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JQuery Cycle Plugin

JQuery Cycle Plugin
Check out Cycle2, the latest in the Cycle line of slideshows. The jQuery Cycle Plugin is a slideshow plugin that supports many different types of transition effects. It supports pause-on-hover, auto-stop, auto-fit, before/after callbacks, click triggers and much more. It also supports, but does not require, the Easing Plugin. Images are used in these demos because they look cool, but slideshows are not limited to images. Use the Effects Browser page to preview the available effects. For more about options, see the Options Reference page. Frequently Asked Questions Special thanks to Torsten Baldes, Matt Oakes, and Ben Sterling for the many ideas that got me started on writing Cycle in 2007.

Circle Hover Effects with CSS Transitions From our sponsor: Get started on your Squarespace website with a free trial In today’s tutorial we’ll experiment with hover effects on circles. Since we have the border radius property, we can create circular shapes and they have been appearing more often as design elements in websites. One use that I especially enjoy seeing is the circular thumbnail which just looks so much more interesting than the usual rectangular. And because the circle is such a special shape, we are going to create some special hover effects for it! Please note: the result of this tutorial will only work as intended in browsers that support the respective CSS properties. We will omit vendor prefixes in this tutorial. So, let’s get started! The HTML For most of the examples, we’ll be using the following structure: Although we could use images here, we’ll give ourselves a bit more freedom by using background images instead. Now, let’s make some hover effects! The CSS Example 1 And now, the interesting hover action!

jQuery plugin for Avgrund concept popin Avgrund is a jQuery plugin for modal boxes and popups. It uses interesting concept showing depth between popup and page. It works in all modern browsers and gracefully degrade in those that do not support CSS transitions and transformations (e.g. in IE 6-9 has standard behavior). Tested with jQuery 1.4+, file size is under 2Kb, MIT Licensed. You can simply init Avgrund with one line and linking 'avgrund.css' file: $('element').avgrund(); Avgrund has several options for you to customize it easily: Avgrund plugin was inspired by Hakim's Avgrund.js demo.

Gamma Gallery: A Responsive Image Gallery Experiment Gamma Gallery is an experimental responsive image gallery that attempts to provide an adjustable responsive images approach taking its grid layout and the full slideshow view into account. View demo Download source Creating a truly responsive image gallery can be a very tricky and difficult thing. Gamma Gallery uses David David DeSandro’s Masonry in a fluid mode where column numbers are defined depending on the grid container sizes. Inspired by Picturefill from Scott Jehl, the responsive images approach that mimics the picture element, we’ve come up with the following HTML structure for defining different image sizes: Depending in which viewing mode we are, thumbnail grid view or full image view, the choice of the fitting image will depend on either the list item’s size or the whole viewport size. Because we have a “fluid” image approach where we define the max-width of the image to be 100%, we will fit the image in its container if the image is bigger than the container.

37 Phenomenal jQuery Plugins and Demos for Developers In this post we have collected 37 jQuery plugins for use in your next web project. Slide-In Contact Form Description : When the user clicks on the Contact link at the top of the page, the contact form will slide down. Virtual jQuery Keyboard Description : This tutorial will explain how to implement a simple virtual keyboard with some with jQuery. Digg style sign up form Description : Simulate a Digg style signup form, with its unique features such as their dynamic tooltips that give you a hint on each field that is to be filled. Load Content While Scrolling With jQuery Description : If you have lots of content to present but can not load all of it at once as it may take too long, this plugin is the answer. Pirobox jQuery Lightbox Description : You can create a very elegant photo gallery page with this plugin, watch as the images slide in and out. FancyBox Facebox 1.2 Description : Facebox is a jQuery-based, Facebook-style lightbox which can display images, divs, or entire remote pages. jGoogle

Elastislide - A Responsive jQuery Carousel Plugin Elastislide is a responsive image carousel that will adapt fluidly in a layout. It is a jQuery plugin that can be laid out horizontally or vertically with a pre-defined minimum number of shown images. View demo Download source With the responsive awakening in web design it becomes important to not only take care of the visual part of a website but also of the functionality. Elastislide is a responsive jQuery image carousel that will adapt its size and its behavior in order to work on any screen size. In a carousel, one could think that simply making its container “shorter” will solve the problem on smaller screens, but in some cases (e.g. when we have bigger images) it might be reasonable to resize the items as well. Elastislide uses the jQuery++ for the swipe events on touch devices. The beautiful images are by talented Sherman Geronimo-Tan and they are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0). The HTML Structure $('#carousel').elastislide(); Options Demos

