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iPad Research in Schools

iPad Research in Schools
Last updated on 2/5/2014 Print this page1 The Technology Enhanced Learning Research group, led by Kevin Burden (Principal Investigator) based in the Faculty of Education, has completed the first national evaluation to investigate the use and impact of tablet technologies (in this case the iPad), across schools and homes in Scotland. The study was based in eight schools and six local authorities across Scotland where iPad devices were being piloted to investigate a range of issues associated with the deployment of personal mobile devices as tools for teaching and learning. This follows the announcement and launch in May 2012 by the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning in Scotland (Mr. Findings and further details The study focused on four principal themes related to the use of mobile devices as personal tools for teaching and learning. The headlines findings from the study show that: Related:  Digital Research

Learning about Visual Notetaking from Giulia Forsythe <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><a href=" rel="nofollow"><img src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon"/></a></div>Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to <a href=" rel="nofollow"><strong>subscribe to the RSS feed</strong></a> for updates on this topic.<div style="clear:both"></div></div></div> (cross-posted from In the process of writing and finalizing the chapter on “Visual Notetaking” for my forthcoming eBook, “Mapping Media to the Common Core,” I found Giulia Forsythe‘s blog page “Visual Practice” and her WONDERFUL presentation a year ago for the 2012 University of Mary Washington Faculty Academy. Giulia Forsythe at Faculty Academy 2012 from umwnewmedia on Vimeo. Keys to Drawing by Bert Dodson Do you take visual notes YET?

8 Studies Show iPads in the Classroom Improve Education 8 Studies Show iPads in the Classroom Improve Education Posted by Ashley Wainwright on Mon, Feb 18, 2013 @ 09:26 AM Since their release in April of 2010, Apple’s iPads have taken the US by storm. iPads have swept through almost every industry, especially education. There have been many interesting studies done about iPads in the classroom and the effects on both students and teachers. A research study, conducted in Auburn, Maine showed that Kindergartner students using iPads scored much higher on literacy tests than students that didn’t use the device. According to Open Colleges, 81% of U.S teachers think tablets can enrich classroom learning, and 86% of students believe that tablets can help them to study more efficiently. iPad technology in the classroom can be a powerful tool for learning and comprehension.

9 Tips For Teachers Who Just Got iPads I’m often amazed by the power of the web. From Twitter’s role in shaping professional development to what a simple post on a site like Edudemic can do. This post is one such example . Holly Clark ( of EdTech Diva fame ) posted an article on Edudemic that caught the eye of Richard Wells in New Zealand ( of ipad4schools fame ). Richard whipped up a fabulous visual that you see below. It shows you just how powerful technology is. The iPad is being handed out to hundreds of thousands of students at a time . If you just got an iPad then congratulations! The below tips are just the, um, tip of the iceberg. Note: You’ll probably want to click the image to enlarge it.

A Comprehensive Guide to Content Curation Depending on your point of view, content on the internet can be a vast collection of treasures, a cesspool swimming in filth, or a big pile of gold specks mixed in with an even bigger pile of dirt. My guess is that most people lean towards the last one, giving rise to content curation, the process of finding the gold among the dirt, as a very popular online activity. At its most basic, content curation is the process of finding, organizing, and presenting content from the flood of information and media that inundate the web by the second. Content curation isn’t about creating new content, just like a museum creator has no hand in creating the artifacts she decides to put on display. It’s not about indiscriminately collecting content (that’s aggregation, like what an RSS reader does), either, just as a museum curator doesn’t simply point to any object in a warehouse when deciding which artifacts will be included for a particular show. There are many ways content curation happens online.

Antalet iPad-studier växer – och resultaten är positiva | Jan Hyléns webbplats Allt fler skolor köper iPads till sina lärare och elever. Det rullar som en våg över hela den rika världen och sker till stor del utan att det finns några större studier som stöder paddans värde som utbildningsverktyg. Förutom dess omvittnade snabbhet och användarvänlighet kan ett viktigt skäl vara att paddan svarar extra bra på de krav på en mer individanpassad undervisning som reses från politiken, allmänheten och forskningen. Successivt börjar nu också allt fler studier av iPad:ens styrkor och svagheter att publiceras. På forskningssidan så kom det under 2012 en amerikansk doktorsavhandling[1] och några artiklar publicerade i vetenskapliga tidskrifter. Med intresse kastade jag mig över några av dessa, men blev ganska besviken. Intressantare än dessa studier är en utvärdering av iPads i skotska skolor som genomförts av University of Hull. det personliga ”ägandet” av enheten var en avgörande framgångsfaktor som ökade motivationen och intresset för skolarbetet.

