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Almost human: Photographer's intimate studio portraits that show wild creatures making unnervingly similar gestures to us

Almost human: Photographer's intimate studio portraits that show wild creatures making unnervingly similar gestures to us
By Leon Watson Published: 20:31 GMT, 14 November 2012 | Updated: 17:27 GMT, 15 November 2012 How he got them to sit still, we don't know. But somehow award-winning UK-based photographer Tim Flach managed it, and this was the result. The 54-year-old has created a collection of incredible photographic portraits of animals so intimate they reveal the complex emotions of their subjects. And the emotions on show look strikingly familiar to our own. These stunning pictures were created by UK-based photographer Tim Flach, who has made a name taking intimate photos of animals Mr Flach is known for his highly-stylized animal portraits. Almost humanlike: Turned away from the camera, this gorilla was captured for a spectacularly intimate shot After receiving worldwide attention for his photographs of dogs and horses in projects titled Dogs Gods and Equus, Mr Flach, from London, turned his attention to more exotic creatures. Near naked: A chicken pictured mid-stride with one eye on the camera

Yoann Lemoine I was born in 1983, and grew up in a captivating environment full of World War II stories, travels to Eastern Europe, where my family’s roots are, music and 90’s advertising, where both my parents worked. My father slipped a pencil into my hand when I was a kid and I never really dropped it. That’s how I really started to express myself. Later, I discovered directors like Wim Wenders, Elia Kazan, Terrence Mallick, Michel Gondry or Gus Van Sant, painters like John Singer Sargent, Edward Hopper, Mark Rothko, photographers like Stephen Shore, Joel Sternfeld. I started learning illustration and animation at Emile Cohl School, Lyon, and screen-printing techniques at Swindon College, London. Call me a do-it-yourselfer. All these techniques, in principle very different, are really linked together for me, as they are all grounded in my will to materialize my emotions, regardless of the means. I am also a songwriter and singer under the name of Woodkid.

How Companies Learn Your Secrets (Part 1) - Charles Duhigg Andrew Pole had just started working as a statistician for Target in 2002, when two colleagues from the marketing department stopped by his desk to ask an odd question: “If we wanted to figure out if a customer is pregnant, even if she didn’t want us to know, can you do that? ” Pole has a master’s degree in statistics and another in economics, and has been obsessed with the intersection of data and human behavior most of his life. His parents were teachers in North Dakota, and while other kids were going to 4-H, Pole was doing algebra and writing computer programs. As the marketers explained to Pole — and as Pole later explained to me, back when we were still speaking and before Target told him to stop — new parents are a retailer’s holy grail. There are, however, some brief periods in a person’s life when old routines fall apart and buying habits are suddenly in flux. The desire to collect information on customers is not new for Target or any other large retailer, of course.

Jim Goldberg Sunday, 25 October 2009 Jim Goldberg Work from Rich and Poor. “Rich and Poor confronts the myth of the American dream with the harsh economic reality of the American class system. Intimate portraits taken in private spaces these pictures could only have been produced with a level of trust built up over time. More exposing than a nude portrait, Goldberg’s approach is however essentially collaborative – not a relinquishing of authorship (these texts are still the result of the photographer’s carefully formulated questioning) but an attempt to solve the problem of creating a balanced documentary. Browse Business Card Design Templates Shopping from Canada? Switch to your nearest website Closex Business Card designs Previous page Next page Great Escapes Polaroid Less is More Simply Logo Clear Cut Model Home From Home You can quote me 3 Triptych Snap Happy Landscape Triangulate Porthole Portfolio I made you a mixtape Slice of Life Letterbox Simplicity You can quote me 2 Vintage Typewriters 1 Welcome Home Monogram Just the initials Contact Sheet Snap Happy Portrait You can quote me View Paper Industry See all... Style Colour Got something to say? Make text cards > 1-24 of 353 designs Show all Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … 15 Next Next day Rush Printing Order before midnight and we'll print the next day. Products Business Cards MiniCards Postcards Notecards Letterheads Stickers Greeting Cards Accessories Facebook Cards Useful Stuff The MOO Promise Why choose MOO? FAQs Pricing Delivery & turnaround times Artwork guidelines Refer a Friend Privacy & Cookie policy Working with MOO 20+ Employees? Student ordering Affiliate programme MOO for Events Careers Press kit Contact MOO Contact us Blog

Denis Darzacq, livres La chute - Filigranes Editions "Act" - Editions Actes Sud "Hyper" - Filigranes Editions "La chute" - Filigranes Editions "Bobigny centre ville" - avec Marie Desplechin - Editions Actes Sud "Le ciel étoilé au dessus de ma tête" - Ed. "A 14 kms d'Auxerre" - Ed. DENIS DARZACQ (Lauréat Altadis) - Actes Sud / Altadis How the Wall Street Journal's Famous "Stipple Portraits" Are Created (How-to Included) Since their debut in 1979, the Wall Street Journal has featured more than 11,000 of their half-column Stipple headcuts. The signature portraits are created today by eight artists, and feature everyone from Hollywood celebrities to world government officials to Santa Claus. To learn how to create the iconic style, check out this video from the Wall Street Journal: Or, to recreate the effect digitally from a black and white photograph, we're loving this how-to on the Adobe forums: How Stipple Drawings are Made []

How do rappers freestyle on the spot? Freestyle rappers such as Eminem and Philadelphia's Cassidy make up and bust out rhymes on the spot — a hugely challenging art form. Now, however, researchers have learned how the brain does it. A new study finds that when rappers improvise, parts of their brains linked to motivation, organization and integration get active, while portions responsible for self-monitoring and control get quiet. The findings suggest freestyle rappers essentially shut down the parts of their brains that might disrupt their creative flow. "If an athlete starts paying attention to what they're doing, how they're going to move their body to catch a ball, they'll clutch and they won't do it," said study researcher Allen Braun, the chief of the language section of the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), a part of the National Institutes of Health. Freestyle rappers may face a similar challenge when making up rhymes, Braun told LiveScience. The improvising brain Freestyle flow

