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Eduquer son chien soi même : Rappel - Propreté - Marche - Aboiement...

Eduquer son chien soi même : Rappel - Propreté - Marche - Aboiement...

Qu'est ce qu'un chien primitif, et comment l'éduquer ? - Eduquer son chien Quels sont les races de chiens primitifs et pourquoi sont-elles différentes des autres ? C’est une question plus complexe qu’il n'y paraît. En effet, toutes les races de chiens primitifs présentent de grandes différences. Margaux, auteur du blog Primitif Addict et éducateur canin – comportementaliste nous en dit plus sur sa passion, les chiens primitifs : Pour illustrer ces différences nous pouvons voir que les chiens nordiques ont un poil et un sous poil très dense pour se protéger du froid et ils ont souvent un physique proche de celui du loup. On peut citer les Husky, les Malamutes, les Samoyèdes… A l’inverse, il existe aussi des races comme le Podenco ou le Thai Ridgeback qui sont eux, des chiens de chasse hors pairs, et qui ont peu ou pas de poils, ce qui les différencie des chiens nordiques ou de type Spitz. > Voir la liste de tous les chiens Spitz et de type primitif Un samoyède - @Jody Tenshiyo Qu’appelle t'on un chien dit primitif et pour quelles raisons ? Et le Chien-Loup ?

No, dogs aren’t people! Are dogs really people? Gregory Berns seems to think so. On Sunday the New York Times ran an op-ed by Berns, a neuroeconomist and author, titled “Dogs Are People, Too.” But all the puppy-friendly Halloween costumes in the world can’t turn a dog into a person. Berns’s argument rests on a finding that his research group reported last year in the journal PLoS ONE: While they sat in an fMRI scanner, two dogs were shown human hand signals that indicated food or presented with the scent of their owners. Both food signals and the scent of an owner are rewarding to a dog. Berns’s lab is putting out some really interesting research that will indeed allow us unique insight to dogs’ minds. Still, he jumps from a study of two dogs responding to positive emotional stimuli to the claim that dog emotions are comparable to those of human children. He writes: Do these findings prove that dogs love us? Not so fast. But dogs aren’t unique in having in-the-moment feelings.

The Truth About Humping | Michael Baugh CPDT-KA CDBC Lots of dogs hump. For people who live with those dogs, it can be embarrassing and upsetting. We humans aren’t comfortable talking about things related to sex, especially when our beloved dogs are being indiscreet in front of guests. From: Houston PetTalk Magazine (October 2011) What baffles a lot of people is that dogs hump in situations that have nothing to do with reproduction. I asked trainer educator and author Jean Donaldson (The Culture Clash, Train Your Dog like a Pro). While humping is common in play groups and day care settings, it also occurs in other contexts. We should keep in mind that anything our dog does regularly is reinforced behavior. Make humping no fun and not a big deal. Control the Dog’s environment. Teach the dog a better behavior. That’s the bottom line really. Houston Dog Trainer Michael Baugh CPDT-KA, CDBC is the director of training and behavior at Rover Oaks Pet Resort.

Why dog trainers will have to change their ways | Science | The Observer Professor John Bradshaw is holding out a clenched fist – you might see this as a novel way of greeting a stranger were it not that it is my dog, Lily, he is approaching. He is giving her a chance to have a good sniff at him. Before we go any further, it needs spelling out that Bradshaw is not a dog trainer. The first idea to bite the dust is so huge and entrenched that some owners will struggle to adjust. Bradshaw's hypothesis is that domestic dogs were descended from more sociable wolves but that "whatever the ancestor of the dog was like, we don't have it today". But Bradshaw is far from suggesting we slacken in our efforts to train our dogs (it is the more brutal training methods he would like to banish). Bradshaw favours humane, reward-based training. Bradshaw first went to the dogs – in the best sense – because of his interest in "the science of smell. For anyone interested in dog emotion, In Defence of Dogs is also a sentimental – and surprising – education.

DNA My Dog Des distinctions entre les établissements vétérinaires - Chroniques - Le Canada Français C’est un pays qui possède certains points qui ressemblent beaucoup au Québec, mais qui a aussi sa propre identité. Non, je ne me ferai pas guide de voyages. Je me contenterai de vous dire que j’ai pu voir quelques cabinets vétérinaires. Je me suis alors posé la question suivante: qu’est-ce qu’un cabinet vétérinaire? Est-ce de la taille d’un bureau vétérinaire? Règlementé Vous ne le savez peut-être pas, mais au Québec, le nom d’un établissement vétérinaire est règlementé par l’Ordre des médecins vétérinaires du Québec. Il y a d’abord le service vétérinaire mobile. Le service mobile devra tout de même posséder une bibliothèque complète, de l’équipement pour la consultation (désinfectant, gants, seringues, thermomètre…), une pharmacie appropriée et un laboratoire minimal (microscope, glucomètre… ). On retrouve aussi le bureau vétérinaire où le praticien procède à des consultations ainsi qu’à des procédures diagnostiques et thérapeutiques. Clinique et hôpital Autre entité

Buy a Retract-A-Gate retractable safety gate for children and pets. To connect multiple Retract-A-Gates together using zip ties, the handle rod of one gate would connect to the rod of the reel section on the next gate (see slideshow below). This can be repeated with as many gates as you would need to cover your opening. The benefit of this is that you can still easily use one hand to open or close the gates while covering openings wider than 72 inches. If you decide to do this, make sure to always lock ALL gates connected together. This use is only for special situations such as non-critical applications or where only a visual barrier is needed. This use of Retract-A-Gate is for special circumstances only.

