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3D Printer Kits, ABS, PLA Fliament - Maker LAYBRICK: a new rough 3D printer filament for a sandstone effect | 3D Printer May.27, 2013 Kai Parthy, inventor of Laywoo-D3 wood filament has just released a new filament, LAYBRICK, a rough filament that can be used to print large architecture models or landscapes. The material was lately shown by Kai Parthy at Fabcon Fair in Erfurt on 15th May 2013 during his lecture: "how to prevent warp and found meanwhile a material as Laywoo-D3". The Laybrick filament can create from smooth to very rough surface effect. When the temperature reaches to 195°C it could have a fairly realistic sandstone effect. Specifications: near zero warp ideal for jumbo-printers the objects are ink-able, grind-able no heated bed needed contains natural mineralic fillers (super-fine milled chalk) and harmless co-polyesters print temp: 165°C to 190°C to get smooth, higher temperatures (210°C) will print rougher surfaces, fan requires to be on. 3.0 mm/ 1.75 mm available Laybrick is right now produced by German company orbi-tech, a Cologne based filament-maker.

3D print for architects » Matthieu Dupont de Dinechin A lot is said about 3D printing and how it may change (or not) the world. As an architect I will try to show you how it can change the way you think about physical models of your designs. After more than ten years of use of Blender for building virtual buildings (that sometimes are build in real life after ), to be able to print those designs right on my desktop is realy exciting. The thing I prefer with 3D printing is that it allows you to create shapes you could not build with traditionnal technics. After modelling in Blender, you export the model in STL format, and open it in CURA, the software that will change this model to something understandable by the printer. A timelapse of the whole process: For simple forms, the quality is good with the default settings of the software, no need for hours of experimentations. maquette 3D poncée For more complex forms like the ones in the video, you may need to add supports (the software places them for you) for the hangover.

Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects SolarSinter : markus kayser Solar Sinter 2011 In August 2010 I took my first solar machine - the Sun-Cutter - to the Egyptian desert in a suitcase. This was a solar-powered, semi-automated low-tech laser cutter, that used the power of the sun to drive it and directly harnessed its rays through a glass ball lens to ‘laser’ cut 2D components using a cam-guided system. The Sun-Cutter produced components in thin plywood with an aesthetic quality that was a curious hybrid of machine-made and “nature craft” due to the crudeness of its mechanism and cutting beam optics, alongside variations in solar intensity due to weather fluctuations. In the deserts of the world two elements dominate - sun and sand. My first manually-operated solar-sintering machine was tested in February 2011 in the Moroccan desert with encouraging results that led to the development of the current larger and fully-automated computer driven version - the Solar-Sinter.
