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Color Theory Tutorial by Worqx

Color Theory Tutorial by Worqx
Why study color theory? If you are involved in the creation or design of visual documents, an understanding of color will help when incorporating it into your own designs. Choices regarding color often seem rather mystical, as many seem to base decisions on nothing other than "it looks right." Although often told I had an eye for color, the reason why some colors worked together while others did not always intrigued me and I found the study of color theory fascinating. While attending the University of Minnesota I enrolled in almost every course I could from different departments: graphic design, interior design, and fine arts. During my studies, I learned that there were 2 main reasons why scholars investigated color—the first involved the communication of colors; the other involved the application of color. Communicating Color What is red? HTML Red Pantone® Red Pantone® Warm Red TRUEMATCH® 6-a Color Application The next several pages of this site offer a tutorial regarding color theory.

Color Matters - Design and Art - Color Theory Color theory encompasses a multitude of definitions, concepts and design applications - enough to fill several encyclopedias. However, there are three basic categories of color theory that are logical and useful : The color wheel, color harmony, and the context of how colors are used. Color theories create a logical structure for color. For example, if we have an assortment of fruits and vegetables, we can organize them by color and place them on a circle that shows the colors in relation to each other. The Color Wheel A color circle, based on red, yellow and blue, is traditional in the field of art.

Tips for Single Women, 1938 Taylor I completely agree with you. And I’m 23, so I’m not archaic. I think the problem is that people are reading these tips with the preconceived notion that they are outdated because of the way it is written and the 50′s pictures, and because they feel that it’s not fair for women to have to be like this but men don’t. In reality, men were very courteous back then, and treated women with respect and romance. Color is Value Once a long time ago I was trying to pick the brain of a co-worker about color. He seemed to be really good with color and I was trying to get some guidance and help. He didn't really know what to tell me.

Run Freak Run - The Fairytale This week we had an interesting question posed to us by Jarrod in the blog’s comment section. In a nutshell it was about breaking out of an old style, and whether we have any helpful views on that subject. I started writing an answer, but it blew out of proportion pretty quickly. Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color - Smashing Magazine Color in design is very subjective. What evokes one reaction in one person may evoke a very different reaction in somone else. Sometimes this is due to personal preference, and other times due to cultural background.

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Blog - Ctrl+Paint Our surroundings have a visceral effect on our moods. Some people can't get anything done in a cluttered room, and others can't concentrate without background chatter. In today's post we'll explore how this concept applies to an under-appreciated part of your environment: the computer desktop. Like a messy room or a gleaming, minimal, office building - certain spaces yield certain results. 100 Awesome Classroom Videos to Learn New Teaching Techniques With so many good teachers out there, it’s fortunate they can share their knowledge via video on the Internet. From the funny to the poignant, these glimpses into the lives of teachers and their students will keep you entertained while learning a little something as well. Whether you are a new teacher storing up tips and tricks or an experienced teacher who could just use a fresh perspective, you are sure to find something helpful among these videos.

You've got some really good resources here. Thanks! by auburnbright Feb 21
