On compte près de 24 millions d’utilisateurs de smartphones. L’accès à internet depuis un appareil mobile explose : au troisième trimestre 2011, 4 Français sur 10 accèdent au web depuis leur téléphone portable, soit 4 fois plus qu’en 2010 à la même époque. Cela représente 6 millions de personnes qui se connectent tous les jours à internet depuis un terminal mobile*. Des chiffres qui posent un constat sans appel : il devient urgent pour les marques de se faire connaître différemment. Le responsive design, pas si technique que ça Il y a eu le webdesign... et depuis mai 2010, le responsive design. « Le responsive design est une technique qui permet d’adapter une page web à terminal, un mobile, une tablette, ou un ordinateur par exemple. L’utilisateur avant tout

960 Grid System Shift Content Between Your Devices How many times have you sent yourself an email or SMS of something you want to remember, like a book or a URL and then it gets lost in your inbox, never to be seen again. With ShifD you can easily send an SMS of a note, place or link that will appear on your computer. The ShifD website is focused on a simple, clean and friendly design. You can add content with tags that are easily editable. DOWNLOADABLE Application Another great feature of ShifD is our simple and easy to use desktop application that includes all the same functionalitiy of the website. You can easily access, and add to your content, from any web enabled device.

The Best CSS Galleries to Find Web Design Inspiration When working on a web design, many web designers choose to use web design inspiration to help guide their structure, color scheme, or other elements. When used properly, web design and CSS inspiration can help you improve your designs and grow your web design skills. There are a lot of CSS galleries out there that claim to have great design inspiration, but not all can claim the title of being one of the best CSS galleries. In this post, we’ve checked around and found the best CSS galleries for you to find web design inspiration. If you are looking for more web design inspiration, check out these posts: Hope you find our selection of the best web design galleries to be helpful! Creattica The Design Inspiration DesignBombs DivineCSS CSS Creme CartFrenzy WP Inspiration Drupal Lovers CSSBuilt Best Web Gallery DesignExpanse UnmatchedStyle MixCSS Bovs CSS Garden CSSMania CSS Dsgn CSS Cake The CSS Awards HTML5 Gallery CSS Based Best CSS Gallery Best Web Design Gallery SiteInspire Advertisement Related Posts Leave a Reply

[dossier] Pourquoi Fireworks est mieux que Photoshop pour faire du WEB Quand j’ai commencé dans le web et dans l’infographie il y a presque 6 ans, je ne voyais qu’à travers photoshop. Normal c’était le grand à l’époque ! J’avais appris en autodidacte à créer mes calques, les nommer, les organiser et y ajouter les effets que je souhaitais. Quand je suis rentré chez Experian, mon cher bigboss m’a appris à utiliser Fireworks. Historique : Fireworks est LE logiciel qui a été conçu pour le Web. Wiki : Adobe Fireworks est un logiciel de création d’images, spécialement conçu pour le web, mais il est aussi possible de créer des images pour l’impression, même si le logiciel ne supporte pas le CMJN, il supporte tout de même les gestion des PPP (points par pouce). Maintenant je ne suis pas du tout fermé sur l’utilisation de photoshop, juste que chaque logiciel a pour moi son utilité : Photoshop, comme son nom l’indique, est fait pour faire du montage/retouche/impression photos et Fireworks pour créer des éléments pour le Web. Compatibilité : Ranger ses calques ?