37 More Shocking jQuery Plugins Apr 09 2008 It’s really amazing to see what one can create using jQuery. Developers just don’t stop making incredibly interactive web applications every now and then. This post just demonstrates excellent examples of some of the best jQuery plugins out there. You can also take a look at the other jQuery Plugins in this series : So let’s get started and don’t forget to subscribe to our RSS-Feed to keep track on our next post. jQuery Sliders 1) Slider Gallery- A similar effect used to showcase the products on the Apple web site. Live Demo: Here 2) Accessible slider- Illustrations and code samples showing how to make a slider UI control accessible to those who aren’t running JavaScript or CSS. Live Demo: Here jQuery Manipulating Images 3) crop, labelOver and pluck-Crop-Gives your visitors the power to crop any image on the fly using JavaScript only. Live Demo Of Crop: HereLive Demo of LabelOver: Here Live Demo Of Crop: Here Live Demo: Here jQuery Navigation Menus jQuery Accordions jQuery Image Viewer

jQuery Infinite Carousel Plugin The Infinite Carousel is a jQuery plugin that allows you to showcase any number of images and videos in a carousel-like fashion. Unlike some other carousels, the Infinite Carousel displays items in a continuous loop no matter how you navigate. Try out the demos below to see how versatile the Infinite Carousel is. Download Download (version 3.0.3 – January 24, 2013) What’s So Great About this Plugin? It’s just 11 Kb compressedDisplays image and videosCaptions and linksNew thumbnail optionsCool new circular ring timerKeyboard navigationCallback functionsNo browser lag caused by moving between tabsShortest path algorithm finds the shortest distance between images when using thumbnails to navigate.Works in all major browsersReusable on multiple containersCompletely free for commercial and non-commercial use (see license in plugin header) Demos Notes Options Instantiating $(‘#carousel’).infiniteCarousel({}); CSS Classes

45+ Fresh Out of the oven jQuery Plugins Mar 05 2008 Two month ago we’ve presented the 50 favorite jQuery plugins many developers use and we promised that the second version will be coming soon. Today, we are going to introduce 45+ more jquery plugins that were recently created, so you don’t have to do the search as we did it and will continue to do it to build a useful library of jquery plugins and solutions. Image SlideShows and Galleries 1) Galleria -Is a javascript image gallery written in jQuery. 2) jQuery Multimedia Portfolio -Non obstrusive and accessible portfolio supporting multiple media : photos, video (flv), audio (mp3), will automatically detect the extension of each media and apply the adapted player. 3) wSlide -Change your lists in animated box (with pagination) Tag Clouds 4) Hover Sub Tags- Using jQuery to reduce the size of the tag cloud that you have on your sites, for example if you have Ajax as a tag, you can have jquery, mootools, etc… as sub-tags. Pagination Navigation 7) jQuery Treeview Plugin Tables and Grids

WOW Slider : jQuery Image Slider & Gallery Tutoriel Wordpress: mettre un mot de passe sur son blog - Il peut parfois être utile de bloquer l’accès à son blog WordPress par un mot de passe. vous travaillez sur une nouvelle version de votre blog, et il est préférable de le cacher aux yeux de Google – et de tout le monde – tant qu’il n’est pas terminé à 100%vous vous servez d’un blog comme d’un logiciel de gestion de projet – ce qui est une excellente idée que j’utilise souvent – et vous devez gérer l’accès et les droits de publication de plusieurs personnes concernées par le projetvous avez un blog que vous avez envie de réserver à vos amis, vos proches, vos clients, et vous n’avez aucune envie que ses contenus puissent être vus ou indexés par Google. Une sorte d’anti-Facebook en somme… 1-Trouver et installer le plug-in WordPress « Members ». Je présume que vous savez déjà comment installer un plug-in depuis WordPress. 2-Effectuer les réglages de base du plug-in « Members » Pour cela, allez dans « Réglages » et cliquez « Members » Les réglages de base du plug-in apparaissent. 5-Et voilà!

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