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Springy - A force directed graph layout algorithm in JavaScript.

Springy - A force directed graph layout algorithm in JavaScript.
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Bootstrap Markdown Bootstrap-Markdown designed to be easily integrated with your bootstrap project. It exposes useful API that allow you to fully hook-in into the plugin Switch regular textarea within your form into Bootstrap-Markdown editor seamlessly by adding data-provide="markdown" attribute Code <form><input name="title" type="text" placeholder="Title?" /><textarea name="content" data-provide="markdown" rows="10"></textarea><label class="checkbox"><input name="publish" type="checkbox"> Publish </label><hr/><button type="submit" class="btn">Submit</button></form> Inline editing with Bootstrap-Markdown is done by adding data-provide="markdown-editable" attribute <div data-provide="markdown-editable"><h3>This is some editable heading</h3><p>Well, actually all contents within this "markdown-editable" context is really editable. Result This is some editable heading Well, actually all contents within this "markdown-editable" context is really editable. Some examples Custom width using data-width="400" attribute

Raphaël—JavaScript Library An A to Z of extra features for the D3 force layout | Coppelia Since d3 can be a little inaccessible at times I thought I’d make things easier by starting with a basic skeleton force directed layout (Mike Bostock’s original example) and then giving you some blocks of code that can be plugged in to add various features that I have found useful. The idea is that you can pick the features you want and slot in the code. In other words I’ve tried to make things sort of modular. The code I’ve taken from various places and adapted so thank you to everyone who has shared. I will try to provide the credits as far as I remember them! Basic Skeleton Here’s the basic skeleton based on Mike Bostock’s original example but with a bit of commentary to remind me exactly what is going on A is for arrows If you are dealing with a directed graph and you wish to use arrows to indicate direction your can just append this bit of code And just modify one line of the existing code Which gives us… B is for breaking links This requires us to append the following code To the css

Addepar | Ember Charts A charting library built with the Ember.js and d3.js frameworks. It includes time series, bar, pie, and scatter charts which are easy to extend and modify. The out-of-the-box behavior these chart components represents our thoughts on best practices in chart interactivity and presentation. Features Highly customizable and extensible. You can contribute to this project in one of two ways: Browse the ember-charts issues and report bugs Clone the ember-charts repo, make some changes according to our development guidelines and issue a pull-request with your changes. We keep the ember-charts.js code to the minimum necessary, giving users as much control as possible. Cikonss | Pure CSS Responsive Icons TechCrunch Comment Over-Graph vous recommande les meilleurs moments pour publier ?Over-Graph Si vous êtes un fervent lecteur de notre rapport Social Media, vous aurez remarqué nos recommandations sur le « meilleur moment de la semaine » pour publier sur Facebook. Le Professeur OG vous explique d’où vient cette information extrêmement utile ! L’engagement généré par vos fans sur votre contenu est lié à de nombreux paramètres. Pourtant, il reste toujours un grand mystère qui entoure l’engagement. « D’où vient-il ? Le Professeur OG travaille depuis plusieurs mois sur la possibilité de prévoir cet engagement, en fonction d’un certain nombres de critères. Laissons le scientifique nous expliquer la démarche : « Notre travail vous permet d’obtenir une estimation de l’engagement que va susciter votre post. - Le nombre de fans de votre communauté - L’heure et le jour du post - Le format du post - Les scores d’engagement sur vos posts précédents - Les scores d’engagement sur les posts de toutes les autres pages

Chartkick Simplify your admin dashboard - create new charts in seconds! Works with Rails, Sinatra and most browsers (including IE 6) A perfect companion to groupdate, hightop, and active_median Get handcrafted updates for new features Usage Line chart You must have groupdate installed to use the group_by_day method Pie chart Grape Column chart Bar chart Area chart Geo chart Timeline Multiple series breakfast or Say Goodbye To Timeouts Make your pages load super fast and stop worrying about timeouts. And in your controller, pass the data as JSON. class ChartsController < ApplicationController def completed_tasks render json: Task.group_by_day(:completed_at).count endend Note: This feature requires jQuery or Zepto at the moment. For multiple series, add chart_json at the end. render json: Options Id and height Min and max values min defaults to 0 for charts with non-negative values. Colors Stacked columns or bars Discrete axis Global Options Customize the html

8 Amazing jQuery Lightbox Plugins You Need to Check Out jQuery can be defined as a cross browser java script library. It is a multi-browser java script library and is basically designed for the purpose of simplifying the scripting of HTML on the client side. This is also the most popular java script library which is used by the people these days. jQuery has a lot of advantages such as it is absolutely free of any cost and it is also open source software. Using jQuery the developers can also create plug-ins and also create low level interactions. 1) Pirobox 2) Shadowbox Js Shadowbox is a web-based media viewer application that supports all of the web’s most popular media publishing formats. 3) Colorbox A lightweight customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery. 4) Ceebox a Thick box Videobox Mashup 5) Pretty Photo jQuery Lightbox “prettyPhoto is a jQuery lightbox clone. 6) Lightview Lightview was built to change the way you overlay content on a website. 7) GreyBox GreyBox can be used to display websites, images and other content in a beautiful way.

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