Electronic Pet Fences: What You Need To Know Here is the product description for one of the well-known electronic fence setups. “The “Famous Brand” wireless fence pet containment system is a revolutionary concept that provides the safest, simplest form of pet containment ever. Plug in the transmitter somewhere inconspicuous in your home. I hesitate to reproduce this here because it is quite effective persuasive writing. Here is a rewritten version, omitting the warm and fuzzy language and using complete descriptions of the processes involved. “The “Famous Brand” electronic fence system uses a shock collar connected to a radio transmitter with the goal of keeping your dog inside a chosen area. That sounds like a different product, doesn’t it?

Techniciennes en Santé Animale: indispensables | clnique vétérinaire Techniciens et Techniciennes en Santé Animale: indispensables mais souvent pris pour acquis… Par Dre Lecavalier October 17, 2013 Je suis toujours surprise d’entendre les gens étonnés d’apprendre qu’il existe des infirmiers/ères vétérinaires. On pense souvent qu’il s’agit de techniciens de laboratoires ou d’assistants vétérinaires, mais en fait c’est une profession à part entière. Afin d’obtenir un diplôme en Technique de Santé Animale, les étudiants doivent compléter un programme de 3 ans qui est un des programmes techniques les plus exigeants offerts dans les CÉGEP. Quelques-uns des cours à compléter sont la microbiologie, la physiologie, la pharmacologie et la parasitologie. Ils acquièrent aussi des connaissances de la gestion d’une clinique et doivent faire preuve d’une facilité de communication et d’interaction avec les clients, et doivent démontrer une certaine compassion et capacité d’agir dans des situations qui peuvent être très difficiles.

les troubles du comportement sexuel chez le chien Si votre chien manifeste des troubles du comportement sexuel, consultez votre vétérinaire car la frontière entre les attitudes normales et excessives n’est pas toujours facile à définir. Il arrive parfois que le chien monte sur la jambe du maître ou sur celle d’un invité. Il peut aussi adopter un comportement sexuel avec des congénères mais aussi avec des espèces non-canines. Le comportement normal chez le chien Nous allons voir ensemble trois cas normaux : ce comportement dérive de l’acte sexuel, est très gênant. La dominance : la posture place le vis à vis à sa merci, en état de dépendance. L’excitation : lorsqu’une femelle en chaleur est à proximité, le mâle poussé par son instinct va chercher à apaiser son excitation. La mauvaise socialisation : un chiot orphelin élevé sans la présence de ses frères et soeurs, ou qui a été adopté très jeune par les maitres, sera hyper socialisé aux humains. Voici un exemple en vidéo sur un comportement sexuel normal chez le chien : Pour conclure

How to Make Your Senior Dog More Comfortable People flip over puppies, but to me, a well-loved older dog is one of the most beautiful creatures on earth. An older dog has a nobleness about him, a look in his eyes that speaks of years of the special love that only a pet can give — trusting, nonjudgmental and unwaveringly true. Your dog's health is not entirely in your control, but you can have a real impact on his attitude. Your dog doesn't realize that he's getting older. His gray hairs don't cause concern and he doesn't worry about the other visible effects of time — the thickening of his body, the thinning of his limbs. A dog lives in the now. This time can be a special one for both of you, and it's up to you to make the most of it. As your dog ages, increase the frequency and diminish the intensity of his exercise. Give his bedding an upgrade. Check out the sweater selection at your local pet supply store. If your dogs are allowed on the couch and the bed, consider buying or building steps.

The Pet Professional Guild - Change Unwanted Cat Behaviors. Does Punishment Work? What are Effective Alternatives? by Marilyn Krieger Pet Professional Guild Live Webinar Join Marilyn Krieger for this exciting webinar on cat behavior. Many people resort to squirt bottles, cans that hiss, mats that shock, yelling, force and (positive) punishment in their efforts to stop unwanted cat behaviors. Participants will learn whether these techniques work to change unacceptable behaviors and the common side effects of them. Course Information Learning Objectives: Side effects/consequences of using aversives and/or force to change unwanted cat behaviors Effective alternative techniques for changing behaviors that do not include aversives and positive punishment Details for modifying 2-3 specific and common behavior problems using force-free techniques About The Presenter Certified Cat Behavior Consultant MA, BA Marilyn Krieger, Certified Cat Behavior Consultant and owner of The Cat Coach, LLC® Marilyn solves cat behavior problems nationally and internationally through on-site, phone and Skype consultations. Duration A 60 minute webinar

The Matching Law, Key To Dog Behavior What makes us chose between watching our favorite TV show and writing the paper due in a couple of weeks? Why do we opt to walk our dog instead of making that important phone call to a difficult client? Why does our dog bark for attention or steal socks out of the laundry basket? All through the day we’re faced with an endless selection of actions to choose from, some important, others not so much. Whether we’re a human, a dog, a cat or a horse, the choices we make are the result of a number of variables from the experienced consequences from the environment. The choices we make are the direct result of a number of variables, such as the rate of reinforcement (how many times we’ve been reinforced for the behavior), the quality of the reinforcement (how much did we appreciate that reinforcement), or the reinforcement delay (how soon did we get the reinforcement). The ‘matching law’ was first brought to light by R.J. 4/ We need to make sure we don’t reward behaviors we don’t want.
