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Where do ideas come from?

Where do ideas come from?

Pfizer et son incubateur Innovation et transfert de technologieL'externalisation de l'innovation chez Pfizer prend la forme d'incubateurs indépendants Début 2007 s'ouvrait à La Jolla, Californie, le premier incubateur issu de Pfizer : The Pfizer Incubator, TPI. Cet incubateur unique en son genre est destiné entre autres à stimuler l'innovation chez Pfizer. Pfizer est une entreprise pharmaceutique créée en 1849 dont la mission est la recherche et le développement de nouveaux traitements. Comme la plupart des grosses entreprises pharmaceutiques "classiques" elle exploite des brevets relativement anciens sur des molécules principalement issues de la chimie.

The de Bono Group - Six Thinking Hats Used with well-defined and explicit Return On Investment success in corporations worldwide, Six Thinking Hats is a simple, effective parallel thinking process that helps people be more productive, focused, and mindfully involved. A powerful tool set, which once learned can be applied immediately! You and your team members can learn how to separate thinking into six clear functions and roles. Each thinking role is identified with a colored symbolic "thinking hat." The Power of Film and Personal Tales from the Edge Global Issues New playlists: “Close up and personal,” “The global power shift” and “Climate change: Oh, it’s real.” TED playlists are collections of talks around a topic, built for you in a thoughtful sequence to illuminate ideas in context. This weekend, three new playlists are available: “Close up and personal,” “The global power shift” and “Climate change: Oh, it’s real.” Close up and personal Talks from seven photographers, with stunning images from the […]

Innovation Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. 1984. Les premières souris d'ordinateur. Espace Cowork Grenoble The 5 Most Memorable Concepts From Nancy Duarte’s New Book, Resonate When Nancy Duarte announced her second book, a prequel to her wonderful first book, Slideology, I was excited. But when I heard that it was designed to teach about harnessing the power of stories and storytelling in presentations, I was beside myself. I’ve been a fan of many different art forms for as long as I can remember, and I’ve always been particularly drawn to the storytellers, from Billy Joel and Ben Folds, to Tolkien and Spielberg. Ideas Matter Contest Engagement (psychologie sociale) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. En psychologie sociale, l'engagement désigne l'ensemble des conséquences d'un acte sur le comportement et les attitudes. La notion d'engagement est notamment associée aux travaux de Kiesler dans les années 1960, et ceux de Joule et Beauvois dans les années 2000. L'engagement peut être considéré comme une forme radicale de dissonance cognitive.

TechShop Open-Access Public Workshop IBM: An unbeatable model of innovation through the Ages - Innovation and Business Strategy's blog "If innovation doesn't lead a company to challenge the test of time,at least it must help to adapt to a changing business environment." Moss M.Jacques Best article on IBM 100th anniversary: USA TODAY: IBM joins elite group of 100-year-old companies By Matt Krantz and Jon Swartz A hundred years ago the company made punch cards, scales and clocks. 13 Meetings Technology Predictions for 2013 - Corbin Ball Associates More specifically, Jim Spellos and I, with the assistance of QuickMobile, have developed TechSpec, a free technology site inspection app designed to help meeting planners and hoteliers assess and compare hotel technology capabilities. 5. Tiered free Wi-Fi will become available in many convention centers and hotels. The explosive use of mobile devices for attendees, meetings planners and exhibitors is making access to Wi-Fi at events a necessity, not an option. Wi-Fi has become the lifeblood of event communications! More than 60% of Twitter and Facebook postings are mobile.

Service innovation The concept of Service Innovation was first discussed in Miles (1993) [1] and has been developed in the past 2 decades. It is used to refer to many things. These include but not limited to: One disagreement with this definition is that there are many cases of innovations whose benefit to the customer is somewhat dubious (e.g. overseas call centers). A comprehensive definition of service innovation was proposed by Van Ark et al. (2003) [4]: Service Innovation can be defined as "a new or considerably changed service concept, client interaction channel, service delivery system or technological concept that individually, but most likely in combination, leads to one or more (re)new(ed) service functions that are new to the firm and do change the service/good offered on the market and do require structurally new technological, human or organizational capabilities of the service organization."

Innovation in science, technology and industry This report summarizes work on innovation in services that was conducted as part of the OECD’s horizontal project “Enhancing the Performance of the Service Sector”. The main conclusions of this report were synthesised, along with those of other modules of the project, into a short brochure Growth in Services: Fostering Employment, Productivity and Innovation (pdf, 300Kb) that was prepared for Ministers at the Meeting of the OECD Council at Ministerial Level, 2005. It was also included in a compendium of papers prepared as part of the project, Enhancing the Performance of the Services Sector. As the report illustrates, the service sector is of growing importance in OECD economies.