¿Evoluciona el vallenato o va en decadencia? (with images, tweets) · emccausl Por Adrián Pablo Villamizar (Actual rey de la canción inédita) Que un bien intangible sea considerado Patrimonio equivale a nombrarlo tesoro. Los tesoros inmateriales, anteriormente conocidos como Obras Maestras de la Tradición Oral, son un elaborado producto de los tiempos dentro de una matriz cultural singular e irrepetible. Por razones propias y previsibles del movimiento perpetuo de esas matrices culturales, la fuerza que generan los tesoros de la Tradición Oral tiende a disiparse y finalmente a perderse con el paso del tiempo y la influencia constante de la modernidad con todas sus contracorrientes culturales. Estas últimas no son sino la versión contemporánea y feroz de las mismas corrientes que a su vez crearon el fenómeno o elemento desde sus inicios, hasta adquirir la forma y el contenido conocidos. Los 30 años de mi carrera profesional han transcurrido principalmente en la región Caribe colombiana, a la que he recorrido ya sea como periodista de televisión, de prensa, o de radio. Casi nunca me ha faltado, como fiel compañera, una cámara fotográfica: es como una exigencia de esta región, única, exuberante, bullente. Personajes, paisajes han pasado ante mis ojos y —aun en los grandes apuros— jamás ha faltado la voluntad para detenernos y hacer un efusivo "click". No permito que mi cámara se deje subyugar por un personaje al que ésta no juzgue auténtico. Una familia muestra más de sí misma desde sus cachivaches de desecho que desde un retrato formal de sus miembros; una ciudad termina siendo la paradoja de la luz de un semáforo al pie de una obra monumental. Uno quisiera que una foto fuera autonarrativa, no requiriera de explicación alguna, sino que relatara por sí misma la historia completa.

Vers Wood Slimline Case For iPhone Scott Wade, un hombre que convierte en arte el barro de los vidrios de los autos | Especial Autos VIP Scott es un diseñador gráfico de Wimberley, Texas. Quizás no fue posible exhibir sus obras de arte en ferias de exposición, por eso vio como gran oportunidad para darse a conocer el lienzo que le ofrecían los parabrisas traseros de los carros. font-family:"Arial","sans-serif";Times New Roman"; color:#2A2A2A;">Empezó con los autos de su familia y su fama creció tanto que la gente embarraba sus vehículos a propósito para dejar que Wade dejará su sello en el vidrio. font-family:"Arial","sans-serif";Times New Roman"; color:#2A2A2A;">En su página web muestra una galería detallada de sus obras. Mini Cooper, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Chevrolet y Ford, entre otras marcas, se dejan seducir por los rostros de la Mona Lisa, Albert Einstein, Ronaldihno o los personajes de ‘Alicia en el país de las maravillas’. También dibuja las caras de los propietarios de los vehículos, personajes históricos o hasta el modelo del carro que esta dibujando.

When these guys say NeverWet ... they mean it - Business For one Lancaster County company, necessity was indeed the mother of invention. About three years ago, Ross Technology Corp. needed a better way to reduce corrosion on the steel products it makes here. When they couldn't find a suitable one, they worked on creating something on their own. And eventually they hit upon a slick product that's led to a whole new business. That product is NeverWet, a silicon-based spray-on coating that repels water and heavy oils. UPDATE: NeverWet arrives in stores "When we started getting it to work, we realized it solved a lot of problems rather than just corrosion," said Andy Jones, who leads the new effort. Jones is the president of Ross Nanotechnology, the subsidiary of Ross Technology Corp. that was formed to develop NeverWet. The company now employs 12 scientists, chemists and engineers. They work out of a lab at the Ross Technology headquarters in the Conestoga Valley Industrial Park. Jones quickly mentioned a number of additional possibilities.

YouTube SEO: Video Optimization (Social Spotlight) SEO optimization is still regarded as one of the primary tools in the digital marketing kit. However and wherever a potential customer is conducting a search, brands want their content to surface in the top results. Makes sense. But without a regular flow of good, relevant content, your SEO opportunities run shallow. We know from several studies video is one of the most engaging forms of content, so why not make sure that in addition to being cool, your videos are helping you win the SEO game? Keywords:-Decide what search phrases make the most sense for your video. Video Title: -Try to start and/or end with your keyword. Video Description: -Lead with a link to your site (include Video Tags:-Don’t over-tag. 5-10 tags per video is plenty. Find Linking Pals:-45% of videos are discovered on video sites. Tap the Power of Similar Videos:-Use Video Reply to associate your video with other topic-related videos. Meta Data:-Too much importance is placed on it. @mikestiles

How to Hide Files in JPEG Pictures If you’re looking to hide files on your PC hard drive, you may have read about ways to encrypt folders or change the attributes on a file so that they cannot be accessed by prying eyes. However, a lot of times hiding files or folders in that way requires that you install some sort of software on your computer, which could then be spotted by someone else. I’ve actually written quite a few articles on how you can hide files and folders in Windows XP and Vista before, but here I’m going to show you a new way to hide files that is very counter-intuitive and therefore pretty safe! Using a simple trick in Windows, you can actually hide a file inside of the JPG picture file! You can actually hide any type of file inside of an image file, including txt, exe, mp3, avi, or whatever else. Not only that, you can actually store many files inside of single JPG file, not just one! Hide File in Picture Create a folder on your hard drive, i.e. Now here’s the fun part! And that’s it! That’s it!
