Flattr - Social microdonations Online Fundraising Website to Raise Money Online for a Cause | Fundraise online for Charity on Crowdrise It will take anywhere from 3 seconds to 1 minute for your pic to upload, depending on how big it is. You're going to see this message every time you post a new pic. So, we're making the text really long so that it'll take you at least five picture uploads to read it all. Here's what we're thinking...While your first picture is uploading think about someone you want to kiss. When you upload your second pic think about one friend who you can beat in a race. On your third photo upload think about your favorite food that begins with the letter H. Solar Photovoltaic Technology Basics | NREL Solar cells, also called photovoltaic (PV) cells by scientists, convert sunlight directly into electricity. PV gets its name from the process of converting light (photons) to electricity (voltage), which is called the PV effect. The PV effect was discovered in 1954, when scientists at Bell Telephone discovered that silicon (an element found in sand) created an electric charge when exposed to sunlight. Soon solar cells were being used to power space satellites and smaller items like calculators and watches. A large silicon solar array installed on the roof of a commercial building. Traditional solar cells are made from silicon, are usually flat-plate, and generally are the most efficient. Third-generation solar cells are being made from a variety of new materials besides silicon, including solar inks using conventional printing press technologies, solar dyes, and conductive plastics. Learn more and watch this video from the National Center for Photovoltaics at NREL.
Buzzbnk - Positive People Backing Bright Ideas Kenyan crowdfunding platform M-Changa launched M-Changa, a new SMS-based crowdfunding platform, has been launched in Kenya expected to enable “individuals who are fundraising to raise more money, from more people, in a faster, more efficient and more transparent way than ever before”. The developers said they have been in closed testing and have now decided that the platform is ready for use by the public. Kyai Mullei, Founder and CEO of M-Changa said: “We founded M-Changa in January 2012 to create a product that successfully marries two distinct traits of Kenyan society, our culture of fundraising, and the Kenyan people’s comfort when it comes to use of mobile money.” The practice of “Changa”, fundraising, in Kenya has been around for many centuries with individuals and groups raising funds for a variety of expenses, ranging from family-related expenses to uplift community projects. Mullei believes their service will be more appealing to the public compared to the more traditional methods of fundraising.
Solar Energy Basics | NREL Solar is the Latin word for sun—a powerful source of energy that can be used to heat, cool, and light our homes and businesses. That's because more energy from the sun falls on the earth in one hour than is used by everyone in the world in one year. A variety of technologies convert sunlight to usable energy for buildings. The most commonly used solar technologies for homes and businesses are solar water heating, passive solar design for space heating and cooling, and solar photovoltaics for electricity. Solar panels installed on a home in Colorado. Businesses and industry also use these technologies to diversify their energy sources, improve efficiency, and save money. Solar Photovoltaic Technology These technologies convert sunlight directly into electricity to power homes and businesses. Concentrating Solar Power These technologies harness heat from the sun to provide electricity for large power stations. Solar Process Heat Passive Solar Technology From the U.S. Solar Water Heating U.S.
Microfinance from CARE International UK | lendwithcare.org Careers in Solar Power PDF file of Careers in Solar Power | Other Green Career articles by James HamiltonBureau of Labor Statistics James Hamilton is an economist in the Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections, BLS. James is available at (202) 691-7877 or hamilton.james@bls.gov. Sunlight is the most abundant source of potential energy on the planet. This article provides information on the process of generating solar power and details various occupations in the solar industry. The second section provides occupational information highlighting a brief job description of several noteworthy occupations that are related to solar power; the credentials needed to work in the occupation, such as education, training, certification, or licensure; and wage data. Using the data from the U.S. Growth of solar power in the United States The solar power industry has experienced rapid growth in the past decade. Map 1. Solar power generation Solar power is a versatile means of generating electricity. Wages