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Color Psychology in Logo Design - Free Logo Critiques

Color Psychology in Logo Design - Free Logo Critiques
Color offers an instantaneous method for conveying meaning and message in your logo designs. It’s probably the most powerful non-verbal form of communication we can use as designers. Our minds are programmed to respond to color. Red Action, Adventure, Aggressive, Blood, Danger, Drive, Energy, Excitement, Love, Passion, Strength and Vigor Red is an intense color. Red Bull: 1987 Designer Unknown Red Bull gets a double dose of red in its logo and is a great color choice for a logo that represents an energy drink company. Pink Appreciation, Delicate, Femininity, Floral, Gentle, Girly, Gratitude, Innocence, Romantic, Soft and Tranquil Pink is a feminine color that conjures feelings of innocence and delicateness. Barbie: 1959 Designer Unknown The color pink is very prominent in Mattel’s Barbie logo and supporting branding material. Orange Affordable, Creativity, Enthusiasm, Fun, Jovial, Lighthearted, High-Spirited and Youthful Nickelodeon: 1984 Tom Corey, Fred/Alan Inc., Scott Nash Yellow Green Blue

C'est la couleur officielle de l'année 2014 Pantone, l'organisme autoproclamé de contrôle de la totalité du spectre visible, a annoncé la couleur officielle de l'année 2014... Surnommé Radiant Orchid, vous pouvez utiliser son nom technique PANTONE 18-3224. C’est en fait… une sorte de… Pourpre rosâtre ? Que vous l’aimiez ou non, vous feriez mieux de vous y habituer. Reste à savoir pourquoi Radiant Orchid plutôt qu’une autre. « Une harmonie enchanteresse de fuchsias, des nuances mauves et roses, Radiant Orchid inspire la confiance et dégage une grande joie, l’amour et la santé. Ouh, nous sommes tout envoûtés #facepalm.

Pronet Homepage (18) — Crazy Egg The heatmap is a visualization of where your visitors are clicking. The brighter the area, the more popular it is. The darker the area, the less popular it is. To compare the results of 2 different heatmaps side by side, click on the snapshots button at the top right, and then select the compare button. The scrollmap shows the number of times each part of the page was visible through a browser window. The confetti report pinpoints exactly where a person clicks. The overlay will show the specific number of clicks that each link receives. The plus sign markers are color coded from blues indicating the least clicks to reds indicating the most clicks. The list report makes it very easy to see all the elements that got clicks.

7 Beginner Mistakes to Avoid When Designing for Print Designing for print can be a minefield for beginners. There’s so many easy mistakes to make that can have a serious impact on the quality of your final prints. With print runs also being very expensive, these mistakes can prove very costly. The most obvious mistake that newcomers fall victim to is the misuse of RGB and CMYK colour modes. CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow & black (key)) is a subtractive colour system where inks are mixed to create a range of different hues, much like mixing paint as a traditional artist. Failing to select the CMYK colour mode and instead creating your designs in RGB may result in you selecting awesome colours that just can’t be reproduced in print (without special inks). We’ve already talked about how the typical CMYK color model gets darker as you add more ink. In our design applications we can easily select colours using the color picker tool as well as ready made swatches and adjustable sliders for the C, M, Y & K values. Typos suck!

1day1blog Business Branding by Color Learn what the colors you use say about your business. Have you ever considered the importance of color in branding? Coke is red. UPS is brown. IBM is blue. These corporations understand the proper use of color is vital to creating a positive image among consumers. Choosing the right dominant color for your brand is crucial. Blue: Cool blue is perceived as trustworthy, dependable, fiscally responsible and secure. Red: Red activates your pituitary gland, increasing your heart rate and causing you to breathe more rapidly. Green: In general, green connotes health, freshness and serenity. Yellow: In every society, yellow is associated with the sun. Purple: Purple is a color favored by creative types. Pink: Pink's message varies by intensity. Orange: Cheerful orange evokes exuberance, fun and vitality. Brown: This earthy color conveys simplicity, durability and stability. Black: Black is serious, bold, powerful and classic. White: White connotes simplicity, cleanliness and purity.

Variations on normal by Dominic Wilcox 40 Excellent Logos Created with Helvetica It’s over fifty years old, it’s the most widely used font ever, and it has recently become the subject of its own movie. We’re talking about the world’s most recognizable font: Helvetica. Its relevance in design through the years and even today seems unbeatable. The appeal for a distinctive, professional and timeless typeface has never dwindled and it keeps gaining more followers day by day. From airlines, to car companies to the largest software company, Helvetica’s use in logos throughout the world remains as strong as ever. Have you seen other famous logos using Helvetica? WDD staff are proud to be able to bring you this daily blog about web design and development.

Le nom des stations de Métro prises au pied de la lettre Au milieu des années 90, le photographe Janol Apin a mis en scène les noms des stations du métro Parisien avec humour et imagination. De Monceau à Rue de la pompe en passant par Duroc et Dupleix, les stations parisiennes parlent le langage international du mime.