iPad Apps for School | The Best iOS Apps for Students and Teachers Research on the Go with Mobile Devices Posted by Shelly Terrell on Friday, November 8th 2013 From the Cool Sites Series and Mobile Learning Series “Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work.” – Gustave Flaubert This week I am in beautiful Atlanta, Georgia, presenting at the GAETC conference. I had six sessions which you can read about here, Slides Download these slides! My Favorite Resources Find all these apps and bookmarks in this Pearl Tree, Cultivate your interests with Pearltrees for Android Challenge: Use one of these resources or ideas and share with me how the experience went with your learners. iPad and Education – No Longer A Debate! | syded There is no longer a debate! If money was no object would a teacher want their students to have an iPad each? Even if they only used it to research a different perspective. Even if they only used it to add resources to their work. Even if they only used it as an alternative way to demonstrate learning. The research exists to support the device as a tool for learning. Any mobile device can assist in the learning process, it just happens that the iPad is the current class leader. So why do we continue to debate? Money – It isn’t the educators job to worry about the finances. Behaviour Management – ‘If students are using technology inappropriately in the classroom, you have a behaviour problem, not a technology problem.’ Learning – If the device isn’t suitable for a task then educators shouldn’t use it. The iPad in Education debate should centre around appropriate use. The real debate centres around when and where to use the device to support existing methodology. Like this: Like Loading...

Global Tagging and Evidence of School Improvement I was first introduced to global tagging by John Sutton about 6 months ago and thought this was worth sharing. A really detailed blog post by John (certainly worth reading) can be viewed here. If you have a Multi Site blog, with class blogs set up, you have some additional power that you might not have come across. You probably know about tagging, but if you don’t, tagging posts is one of the most useful things you can do to blog posts. However, there is a powerful plugin out there – WordPress Multi Site Global Site Tags. One thing I have tried to do with my blogs over the last 4 years of blogging is to take as many pictures as possible of children showing the characteristics of effective learning. Once you have the global Site Plugin installed, head to your widgets section on your homepage dashboard, locate the plugin as shown in the picture here: Drag it over to the sidebar and you will be able to evidence the once un-evidencable!

Help Them Brainstorm! 50+ Tips & Resources Posted by Shelly Terrell on Friday, December 20th 2013 Included in the Digital Tips Advent Calendar and part of the Effective Technology Integration category “An idea, like a ghost, must be spoken to a little before it will explain itself.” – Charles Dickens Brainstorming is an important process that students should do frequently so it becomes a ritual they continue throughout their lives. Students need to get into the habit of spending time with their thoughts, fleshing them out, and discovering the best way way to feed their inspiration. Storyboarding Storyboards are useful when integrating multimedia projects such as making movies and various digital storytelling projects. Graphic Organizers Graphic organizers help categorize and organize thoughts and ideas to make connections the way the brain does. These are some of my favorite tools and resources: Free Brainstorming Mobile Apps I’ve listed a few brainstorming apps but my personal favorites are Popplet, PenUltimate, and Educreations.

Ipad höjer motivationen i skolan Håkan Edman, grundskoledirektör i Stockholms stad. Efter drygt 6 000 inköpta Ipad har Stockholms stad valt att utvärdera sitt projekt med Ipad i skolan. Projektet har bedrivits på 28 av stadens 120 grundskolor och resultaten är blandade. En preliminär rapport kommer att presenteras på konferensen SETT om skola och it på torsdag. Målsättningen med utvärderingen har varit att ta reda på om surfplattan kan ersätta datorn i klassrummet och fungera som pedagogiskt verktyg. Med hjälp av en extern konsult har Stockholm stad låtit intervjua 40 lärare och fått in enkätsvar från 120 stycken som använt Ipad i undervisningen. – Många lärare menar att dokumentationen av elevernas lärande blivit mer varierad. Lärare i svenska för de yngre berättar till exempel att att eleverna kan visa sin läsfärdighet genom att spela in ljudfiler. Även praktiska saker som att plattorna startar direkt, är lätta att bära och har batterier som räcker längre än en bärbar dators uppskattas av lärarna.

iPad Teachers - iPad Teacher Guide The 5 Cs in Education: What If… Sketchnoting in the Process After my sketchnoting workshop at Miami Device, I was asked to record my process of CREATING the sketchnotes. I used Airserver to mirror my iPad display to my laptopUsed Screenflow to record myself sketching the main points of the presentationUsed Screenflow to speed up the recorded footage from 30+ minutes to 2.5 minutesExported, then imported into iMovie to add credtits and music This was the first time doing a screencast this way for me…there are a few kinks that I still need to work out (how to NOT record the screenflow toolbar). [The sketchnotes created in the video below were NOT created live, but AFTER, I had created the slide deck already} Here is the slide deck for the presentation Related Sketchnoting and Yet Another Dimension Experimenting with sketchnoting as note taking and as visual summaries and slide design has been an area of intense interest for me over the past six months. 24. In "Collaboration" Evolution of Note Taking: New Forms Note taking is a big topic among educators.
