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Wow, mec, on serait pas dans un ordinateur, là ?

Wow, mec, on serait pas dans un ordinateur, là ?
Illustration : Julian Garcia Il y a deux ans, Rich Terrile a fait une apparition sur le plateau de Through the Wormhole, une émission scientifique sur les mystères de la vie et de l'Univers. Il y était invité pour débattre de la théorie selon laquelle l'existence humaine pourrait se résumer à une version métaphysique avancée des Sims. C'est le genre d'idée qui est déjà passée par la tête de tout collégien weedé fan de Matrix. Sa théorie est fondée sur l'idée qu'un programmeur du futur aurait dessiné notre existence pour recréer ce qu'il considère comme « le passé » – sans raison particulière, peut-être simplement parce qu'il se faisait chier derrière son écran. À en croire la loi de Moore qui veut, en gros, que la puissance des ordinateurs qui nous entourent connaisse une croissance exponentielle, tout cela sera théoriquement faisable dans un futur proche. Cette hypothèse – que l'on a pu entendre sous différentes formes depuis des siècles – est une idée tendance chez les philosophes.

valence << ben fry valence Valence is a set of software sketches about building representations that explore the structures and relationships inside very large sets of information. Genome Valence is the most recent incarnation of this software. A simplified online version of the text-analyzing valence was built with Processing. This project makes an appearance in the movie Minority Report thanks to John Underkoffler, the film's Science & Technology Advisor. Another edition of valence compares two German books, for a 2001 installation at the Ars Electronica Center in Linz, Austria. This page primarily covers the original version of Valence (first developed in early 1999), which was developed as part of my Master's Thesis titled Organic Information Design. View a QuickTime movie of Valence.

HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT Welcome to the KOBAKANT DIY Wearable Technology Documentation Workshops least likely scenario This workshop is part of a course at the Ernst Busch Hochschule in Berlin. Workshops soft sensors for soft bodies FURTHER_READING_WATCHING_LISTENING_ Elektronische Textilien als Material und Werkzeug_ Hannah Perner-Wilson, Irene Posch, 2020 “Welche Fasern leiten Strom? Workshops connecting bubbles This semester, we are sitting in a strange bubble at home. Sensors 6 really wearable sensors The textile sensors on our website are often not designed to be manipulated with your hands. Workshops soft interactive technologies This workshop is a part of a course at the Art Academy Weissensee Berlin. Workshops ETextile Adventures This workshop is part of a course at the Ernst Busch Hochschule in Berlin. Sensors Sole Sensing Rather simple way of making insoles with 3 pressure sensors located at different pressure points of the foot on the ground. Actuators Vibe Modules Workshops from SPACE to SPACE with NO SCREENS? Power

Kit-of-No-Parts I wish I had made one of these. But no, not yet. Inspired by the work of Arthur Ganson and other kinetic artists, this post features some mechanical gears assembled and sculpted from various materials such as wire and cardboard. In contrast to casting traces by applying the cast material selectively to a flat surface, molded circuitry is cast into a mold. I’m interested in being able to cast both flexible and firm conductive materials in combination with common casting materials such as silicone and epoxy. This post describes various attempts at creating molds and […] Battery pouches made from paper, plastic and fabric are quick to make and are a cheap alternative to commercially available options. This coin-cell holder is made using copper tape and a mini cloths peg. This is one of the quickest techniques for prototyping circuits, as well as an efficient and reliable way of making flat and flexible circuitry. Fountain pens can be used to draw with conductive paint. Second attempt:
